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Thread: White Album

  1. #121
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I get what you are trying to say, but I am also hesitant to agree because that would mean that Rina would get the short end of the stick. While Touya is a bastard, Rina getting dumped by him actually sounds much worse than them getting together.
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  2. #122
    You guys are raging too much. Sure, Touya is an ass and he cheated. But, can you blame him? I don't, or well not as much as you guys seem to hate him.

    edit: The anime's taken a huge nose dive into a pile of shit, btw.
    Last edited by animus; Mon, 03-23-2009 at 12:50 AM.

  3. #123
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah I can blame him, and yeah, I hate him more than normal. That's because I simply dislike cheaters, especially if the partner is as nice as Yuki.

    I don't really think the anime has gone bad. I think it just went... weird? I am still looking forward to the developments, so it is still interesting.
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  4. #124
    I only hate Touya because of his indecisive nature. He confesses his love for Misaki, then lets Yayoi walk all over him, and then he cries about every moment that someone mentions "Yuki" or when he talks about her. He needs to do something, which he seems to be doing by getting tickets to her concert (through other sources).
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  5. #125
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Hadnt he cried all the time, iŽd really like Touya by now. Awsome guy. XD

    But wtf is happening, some guy stabs Misaki with a knife, she luckily had a book inbetween, and her friend, who didnt do anything to protect her, starts laughing in a matter of complete madness.

    Man, if Misaki had died here, the series would have instantly shifted into being like "school days"

  6. #126
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    her friend, who didnt do anything to protect her, starts laughing in a matter of complete madness.
    That was my favorite part. Touya managed to save Misaki while not even being there. That drove Akira insane. He probably lost any chance he had with Misaki, since he didn't even try protect her.

  7. #127
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked that part as well, Akira is such a douche. He refuses when Touya tries to encourage him and Misaki being together, gladly takes her when Touya rejects her, then gets all possessive, but won't do a damn thing for her. He deserves every bit of being shown up by someone who's not even around.

    But my favorite part was when Rina read Yuki's letter from memory. Absolute silence (the score has otherwise been very well placed in each scene) and a really good performance by Mizuki Nana. There was a lot of subtly aside from what looks like just a simple reading. The shot just zooms in, so all the emphasis is placed on Yuki's words through the more expressive Rina, while she recites it with such intense concentration. We got more character development for Yuki in those shot minutes than we have gotten for the rest of the series. I also enjoyed the part where Yuki correspondingly tried not to break down and failed.

    The rest of it was hit or miss. Mana's mother being the other company president was interesting. It sheds another light on Mana because perhaps due to her own connections, we might expect Mana to believe Touya knows not one but two idols all the more easily. Yet she remains the largest skeptic.

    Touya getting three tickets as everyone found out he never got one was very cliche and lame.

    Otherwise, I don't really think this anime has taken a nosedive. It's only preparing to break into a second season. It still remains a far more realistic drama series than any anime romance series. By now we should have expected Rina to break down and hug Touya from behind, Misaki to accidentally end up with her boobs in Touya's face, Yayoi to break down and show some disgustingly cute side to her, and Mana to realize that Touya wasn't lying, all ending with Yuki and Touya reuniting in the rain.

    Instead, Yuki has forcibly separated herself from him, Mana likes him enough to help out his twisted fantasy but won't believe a single thing he says while secretly keeping to herself that she has a crush on him, Yayoi is still a robot skank who coerces Touya to cheat on Yuki because he is a dumbass, Misaki is forcing herself to try and be attracted to someone else, and Rina is starting to unravel more and more, hurt that Touya is cheating on Yuki (perhaps because it is not with her?), hurt that her plans to keep them together are backfiring, and losing her pride because he keeps rejecting her.

    It's slow, but in a very good way.

  8. #128
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Haruka was not the least annoying this episode, because guess who took her place?

    /rhetorical question.

    What pissed me off was how he told Rin that she just drives him home from time to time. So you'd do her, but won't admit it, then feel bad for your girl while continuing to do the other.

    Right. Real tears of regret. As Yayoi said, "If you don't want it, why don't you resist me?"

    Like Ryll and Marik, I totally enjoyed Akira's reaction. He's annoying in his own right, and his jealousy's off the charts right now, but that's what makes him interesting. Misaki seems genuine enough to him. He should just drop this shit with Touya, but he won't, so I'm totally waiting for Misaki to bitch-slap him one.

