Quote Originally Posted by Munsu View Post
How many communities are there of dark skinned blue-eyed people?
lol "Brown people don't have blue eyes. Better make these brown characters white."

I realized my mistake in calling them "Asian" since they are obviously meant to be Native American, and corrected myself. That doesn't change the issue. If a character is not obviously black/asian/indian, then he or she is neutral and white. That is the accepted reality that you are describing.

I won't respond to anything else you said because it's exactly the type of hand-wringing and nitpicking I was referring to. It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to ignore the fact that the show is deeply rooted in Asian cultures with a primarily non-white cast because you want to excuse that a bunch of white kids were cast as brown characters because they were defined by Shymalan to be "ambiguous".

I won't derail any further. In the end, it's not a crime against humanity, but rather a disappointment. It's indicative of the state of Hollywood that Asian/brown actors could have been cast in a role that didn't paint them as caricatures, but were ignored in favor of marketability.

Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
But at the same time I think it's wrong to try to force others not to see a movie because the characters aren't the race you think they should be (I'm not denying that the casting director is racist either lol).
Maybe they were dicks about it, but if I were your friend I'd try to convince you not to financially support this kind of whitewashing.