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Thread: White Album

  1. #41
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Awsome episode.
    NOW it´s all shaping up to become the next School Days :P:P:P

    Oh, and Yuki´s manager is totally hot, Touya, go for it!

  2. #42
    There was a lot in that episode to digest. But Touya really has a lot of indecisiveness. The boldness of the manager took me completely by surprise, though it was a welcome sight.

  3. #43

  4. #44
    Misaki's bitching and lashing out was pretty annoying.

    Yayoi's slutty behavior still seems to be a puzzle. It can't simply be her not wanting her prospect to fail. The phone call after her pounce on him, seems to be the reason for it. Brother Ogata would probably be the culprit, since he showed how much of a douche he could be.

    The water color backgrounds with the regular character art seemed like a nice touch.

  5. #45
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Yayoi's slutty behavior still seems to be a puzzle. It can't simply be her not wanting her prospect to fail. The phone call after her pounce on him, seems to be the reason for it. Brother Ogata would probably be the culprit, since he showed how much of a douche he could be.
    Yeah, I think that Eiji is forcing Yayoi to do it, as a way to make up for almost ruining Rina's career. To stay in the idol industry, this is what she has to endure.

    I didn't really care much for this episode since it was mainly focused on Misaki, who turned out to be more of a boring character than I had hoped. The club president seems to have forced himself upon her in the past, I can't wait to see where they go with that.

    Yayoi is too hot to resist and I don't think Touya will be able to for much longer.

    Speaking of Touya, he continued to dig a hole for himself. All of these lies are starting to mount up. Rina and Mana are starting to snoop around also, so it's about to blow up in his face. He and Yuki really need to have a face to face and get all these lies cleared up once and for all.

  6. #46
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I agree on the analysis of Yayoi. It's probably Eiji forcing her to, and she just doesn't care about herself enough after what she allowed to happen to Rina to refuse his request.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    I didn't really care much for this episode since it was mainly focused on Misaki, who turned out to be more of a boring character than I had hoped. The club president seems to have forced himself upon her in the past, I can't wait to see where they go with that.

    Speaking of Touya, he continued to dig a hole for himself. All of these lies are starting to mount up. Rina and Mana are starting to snoop around also, so it's about to blow up in his face. He and Yuki really need to have a face to face and get all these lies cleared up once and for all.
    I don't find Misaka that boring, but I do find her to be just another one of the infuriatingly passive-aggressive characters in this series. While it's true that she is legitimately overwhelmed with the treatment that asshole has been giving her (including forcing his disgusting ass on her), I can't help but shake the feeling she's using this as a way to force herself onto Touya. The desperate call to him, waiting outside his place, the look she had when she saw the pictures of Yuki on his table, and how she listened in on his conversation with her with a depressed look. She's certainly attempting to get closer to him and edge herself in between Yuki and Touya.

    But quite frankly, Akira pisses me off that much more. He likes Misaki, wants to get with her, prepares all these things for her (learned how to make cheesecake?), knows a great deal about her, and does absolutely nothing. He gets all pissed off that people are trying to help him get closer to her, especially Touya (I'm sure that he knows Misaki likes Touya) and never does a damn thing. He doesn't talk to her, doesn't confess to her, doesn't give her any of these things he knows she likes. He just sits there, being a little bitch about it and getting all pissy.

    It does add some realism to the series, because there are a lot of people out there that really act like that (hell, it's part of where the appeal for the Suddenly Girlfriend and Harem genre comes from. No effort involved = girlfriend, readers with no self-esteem find that and ideal). Even I've done it once or twice, but Akira has been pining after Misaka for what, one or two years?

    I don't think Touya is really in that much of a hole yet. But he is starting to realize how frail the connecting between he and Yuki really is. During the scene of Akira retelling Misaki's woes, Akira mentioned how Touya and Yuki were supposedly on many dates, but it turned out to be just one. Yuki and Touya have apparently always been telling each other minor lies, and Touya just pops off another one to keep Yuki from worrying, while Yuki starts to make excuses about why they haven't been together lately. If something else happens though, he will fall into that hole.

    I see that Yuki's song lyrics are about her relationship, at least on some level.

