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Thread: Manga: Change 123

  1. #81
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It went down better than I expected. I haven't had much faith in Kosukegawa lately but at least his priorities were correctly placed in this scene. He realised he was the one responsible (even though it was only being guilty of being naive enough to be used) and his biggest priority was to stop Motoko from becoming a murderer.

  2. #82
    The fight was completely awesome, total domination and destruction.

  3. #83
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The fight really was awesome, but what i really wanted to see was the aftermath of having a fully fused zero so this chapter just felt like one whole huge cocktease for me

    Well... not completely, i did thoroughly enjoy Sora getting bitch slapped around while boasting about her blue status

  4. #84
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I noted that Zero seems...ever so slightly more gentle when dealing with Kosukegawa. He latched on to her and gets in her way in attempt to prevent Motoko from killing anyone, and Zero doesn't beat the ever loving shit out of him. Kneeing him in the stomach and then choking him with his scarf is quite a bit different from what we usually see when someone gets in the way of Zero's target of the moment, like throwing a bar into a motorcycle wheel, blowing kneecaps out with well placed kicks, shooting people, or throwing them at sharp objects (or sharp objects into them).

    Zero seems to recognize that she and Kosukegawa are very close and treats him a bit more kindly.

    Bitches who try to trick her boyfriend...not so lucky. I thought he forgave Sora a bit too easily, but I guess that's just the kind of person he is.

    I agree with Archie. That magnitude of a teaser at the end is really unfair.

  5. #85
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well i don't think that it would be a stretch to say that of all the personalities Hibiki is the one that cares about Kosukegawa the most, so i'm sure that helped immensely to him not getting wasted on the very first blow

    If you think about it the way she still sodomized his ass even while fused with Hibiki is more of a testament to just how brutal Zero really is

    And i think the way he just kinda brushed that shit off with a resounding "whatever bitch, i'm moving on" was way cooler than anything i expected him to say

  6. #86
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Chapter 49

    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 12-26-2009 at 07:25 PM.

  7. #87
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Damn, I figured that Motoko's mother had been hit by a truck, but that I did not expect. Way more harsh than I had imagined.

    With the rumor going around about Motoko nearly killing another girl for trying to seduce her boyfriend, it might be a more hostile environment for keeping HiFuMi secret. I guess Hibiki is taking over as the primary personality in the meantime. That will probably work in her family's favor, since various people in the school will start to suspect something and keep her at bay, increasing the alienation she feels. Fujiko obviously thought about the advantages, and the others were attracted by the idea of not hiding themselves. Of course they don't seem to recognize that that is precisely the kind of environment they get to be in when they are with Kosukegawa, Izuru, and Ginga.

    I sincerely hope they don't take Sumire up on the offer, that would be totally lame. Maybe only go to see her grandmother to reject the offer.

  8. #88
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That a child would be traumatized by such an experience i can understand but you'd think that a grown woman would realize that it wasn't her fault. I obviously can't speak from experience but it does seem like the rational thing; but hen again i'm not sure if reason dictates action when something like this happens.

    Maybe this will translate as an opportunity for Hideo and HiFuMi to grow closer, those 3 and vastly more interesting than Motoko anyway

  9. #89
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    True, but Motoko is not the most mentally stable adult. The fact that HiFuMi and Zero exist at all is proof of that. Motoko's mind forcibly broke Zero apart from her main personality, vowing to never get angry again because that was what (she believes) caused her mother's death.

    On the one hand that is good because it decreases the likelihood that Motoko is the Host. Zero seems to be a isolated subset of emotions, rather than Motoko being created for the purpose of daily life.

    Reliving the trauma is enough to force Motoko into hiding. Motoko is one of the most selfless people since she doesn't suffer rage. She's only ever slightly jealous of the time HiFuMi spends with Kosukegawa. As for being re-traumatized, Motoko faints when she trips over her own feet, so seeing something this shocking again is bound to traumatize her once more. If you bring logic into play, she might view it as she distracted her mother enough that she failed to notice. One might think that a spy/assassin like her mother wouldn't fall so easily, but then again, her only daughter just told her she wished she were dead.

    Now she is just forcing HiFuMi to insulate her from more.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    That a child would be traumatized by such an experience i can understand but you'd think that a grown woman would realize that it wasn't her fault. I obviously can't speak from experience but it does seem like the rational thing; but hen again i'm not sure if reason dictates action when something like this happens.

    Maybe this will translate as an opportunity for Hideo and HiFuMi to grow closer, those 3 and vastly more interesting than Motoko anyway
    Of course it's not rational... that's why psychologists/psychiatrists exist to help out those that have weak mental health.

