ALICIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JENNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIIINS!!!!!! I wonder how many nails is she's going to embed in the coffin of her credibility as anything but a fluff character with a gun before this show is over...
There's a blurry line between courage and sheer stupidity. A stupid action taken in desperation might qualify as courageous but when one is part of a squad and that squad has several options for how to approach an objective pulling a Leeroy Jenkins rather than planning out a strategy is not courageous it's just stupid.
If Ms. Jenkins had at least waited for someone in her squad to take out the sniper in the guard tower or at least coordinated her charge with the others in the squad I wouldn't have found it all that terrible, but no. Not only did Alicia just charge in like a raging bull with no plan but she ignored her superior officer's orders in doing so while at the same time inciting the rest of the squad to follow her thus putting all of them in danger completely of her own volition.
Running at the enemy with nothing but the power of your burning soul to protect you works great in shounen anime but it looks retarded from a military standpoint no matter how you slice it. Judging by the way Alicia never seems to show fear or regret even after being shot for the first time maybe she has enough genre savvy to know that bullets never actually hit anyone in her universe (unless they are aimed at Imperial soldiers, and even then only sometimes) and that wounds are never fatal (or even debilitating) if you are loud enough and charge into fights enough. It's too bad she's on this show and not Gurren Lagann, I think she'd make a great addition to their cast.