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Thread: White Album

  1. #161

  2. #162
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    White Album has become too cryptic for its own good.

    - Touya's formerly asshole father is now suddenly become some bedridden sage of all knowledge, seemingly knowing everything about everyone all because of a heart attack.

    - They still won't even hint at what Yuki in the Forest means to her and Touya's relationship, why it comes off as so vital that Touya needs to remember it, why it even matters at this point, and why his father knows so much about it.

    - Yayoi's stalker. Some guy she knew, paparazzi, what? I don't really see the point in taking pictures of her and Touya, given that Ogata Productions has all but quashed word of Yuki and Touya having a relationship. Why would it really matter that Touya is sucking face with Yuki's robot manager? It's not really that big of a scandal given how little exposure Touya x Yuki has.

    - Menou. Again, why the big focus? She's not going to compete with Rina, they even said they were collaborating now that she has joined M&M Music. I suppose she would have been a fitting rival for Yuki, but again, now that Rina joined the same company, she has a much bigger pull and draw than Menou, unless she really is that good of a singer. Then again, they have implied the girl who actually writes Menou's songs (one thing the audience knows that the characters don't!) is phenomenal. I don't see the reasoning behind splitting the rivalry.

    - The master at Echoes never says a thing, even when he should. A potential fire might be worth mentioning aloud instead of staring at your absent minded employee until he notices you.

    - The deal with the painting. Some parts of it seem obvious, but I'm sure this series is being stupidly vague on purpose.

    There are so many little dumb mysteries for mystery sake that I don't care about the answers to most of them anymore. Even Rina finally making her move didn't really make an impression. They had better start giving out answers soon.

  3. #163
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed the ending to Ep 18. Touya is hitting everything that moves. It would have been even better if Yuki had walked in on them while they were going at it.
    Last edited by Marik; Mon, 11-02-2009 at 06:59 PM.

  4. #164
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Touya is a total manslut. I forgot to include that in my rant.

  5. #165
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I have nothing to discuss, because honestly, I don't think there's anything I understand. I think my confusion started after Rina dug out that letter.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #166
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    yeah it seems like there's all this stuff going on, but I must've missed something with it all.. it all seems to fabricated and forced. so unnatural. I don't even know whats going on with that aspect of this show.

    \but as for the dude-playing-lots-of-chicks, that was pretty bada t the end when he kissed her D:.

    man, they almost made it.. they almost made an entire episode where no one cried.. but no, they had to have her pour some tears just before the end...

    this episode seemed to drag a lot. if there was some part of it that was supposed to draw me into it, then I missed it...

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  7. #167

  8. #168
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What the hell just happened? This episode felt like a completely different series than the episodes of this season up until now. It felt more like the old White Album I enjoyed over-analyzing finally returned.

    Small things:
    - Misaki running away from Akira after he kissed her.
    - Haruka digging up a tennis racket?

    I guess I was completely wrong about Rina easily clinching the spot for the Venus festival. She's pretty much been relegated to fallen idol status in M3. She even had to push to keep her worthless manslut around. I do like the atmosphere around it though, like she has to suddenly start completely over from scratch, her old fame almost like a dream she had. Back to riding the train incognito, singing backup for other idols (strangely less famous ones), etc.

    I also really loved the scene with her and the two former Sakura Girls members, the younger looking one actually turning out to be older than Rina is. When they were both performers, Rina had all of the maturity that the others lacked, and now with the former-leader becoming a manager, it almost feels like a role reversal. It seemed very awkward, yet fitting at the same time. If the blond girl (Sarii) still fails, I bet Rina wouldn't mind having the leader one (Ayako) be her manager. They seemed to have a good rapport with each other. It doesn't hurt having a former idol as a manager, they already know all of the experiences an idol can go through.

    The whole thing with Menou was very strange. She went from a super obscure character earlier on, to one of the most interesting. She even has a similar past with Touya to the one that has been implied with Yuki since the beginning of the series. It seems she has known him for some time. Her personality switched to a completely different person too. When she was alone with Touya, she became so much brighter than she usually is, filled with much more energy and even a playful mischief. It evaporated each time Rina showed up, so there should be no doubt that she has considerable interest in Touya now that he's back on her radar, and sees other girls as a very active threat. She looked very predatory touching that pole.

