To be honest, what I liked was the fact that Ramal spent some time with Isara while Welkin is still insecured about what to actually do about Alicia (and Faldio). Something needs to be resolved, and quick!
To be honest, what I liked was the fact that Ramal spent some time with Isara while Welkin is still insecured about what to actually do about Alicia (and Faldio). Something needs to be resolved, and quick!
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I think I am going to drop this series. It can't even keep my attention during an episode anymore. It takes me four or five tries to finish each episode lately.
The only thing that didn't really go as expected was Isara. I believe it's the first time she's actually played someone around like that, not even her brother. It adds a nice touch to her otherwise generic good-girl character.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
That was actually pretty good. Isara's "death" wasn't heart wrenching, but something moved. I think it was more the empathy for Rosie finally letting go of it all, then having another person taken away from her again.
With the recent developments, I'm currently more of an Isara fan than an Alicia.
Again, strategy took the back seat after character development. Why didn't you just bring smokescreen launchers? Is it a rare invention or something?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Isara just invented them.
They didn't exist in this alternate universe.
I'll assume you're serious. That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.Originally Posted by RyougaZell
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The anime failed to explain it...Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
The game specially made you know this. She DID invent them for this alternate universe...
Oh my God... why did they have to kill someone that I liked!![]()
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Wait... what?Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Why did the enemy soldiers realize (and even shout out) that Welkin and the others are using a smokescreen strategy if it had just been invented then?
Plot mistake?
Actually... what Isara invented was the Tank Bullets full of Smoke. That point was driven into our skull several times during the game.
I dunno. Im just pointing out what the game did and why they didn't had launchers like Bill suggested.
I sure hope she isn't dead. It didn't fee quite as powerful as a real death scene, and the whole flow was ruined by showing a shot of Welkin and their victory in between. I can see that they're trying to show they won at a price, but it wasn't done as well as I would have liked. Still, I felt something tug. Minimal, but it was there.Originally Posted by Nadouku
[GAME SPOILER]>> I couldn't stand the wait, so I went and check out what happened in the game. Supposedly, Isara really does die, but it doesn't necessarily mean she'll really die for sure in the anime counterpart. Reason is, the anime hasn't introduced the replacement tank driver yet, and have also given a lot more character development to Isara. Ramal is also a new character.
I've said this before, but since things like story and plot are out the window, all that's really left here is the characters. It really doesn't help for them to kill of my favourite character, as well as possibly my favourite pairing.
If they really are going to kill her off, they should have really tried hard to make it seem like a real death scene (ie emotional). My first reaction before learning about the game was "Oh, that was shocking. Meh, she'll be back."<<[END SPOILERS]
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I know Welkin takes the biggest toll here for losing Isara, but his decisions are pretty self-centered if he thinks it's the best for his squad (and for anyone else). Alicia already confessed, but got rejected, and even Faldio's starting to show his own anger over Welkin's foolishness. Welkin needs to shapen up, and quick!
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I'm on Welkin's side on this one. You can't really expect someone who has lost someone that integral to their life to make logical, smart decisions. He is obviously killing his emotions just to stay sane, and everyone around him acts as if they want him to "cheer up" and act like he always did. That expectation in itself is unfair, and self-centered. Alicia adding to the problem by confessing is a fantastic way to top it off.
Faldio punching Welkin reminds me of a scene in Ef. No matter what excuse he makes, Faldio hit him because of his own frustration. The girl he likes likes Welkin after all. Other factors might contribute, but that would be the most relevant one.
Faldio complaining about losing his subordinates was stupid IMO. He lost comrades, but Welkin lost a comrade, and probably the closest living person in his life, who he has known and depended on since childhood, who he considered as family. I really can't see how this can compare.
I am not saying Welkin has the right to act emo forever (it isn't even emo really, since he is killing his emotions, the opposite of being emo), but he at least has that right for now, without people badgering him to act the way they want him to act.
They want him to cheer up because they fear that his depression might be affected upon his leadership and that probably reduces the overall morale of his people. He can't lead his squad to victory if he can't lead himself correctly. I do understand that this might take a while for Welkin to solve on his own, if that will be the case in the next few episodes.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Death cannot be solved withing a day Flonne... err.. Nadouku.
I share shinta's view on this. The one hurting the most is Welkin... and the only one that can probably get him out of it is himself. Alicia and his squad can try and get him out of it... but not that soon. The funeral was just... what? 1 day ago? 2 days ago?
Yea, I understand. Hopefully, he can pull himself out of the hole and right back on spot before another major battle comes forth. I don't want him to lose his ability to command when hurt.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.