View Poll Results: The Hokage from the new generation should be:

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  • Naruto

    19 33.33%
  • Sasuke

    1 1.75%
  • Shikamaru

    21 36.84%
  • Neji

    4 7.02%
  • Lee

    4 7.02%
  • Sakura

    4 7.02%
  • Shino

    1 1.75%
  • Sai

    3 5.26%
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Thread: Who deserves to be Hokage?

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    In my mind, it is a toss up between Shikamaru and Naruto. Shikamaru is very smart, but he needs more techniques before he is a Kage level ninja. A lot more techniques. Yes, he took Hidan on one-on-one. But as Abdula said, Hidan only had one (very powerful) technique. I don't think Shikamaru would have had been successful fighting against Kakuzu, for example.

    Naruto isn't as smart as Shikamaru, but he has a lot of powerful techniques, including the kage bunshin (which he uses very well), many variations on the rasengan, and call always call upon the Kyuubi in a pinch. Naruto has already been effective against kage level ninja -- Orochimaru, for example.

    This is speculation, but I think Sasuke is ANBU. Assuming his is loyal to Konoha, he would be fine choice too.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Sasuke being ANBU would be the ultimate plot twist. He seems to be looking for revenge for what konoha put itachi through.

    If Naruto is still living, he's a shoe-in. I don't think sasuke is coming back.

  3. #23
    I personally think Kakashi's generation is going to be skipped when it comes to the Hokage question. Otherwise Kakashi would be the obvious choice. I think Tsunade will hold onto the position until Naruto matures enough to surpass everyone else and is the obvious choice.

    Shikimaru is definately a good choice right now, but I agree with others that he doesn't have enough techniques and skills powerful enough to be anymore then great support without having prior knowledge of his opponents.

    As for Sakura, she definately holds the potential to become Hokage. She is more passionate then Tsunade is, and is arguably just as strong as Tsunade now. Tsunade only surpasses Sakura in the form of her Slug summoning, and knowing more techniques due to time and experience.

    In my mind at current, I'd say Neji is the best candidate. He has the smarts, and has the ability to counter most attacks. He'd need to gain a considerable amount of chakra as he continues to grow though.

    I don't want to limit any ages when talking about Hokages. Those of you talking about age limits are thinking real world applications, which definately make sense, but in this world with incredible strength, powers/abilities where kids can be uncharacteristicly mature, and powerful at young ages, I think it'd be based far more on the individual's statistics. Just look at Gaara. Noone in sand could touch him by age 6?

    Now when thinking about characters maturing further and getting stronger, without a doubt Naruto becomes the only choice... He's already stronger then any of the others, and Kakashi thinks Naruto has even surpassed him. He's only going to get stronger and more deadly as he matures and gains more control over the emence power he already has.

    My vision of a Hokage is someone who's specifically selected to guide the direction of and protect the village. Naruto has more love for Kanoha then anyone, and he's already one of the strongest Aces when it comes to protecting the village. When the time comes I just don't see anyone currently in the village able to come anywhere near the level that Naruto will eventually attain. My guess is without a doubt, Naruto will be the next Hokage...

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Konohamaru!
    In my mind at current, I'd say Neji is the best candidate. He has the smarts, and has the ability to counter most attacks. He'd need to gain a considerable amount of chakra as he continues to grow though.
    Neji is probably disqualified, being from the Hyuuga branch family and carrying the seal. He would be a hokage completely at the mercy of the main family leader (Hinata's old man at the moment). That would be somewhat strange and probably too suspicious to all the other clans and folks of Konoha.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Neji is probably disqualified, being from the Hyuuga branch family and carrying the seal. He would be a hokage completely at the mercy of the main family leader (Hinata's old man at the moment). That would be somewhat strange and probably too suspicious to all the other clans and folks of Konoha.
    Hrm, thats true... it would definately make for an interesting dynamic. I don't think it's something that Kanoha couldn't get past, but that is for sure something to consider... As I think more about it, another flaw of Neji's is his somewhat loner attitude... he's great at what he does, but I'm not sure he'd be all that great at inspiring others...

  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's sort of hard to see who'd qualify for Hokage, since in real life situations, the best warrior's not necessarily the best leader. Who knows what they're looking for in a Hokage, but if you just call the position the "leader", then the first thing that comes to mind is Charisma, and who can match Naruto on that level?

    To me, being the leader isn't about having ability, but being able to effectively use other people's abilities for the group's common goal.

    Naruto = Hokage
    Shikamaru = advisor
    Sasuke = ANBU

    etc etc.

    As long as people are willing to follow you, you should be a fairly decent Hokage, a decent leader.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You are right, though it would help if Naruto wasn't an idiot anymore. Personally, I wouldn't want to follow an idiot, because like the old saying goes, the one who follows a fool is an even worse fool.

  8. #28

    Who voted for Shino?

    I personally think that Shika has the best chance. He is already working along side the Hokage now. Yeah Sakura is her pupil, but Shika seems more likely with his experience. And he is smart as hell.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  9. #29
    Genin The1LittleMchale's Avatar
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  10. #30
    I do hope they are selecting another hokage while Tsunade is still alive. Would be more interesting to see 2 operating hokages.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    I do hope they are selecting another hokage while Tsunade is still alive. Would be more interesting to see 2 operating hokages.
    That would only happen if Tsunade retires, and with that her authority. She could still command respect and be valued for her opinion, but she'll no longer have any official rights. If Naruto (was elected Hokage in this scenario) decided to do something, she can only call him an idiot and back him up.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #32
    But the situation of two hokages being active at the same time happened at least twice.
    The first and the second were active together.
    The third and the fourth too.

    And we're not even sure if the third was active with the first and second hokage.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    The third and the fourth too.
    I was under the impression the fourth assumed power when the third retired. But when the fourth got himself killed with the sealing jutsu, the third returned to the office. It would surely make a lot more sense than having multiple leaders. After all, a country normally has only one president or prime minister in power. The rest are nothing but ex-ones. Not to mention this is basically a military village, which would make having no clear hierarchy extremely dangerous.

    I don't think you quite thought this through, ASSpirine.

  14. #34
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    But the situation of two hokages being active at the same time happened at least twice.
    The first and the second were active together.
    The third and the fourth too.

    And we're not even sure if the third was active with the first and second hokage.
    The first passed the title onto the second, who then gave it to the third etc. The rest Kraco's already gone through.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #35
    I would say naruto. He has a good heart, has courage and doesn't give up. Also he treasures everyone in konaha (or so it seems, i think i heard in an episode that he did care for everyone in konaha, directly).

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