    I think HiFuMi will go their grandma's house, particularly if people start messing her in school (talking behind her back, etc.). They'll reason that it's for the best, and for Kosukegawa benefit. Then Kosukegawa will get pissed off, and go after her in his Kamen Rider costum.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 12-28-2009 at 09:15 AM.

  11. #91
    I'm more surprised her mom managed to survive something like that. Well survive long enough to get into the hospital and tell Motoko that she had 3 people that would protect her.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  12. #92
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    More Motoko and friends!

    Change 123 - volume 11 chapter 50 [ims]

  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    I think HiFuMi will go their grandma's house, particularly if people start messing her in school (talking behind her back, etc.). They'll reason that it's for the best, and for Kosukegawa benefit.
    Goddam I hate that plot device. Unfortunately it's much more common than the rare reverse case where a troubled person asks a friend or a loved one to help with something potentially dangerous or otherwise troublesome (asks before he/she has been already beaten by the whatever adversary once or thrice).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    More Motoko and friends!
    More boobage for sure. Not much else to say about this chapter. However, I'm not too sure of Kosukegawa's sanity (or existence of balls) if the dude sees that every morning yet won't do anything any real man would be forced to do by his instincts before long.

  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Goddam I hate that plot device. Unfortunately it's much more common than the rare reverse case where a troubled person asks a friend or a loved one to help with something potentially dangerous or otherwise troublesome (asks before he/she has been already beaten by the whatever adversary once or thrice).
    It usually happens because the one character doesn't want to burden the others with their [perceived] personal problem. They don't see that the others are equally hurt that they weren't trusted with the information or asked. This series has surprised us before, with Hibiki reigning it in when Sora kissed Kosukegawa, and trusting him instead of getting suspicious or hurt, and a few other situations. While it is a possibility, I think it would be more likely that Motoko returns before Sumire attempts to physically take her back. HiFuMi still loves Kosukegawa (they loved him openly before Motoko realized that she did), and Hibiki and Mikiri are using him for support with Motoko gone. Hibiki might feel that she is a burden to him, but I don't think the others would be as easily convinced. Fujiko is mature enough to recognize when she is being tricked, and Mikiri thinks too simply for that to happen.
    More boobage for sure. Not much else to say about this chapter. However, I'm not too sure of Kosukegawa's sanity (or existence of balls) if the dude sees that every morning yet won't do anything any real man would be forced to do by his instincts before long.
    Kosukegawa said that seeing her (mostly Mikiri) naked each morning has gotten him used to it. It still turns him on, but much to his dismay, not as much as it used to. It is understandable given words expressed by Kosukegawa and HiFuMi previously.

    While the chapter was fun, it did have some more serious undertones. Kosukegawa is getting depressed about Motoko being gone so long. We know that Motoko was not a host personality, but the remains when her rage splintered off from the emotional trauma of being angry at her mother right before the tragedy. Kosukegawa and HiFuMi don't, since Motoko hasn't been back. Worse, her disappearance after all three parts merged with Zero makes them more convinced that that is precisely the case.

    He's starting to recognize that if she doesn't come back, and with this many months that it is becoming more likely that she never will, he will have to carve out a life for HiFuMi to live in relative happiness. The downside is that that means that he and HiFuMi will be together, but not as lovers. Both Kosukegawa and HiFuMi have expressed that while he loves all four of them and they all love him, without Motoko's consent, they don't want to act on their feelings. To them, Motoko was the main personality, the others were just borrowing her body. Acting on their desires would be a betrayal to Motoko's feelings, like they were ignoring her.

    That's why he won't make a move on HiFuMi no matter how much he sees her naked, and why they haven't made any progress with him. They are all too worried about Motoko.

  15. #95
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    That's why he won't make a move on HiFuMi no matter how much he sees her naked, and why they haven't made any progress with him. They are all too worried about Motoko.
    That makes sense. But still, he could play with her just a little bit. If seeing her naked doesn't get him excited that much anymore, the logical step would be to go just a bit further until he's again excited and stop there. Since he seems to have the uber self-control to stop himself.

  16. #96
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Meh, fanservice chapter

    Weird question but from what FT chapter is this from?

  17. #97

  18. #98
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    A whole lot of talking and not enough action, and the worst part is that we didn't really learn anything new

  19. #99
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I get a feeling Kosukegawa's relationship with Hifumi is somewhat strained now that Motoko isn't present anymore. He enjoyed their company in the past when he knew Motoko will soon be back but now he needs to keep himself in check in order to prevent himself from saying that directly and aloud.

  20. #100
    I thought it was a well balanced chapter myself. We see him going on dates, and particularly Hifumi seeing that he's showing fake smiles to them. Then Hifumi taking it upon themselves to force Mokoto out, we then learn a bit more from her family, then we get some fighting, and then we end with a cliffhanger of possibly her secret coming out (which I doubt).

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