In the current anime story arc Shikamaru is kicking serious ass. His fighting abilities are right up there with powerful Akatsuki ninja. I think Asuma was right, Shikamaru definitely has the potential to be Hokage. In fact, I would rather him be Hokage than anyone else out of the current generation.
In a fight he is strong. It doesn't matter if he is relatively weak physically, as fighting ability is determined by the sum of your talents. What he lacks in spectacular jutsu's he makes up in phenomenal intelligence. He is emotionally in control, which means he is not fool like Naruto who gets his knickers in a twist all the time or like Sasuke who lets his emo anger control him. Plus you could say he is gaining experience in leadership, diplomacy and foreign relations as he has already led platoons and dealt with the Sand on behalf of Konoha.
So lets take a vote on who should be Hokage from the current generation. I think though there may be others who are physically stronger than Shikamaru but for me he represents the overall best package.