    Then we've got Rina again. I don't really think she's spying on them, because she seemed strangely satisfied that Yayoi was with him at the cafe. She also continually tries to call him this episode and the last. What is she really after?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 02-10-2009 at 05:44 PM. Reason: typos

  7. #47
    I too agree that Eiji is the one tell Yayoi to do something about Touya. I think it's possible that even Rina knows something about this. We haven't really seen her much the last couple episodes, and we can't really tell what her true intentions are. But she is a smart, if not shrewd, girl, and she probably knows what she's doing.

    All these attempts by these girls to go after Touya are really annoying because of how underhanded they are. Even Misaki tries to go after Touya even knowing about Yuki. Rather than confessing their feelings, or ignoring them because they know he's with Yuki, they try to sneak into his life little by little. Part of my annoyance is with Touya too, because even he doesn't really know what he wants. If he states clearly his dissatisfaction with what others are doing, then it would make things more straightforward.

    I'm curious to see how it goes between Touya and Yuki. Do they eventually just mutually break it up, or will maybe Touya start to lust for another person (Yayoi or Rina) with Yuki finding out.

  8. #48
    I'm sure in the grand scheme of things Touya will end up with Yuki anyways. My reasoning? She's voiced by Hirano Aya.

  9. #49
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I actually think he will end up with Rina. Maybe as Yuki's career skyrockets, Rina's starts to peter out. Left with nothing to do and potentially shunned by her brother (who seems to simply tolerate her at some points) she seeks out Touya to steal him from Yuki, whom her brother is keeping away from Touya anyhow.

  10. #50
    Which could be a reason why Rina may know of Eiji's likely interference with Yuki and Touya.

  11. #51
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I actually think he will end up with Rina. Maybe as Yuki's career skyrockets, Rina's starts to peter out. Left with nothing to do and potentially shunned by her brother (who seems to simply tolerate her at some points) she seeks out Touya to steal him from Yuki, whom her brother is keeping away from Touya anyhow.
    I actually think he will have sex with all of them, get one or more pregnant, and is killed in the end....oh well, one can only hope for awsomeness :P

  12. #52
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 7

    [Eclipse] White Album - 07 (1280x720 h264) [A6E75644].mkv
    [Eclipse] White Album - 07 (XviD) [C560ACDF].avi


    Great episode. I found myself laughing the entire time during the car ride near the end. Rina and Eiji going back and forth against Touya, was great.

    Hidden V.I. P. area.. nice.

    Mana seems to be a troubled youth. She seems to have a terrible relationship with her parents and is taking it out on all these tutors. Maybe Touya will be able to help her resolve whatever issues she's having.

    Yuki should have fought back against those other girls. Just when I thought Yayoi was going to resolve the situation, Yuki disappoints me by stopping her. I hope these girls come to respect Yuki in the future, maybe after they hear her single.

    What the hell was that about at the end? The stalker snapped and lost her mind. I couldn't help but laugh for some reason. Poor neighbor, he must have been through that a lot.

    The Yayoi art in the preview was a nice bonus.
    Last edited by Marik; Mon, 02-16-2009 at 11:39 AM.

  13. #53
    Yayoi standing up for Yuki was nice. I wanted her to beat the shit out of them, which I'm sure she might be capable of.

    The Ogata siblings are quite the eccentric pair.

    Haruka sees Touya as her brother's replacement I guess? Does him not being home really crush her like that. He can't always be home at night.

  14. #54
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    during the car ride near the end. Rina and Eiji going back and forth against Touya, was great.

    Yuki should have fought back against those other girls. Just when I thought Yayoi was going to resolve the situation, Yuki disappoints me by stopping her. I hope these girls come to respect Yuki in the future, maybe after they hear her single.
    I do love the Ogata siblings. I was quite impressed that even though we had both of them together, discussing Touya's relationships, that we know even less about what their actual aim in all this is. Eiji is promoting Yuki, and Rina is trying to make Yuki a better singer, but how exactly? It sounded like Eiji implied that Rina wanted Yuki and Touya to break up in order to make Yuki's songs sing with more passion, more hurt, everything, through the experience of the isolation and turmoil they are going through. Then Rina turned it around and although she's working against her brother and Yayoi, claims he's doing the same thing. Seriously, what the hell?