    As for Yuki, I don't really have anything notable to say about her, since I find her as interesting as...I can't actually think of an analogy for something less interesting. A bit of psycho behavior though. She is really frustrating because she never explains a damn thing about what is bothering her. Her past with Touya, her current troubles, why she never does anything about it but "wait" and weep alone. She might be more interesting if she wasn't such a two-dimensional character these past 19 episodes.

    I'm glad W.A. is finally starting to get itself together again.

  9. #169
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    ep 7 (20) is out by horriblesubs.

    [Horriblesubs]: Megaupload - Torrent


    well, this is very interesting indeed.

    I suppose CR finally realized it's ridiculous for them to advertise simulcasting subs, when they air this show half a week after it airs in Japan.

    only 3 days after they aired 19.. mm

    however, I watched their version of 15 (i think it was?) and I was very disappointed with it. I will be waiting for [TMD-Raze]

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  10. #170
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  11. #171
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 21

    [TMD-Raze]​ White​ Album​ -​ 21​ - 720p | 400p
    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 11-24-2009 at 02:22 PM.

  12. #172
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    So let me get this straight. Not only did Misaki's creepy stalker stab her, he in fact did not attempt to rape her, he succeeded, and got her pregnant? WTF! She's doesn't seem to be entirely innocent either, since apparently she has been extorting money from them to cover it up (or someone is telling his father she is).

    Or were they talking about an arranged marriage with someone else? His father did mention idols for some reason.

    Haruka suddenly re-entering the picture and being "reborn" aside (since she's not even remotely interesting by comparison to any of the other girls), the highlight was definitely Mana's breakdown. It was pretty well done. It was also shocking, considering that she hadn't ever been actually lied to the entire time.

    Touya told her repeatedly and for once I can't recall him ever lying to Mana (quite the contrary to the other girls), and while her mother accused him of being a philanderer, which was more true than she knows, interestingly enough, it didn't disagree with Touya's story at all, it was exactly what he said. Yet, Mana was devastated by it. Did she somehow like Touya's, "cute lies" about relationships with idols? I'm not quite clear why she was so deeply hurt by it. Mana was very happy about the present too, it was cute how she denied any interest in it while Touya would still be around, she was obviously very happy until her mother revealed Touya had never lied to her.

    Also, we almost got to see some real emotion from President Kanzaki. For how mean she is to everyone, and how hard she is on Mana, she actually does love her daughter. She won't let the negative PR hurt her (by not calling the police), but she pulled in damn near every person she knows that knows Touya to force him to find Mana. She very nearly cried. I took her calling Yuki during her practice session as the most telling and desperate. Huge breech in etiquette and protocol calling a rival's lead act and interrupting valuable lesson time. Kanzaki would have torn someone's head off if someone had done that to her. So she does actually care, she just doesn't show it, and doesn't ever want to come off as weak.

    I hate this show. Each episode shows half a dozen cryptic things that they won't even mention again for another 3 episodes. I knew when they showed Touya in the bathroom that Shinozuka would show up and perform one of her creepy kisses, heh.

  13. #173
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 22 or 9

    [TMD-Raze]​ White​ Album​ -​ 22 - 720p | 400p

  14. #174
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 23 or 10

    [TMD-Raze]​ White​ Album​ -​ 23v2​ - 720p | 400p
    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 12-08-2009 at 01:10 PM.

  15. #175
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I would say that I missed any episode, except for the fact that the gaps were in the episode itself.

    What the hell is with the pacing all of a sudden? First Christmas to New Year's takes like 4-5 episodes, and now partway through an episode, it jumps from a little after New Year's to a few days after Valentine's Day!

    I feel like I missed a huge swath of material. Misaki and Touya hooking up over the death of his father, and now breaking up again, Rina and the President slowly getting on more friendly terms, and a bunch of random stuff with Haruka. Strangely, it didn't look like there was any development with Mana from the time she took the exam to a few months later when Touya took her out to congratulate her. Like she was in stasis for two months. Not to mention that it looks like Rina is coaching Menou's stand in for the actual performance while Menou destroys her own career (for whatever reason).