    Master punching Touya over his actions was really powerful, because even he who remains quiet and doesn't meddle in others' affairs couldn't bear Touya's cowardly actions.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #129
    I guess I'll play the Devil's Advocate a bit.

    Sure I dislike Touya too, but I don't hate him that much. Sure he cheated on Yuki. They're practically in a long distance relationship. She wanted to pursue her dreams, and in one of the episodes where Touya recalls Yuki being the everyday, they had only met once total. Being the Devil's Advocate, I can see how Yuki can be considered, say selfish. She pursued her dreams, her career, and expected to keep Touya, who as we know is head over heels for her.

    Besides, she breaks up with Touya over a letter anyways, and basically says she'll continue her career and she wants to be reborn so that Touya can even love her more. Now, that's weird.

  10. #130

  11. #131
    Odd episode to say the least I guess. Typical cliffhanger for the second season.

  12. #132

  13. #133
    Interesting I guess. The pace I think ended better than it started. Akira at least talked to Touya at the end, though that's mainly because it was an emergency.

    Touya finally pushed Yayoi away...took him long enough. Though, she still came back to his apartment..I wonder what that was for.

  14. #134
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just saw ep13.

    Daaaamn,...this is like School Days, only with a really honest boy as lead. You just cant blame him if he gives in at some point in the future. All the girls keep jumping at him, all while everyone knows that Yuki is his girl friend.

    And, and did i say that Haruka totally looks like Eureka from Eureka Seven?

  15. #135
    More in more, it was expected that the series would end this way for the second season. It was an alright episode, I guess. Touya didn't piss me off as much as he did last few episodes, though.
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  16. #136
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Mana and Rina completely stole this episode.

    Rina for her completely driven push to show up everyone else on that night, including Yuki by playing at two venues in a single night, pleasing all her fans and performing a stunt that is sure to be talked about for some time.

    Even then, Mana took the episode from her. From her obviously horrible excuses for being at his place (that Touya wasn't dumb enough to even think twice about) to her heartfelt little weeps as she tried to run away, and then finishing it all off all snuggled up in a blanket with only her face showing.

    Touya's father collapsed some time ago, if I'm not mistaken it was at least three days prior. I'm thinking he's pretty dead. I did love when Akira pulverized Haruka's bike.

  17. #137
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    well I enjoyed this episode. i thought it was probably one of the better ones.

    yeah, was definitely expecting a cliffhanger setup for the second half like that. all well. until next winter.

    glad to see Yuki so happy, especially with Touya. which just makes the unanswered phone call at the end sad.

    ahh, Mana was so cute this episode. I think she definitely fits the tsundere type, and since she does so well I kind of hate to say it, but I think she's my favorite girl. Maybe I just have a thing for pig-tails.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    then finishing it all off all snuggled up in a blanket with only her face showing.
    ahaha, she's all snuggled up in the blanket. that was awesome.

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  18. #138
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Touya's father collapsed some time ago, if I'm not mistaken it was at least three days prior. I'm thinking he's pretty dead. I did love when Akira pulverized Haruka's bike.
    The only time I remember him "collapsing" was when he was making his way upstairs and consequently smashed the picture of his wife was holding. (Episode 10, ~3min in). The newspapers in that episode were all dated Dec unless he recovered from that and collapsed at a later date...he's been gone for nearly a month.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    ahaha, she's all snuggled up in the blanket. that was awesome.
    "You're not getting anything out of me except for sweat"....

    Rina's still my favourite character. I think I just like the more mature-looking divas. Her determination to stay on top shone with her "It's not over yet", while the others cried (perhaps it's their first concert?) . Mana's a close second, for all sorts of reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    Though, she still came back to his apartment..I wonder what that was for.
    Touya left his present from Yuki in her car, which turned out to be a phone with an answering machine, since he never does.

    Nice episode, though I'm a bit cut we only heard Yuki's song. When the focus is just on one, you don't nearly get the same sense of competition. Prove me wrong, but they made her fans cheer louder too. I was looking forward to Rina's song the most, as she was continually stuffing up when Touya was around.

    Winter seems like a good theme for this show. Too bad when it airs, it'll be hot, steamy (more often than not, just nice, hot) summer here.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-31-2009 at 03:53 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #139

  20. #140
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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