    Either way, great comedy in the car.

    With Yuki, I actually think she's starting to grow up a little. Whatever Rina told her, whether it was a lie or not (no way to tell with how much everyone lies in this series) Yuki seems to have started to develop into a proper idol. Mana was right, those girls are just trying to accomplish with numbers what they lack in talent. Was this a subtle jab at the two huge groups (12+ girls) that were only popular a few years ago in Japanese pop?

    While it's true that Yuki could have Yayoi defend her, what I got out of it was Yuki's own declaration of war. Yuki hopes to blow them away with her new song, rather than relying on the petty tricks and childish games that these girls have used up until now against anyone working under Rina (whom they can't defeat). At least that's what I'm hoping.

    With Touya's father, was his delight at Misaki because he approved of a girl that Touya brought (a proper wife-style girl) or does he actually find himself infatuated with her due to some twisted resemblance to his perpetually mourned wife? Touya cut off Misaki before she was about to say that Touya already has a girlfriend, so it seems that the father doesn't know about Yuki at all.

    Mana seems to be quite the fan of pop idols herself. She knows all of the industry news, and seems to prefer Rina and Yuki.

    I don't think I want to talk about Haruka at all...

    On a final note, does it seem that Touya may have finally begun to shift some affection towards Rina? He was blown away by her song, and it didn't even seem like she had been trying to create this at all until just this moment. Sure, he's been having the occasional dream about her slapping him, but that's just the kind of infatuation and fantasy that everyone has.

  15. #55
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    lol, what the hell was that end. the green haired girl seemed like a cat in heat xD

    also, as a fan of school days, white album could top that series if that father got some action, too ^^

  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Touma......, Touma...., Touma...........Index Haruka desu.......ARGH!!


    Anyway, just picked this up. I've read that a lot of people found this series slow, and the first episode in particular. On the contrary, I found the first ep to be one of the better ones.
    By the end of the episode, you already had an uncomfortable feeling that such a sweet, pure relationship is doomed to fail.

    Realism and the OP were other pluses I liked. The thoughts floating on screen is really powerful. Not only does it not interrupt the flow (however slow it may be), it shows how people speak and think, often differently, at the same time. Part of what makes this so believable.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #57
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 8

    [Eclipse] White Album - 08 (1280x720 h264) [D4761B18].mkv
    [Eclipse] White Album - 08 (XviD) [2E59A3DC].avi


    Good episode, things are starting to get very interesting.

    Haruka took her stalker level up another level by ninja-ing her way into Touya's apartment. I guess she just had to see him, after what she just went though. She's lucky that Mana saved her or it would have been lights out. lol @ that guy copping a feel still, after all that screaming, He must have been really desperate.

    So, Rina finally reveals her true feelings. She's frustrated and lonely because her nii-san doesn't pay attention to her anymore, like he used to. Yuki took her place, so now she's gonna take her boyfriend it would seem. I can't wait to see happens between them during their duet. It'll probably turn into a song battle.

    Poor Yuki, she finally noticed that Touya has been avoiding her. She was really going out of her way trying to get in touch with him, but it was all for naught. Finally she does see him again, and he's giving a present to another woman. The scene with them sitting apart from each other, was a great way to show how far they've grown apart. They're relationship is pretty much done.

    Yayoi is the winner. She was the first to make Touya finally go astray. He finally gave into his own loneliness, and I can't blame him. Punishment!? If that's her idea of punishment, then I want to be punished also.
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 02-22-2009 at 10:59 PM.

  18. #58
    Wait, so Yayoi has a stalker or a secret admirer? She's addressed as Yayoi-sama. At first I thought that was the envelope for paycheck/cash or whatever but I guess not.

    And it was just a matter of time before Touya gave in to temptation. But since he gave in so early, further down the road there'll be no more use for Yayoi.

  19. #59
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Wait, so Yayoi has a stalker or a secret admirer? She's addressed as Yayoi-sama.
    When I saw that, I thought maybe she used to be an idol and was throwing out some old fan mail. I may be wrong, but that's how it looked to me.

  20. #60
    That's plausible I guess. She does have the looks.

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