    Chronologically, this episode as all over the place. I did like finally getting some info on the Echo's Master, as well as clearing up the relationship between Menou, Yuki and Touya a bit. By the president's words, even Mana used to play with Touya, she was just too young to remember it.

    Akira should have known better. He didn't even stop before the intersection, and any cyclist knows that cars don't give a shit about them. Quite frankly, he got what he deserved.

    The stuff with the Dad still pisses me off, what the hell was going on there with Yuki? He was trying to force her to compliment Touya for him because he was too proud to not try and be an asshole to his son all the time? That scene made him off to look like some kind of weird pedophile. It looks like he may have actually forced Touya and Yuki together for some reason, perhaps because she used to board in his home. Perhaps this wouldn't be such a clusterfuck if Touya had naturally gotten together with Menou or something. Menou seems to remember their youth very favorably, while Touya barely remembers her at all.

    Either way, even if Yuki is Touya's "official" girlfriend, the way they never spend any time together makes it come off that their relationship is one of unrequited love from Yuki's side, and some strange obligation on Touya's side. I don't know why they haven't broken up after all this time. He never spends time with her, never calls her back, never even speaks to her, is only sad when he even thinks about her, and comes off as generally happier with every other girl in the damn series!


  16. #176
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    So Rina hates Touya now? He deserves it, but I don't know how I feel about Rina's situation. On one hand, I am glad she won't end up with that bastard. On the other hand, she is probably quite unhappy inside being cheated on by someone she likes. Still, she has no right to complain since she practically stole Touya from Yuki as well (at least from Yuki and Rina's perspective). She probably knew what she was getting into, having heard about stuff concerning Yayoi from Yuki herself.

    Touya needs to die or suffer something horrible before this show ends.

    I wonder why Mfauli is not in this thread worshiping the dirt Touya walks on.
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  17. #177
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    So Rina hates Touya now? He deserves it, but I don't know how I feel about Rina's situation.
    I'm not entirely sure that that is the case. Between the time his father died and the present (day after Valentine's Day), she put him on leave because he was obviously upset about his father's death, even though they only showed him losing it in front of Misaki. Not that he was of much use to Rina anyway, but he was even more than useless. Rina also seemed focused on assisting Menou's Stand In after openly saying she knew what was going on.

    She pushed Touya away months earlier in the cab. She seemed to respect that the president and Menou were keeping the truth hidden, and didn't want Touya to know about it for some reason.

    I don't think Rina hates him, she just found other things to occupy her time while Touya was in grief and being more useless than normal. She doesn't seem to mind most of his dalliances with other girls, like you said, she basically is one herself anyway.

    I'm not quite certain she knows about Touya and Yayoi either. From what we've seen, only Misaki really knows about it for sure. At best Rina might suspect it, but for the most part Yayoi has been very careful. Rina may or may not know about his most recent tryst with Misaki though.

  18. #178
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 24 or 11

    [TMD-Raze]​ White​ Album​ -​ 24​ - 720p | 400p

    v2 patch - MegaUpload | RapidShare
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 12-26-2009 at 10:52 PM.

  19. #179
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    rofl at when the dude told the chick to stop singing. that was so unexpected xD.

    wow.. she kisses another dude, flips out, and runs all the way to his house so she can cry on his shoulder. meanwhile, he's banging every chick he bumps into on the street. pretty obvious who's really committed in their relationship

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  20. #180
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    rofl at when the dude told the chick to stop singing. that was so unexpected xD.
    Indeed. I couldn't help but laugh, though.

    It's weird how Menou and Mana are sisters, but you never see them cross paths or mention each other. I wonder if Touya even knows that Menou is the older sister of his student. Now Yuki is on the scene and she's related to Menou too. I'm looking forward to seeing how they interact with each other.

    I find it funny that they spent so much time on Touya's dad when he was in the hospital being all sage-like, but in the end, he had such an underwhelming death. There really wasn't much reaction to him dying or anything. He didn't even get a funeral that was shown or even a scene at his grave site. It was just "Misaki, my dad died, so let me bang you." At least we got a scene of his stuff being moved....

    It looks like Rina's chances of performing at the Venus Festival are now slim to none. She was hacking up something pretty fierce, so things aren't looking good on her end. Damn that fat ex-manager and Tamaru.

    Akira is still alive, damn.

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