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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 86-87

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 86-87

    [DB] Naruto Shippuuden 086-087 [B46272E9] avi @ Mininova

    Comments claim it's the real deal. DB torrent site still down at time of posting.

    Edit after watching: It's DB. Preview is....okay, I guess. Still better off without.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 10:46 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Yup its the real deal. Some kind of a "troll" i guess since they wouldnt post in on their own site.

    But MAAAAAAAAAAAN was that one KICKAAAAAAAAS episode! Or two of them

    Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Animation was decent, no stretching and minimum flashbacks.

    Narutos new tech is kinda lame since its just a stronger rasengan with two clones instead of one now :P But hey atleast he can use his clones more efficiently now.

  3. #3
    I can see the DB site, there's a news post about christmas cards, but no Naruto release listed yet.

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think this (double)episode was a bit stretched or at least had a much slower pace than the previous uber kickass one. But still a very nice ep. There was one thing, though, that greatly bothered me: How both Kakashi and Shikamaru used such a long time to explain the plan to the villains. What merit whatsoever does such an action serve? It didn't matter much to Shikamaru or may have even be necessary because it was a personal revenge for him and the continuation of his plan allowed it anyway, but for Kakashi it was quite a mistake. He should have used the time to turn Kakuzu's body into minced meat or charcoal, starting from the head.

    It was also funny how Chouji attacked the hairy trolls with all he had got, and they just continued running as if nothing had happened. Looks like Kakashi isn't the only one who could learn a thing or two from this battle.

  5. #5
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well well, should I be surprised they can pump out good episodes one after another? -Anyhow, this one was very enjoyable. It was stretched at some points. The main one for me was Kakashi explaining the situation to Yamato. It wasn't that bad, but hearing it again sure wasn't entertaining.

    -I'm not sure if Shikamaru's plan on keeping Hidan's head there is foolproof. If Akatsuki keeps tabs on their men at all, Zetsu will be right there to clean up the place. We know their leader can communicate telepathically with them, so as long as Hidan has a brain, he can call for help.

    -Naruto's Rasengan-Shuriken reminds me of the good old Zabuza arc. Let's hope it means there's more good things to come. Kakuzu losing his cool a bit felt like the typical cheezy Shounen main-character-made-a-new-awesome-technique lines. I don't mind him acknowledging that it'll KO if it hits, but sweating like that and all really isn't Kakuzu. Surely he's seen the face of death a few times to keep his cool. I know he's not freaking out, but he's getting there.

    -New cinematic trailer was interesting, and I doubt it'll happen every episode. It's probably there to simply introduce the new arc. Meanwhile, the woman Orochimaru summoned (presumably) looks suspiciously filler-like. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

    -Cocoon-sleepless Yamato was hilarious.

    Edit: This new release method makes me scratch my head. Are they thinking of getting around "not subbing Naruto" by simply not hosting the torrent? For now, I'm going to assume it was a technical problem on DB's side.

    Edit2: -Kakashi said "So water attacks aren't enough to stop a fire-wind combination." Depending on how you look at that, it could mean he had enough confidence that his water attack may have been enough to stop either a fire or wind attack. Assuming those elemental attacks are high level, one would expect it takes an equally high one to counter it, elemental advantages aside. So, Kakashi is also a water type?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 11:30 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I figured Kakashi was water and lightning affinity....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #7
    Ya know, this is the first episode in a long, long time where Naruto actually impressed me. The new rasengen looks cooler then I expected, but what really got me was the clone work. The village idiot appears to be finally growing a brain. A Naruto who thinks things through and plans intelligently would be far more dangerous and much more enjoyable to watch, even with no new techniques.

    One of the things I loved about him way back in the day which has fallen by the wayside what the whole 'number one noisy ninja at suprising people.' He used to improvise and come up with unusual and interesting tactics like cloning underwater in the survival test with Kakashi, turning into the shruiken vs Zabuza, or even using his rasengen to create a whirlpool back in the race arc. But lately its all been 'ooh, he had a lot of stamina, ooh, he has a powerful attack, ooh he's dumb as a brick." Which is no where near as interesting. Here's to hoping that the intelligent use of clones is a good sign for the future.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    well, I didn't like the shikamaru and Asuma flash back, or the whole taking forever to explain the plan. I didn't like seeing Asuma's ghost, that was weird, and the deer thing was just kinda like "what..?". and I don't get how so many explosive tags made such a tiny concealed explosion. they've so inconsistent with those things.

    but I did like seeing shikamaru's plan go into action. awman, when he slashed his throat. that was such a cool part. and then Yamato coming in was cool. seeing naruto's new technique was kinda 'meh'. him 'using the clones on a new level' thing was kinda like 'uhh?'.

    and didn't kakashi use an earth move, and then a water move? so can he use 3 things?

    user posted image

  9. #9
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Naruto has his moments, but they are just that moments.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pessu
    no stretching and minimum flashbacks.
    You've got to be kidding me. As is the norm with these hour long specials this one was watered down with stretching, flashbacks and filler material. It was terrible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    I figured Kakashi was water and lightning affinity....
    Uh huh..........

    @ Bill: That is indeed filler, and it explains why they didn't show the three tails before. They are saving it for a filler arc. This show has really gone down the drain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    and didn't kakashi use an earth move, and then a water move? so can he use 3 things?
    I think I mentioned this two episodes ago, but just in case I didn't. That technique Kakashi uses when he hides underground is a skill. Much like walking up trees, or walking on water its a skill anyone can learn and doesn't require any elemental recomposition.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 02:09 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  10. #10
    No stretching and minimum flashbacks... I was thinking of that during the whole ep and wondering, how much of this did that poster sleep through?

    Even with that, an enjoyable episode. Shikamaru is awesome as usual, Naruto gets the upper hand in the perfect position to lose it, you know all the stuff that makes this show great.

  11. #11
    To be fair, the flashbacks were at least nearly all new material, rather then just reshowing clips from previous shows. I would prefer no flashbacks, but these were better then a lot of the other flashbacks we've been subject to.

  12. #12
    True, the Asuma flashback was good. I was also wondering why they flashed back for the attack on Kakuzu, for about a minute, then I was like "oooooh so THATS how Shikamaru did it..." and it was worth it.

    The insomnia Yamato clip was funny. Rasengan when sleeping, I hope he has homeowner's insurance!

  13. #13
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, that wind rasengan came out way cooler looking than I thought it was gonna. A giant shuriken? Awesome. And ninja-ish for once. Sometimes, you start to forget that this show is supposed to be about ninjas and not wizards.

    I really don't buy the "these magic deer will make sure you never get out" part of Shikamaru's plan either. I was with him right up till that point. Blowing him up like that? Beautiful. I was really hoping that he had maybe researched Jashin and figured out how Hidan was staying alive and came up with the counter for it. Instead its...well, its like has already been said, I'd be surprised if those deer are able to keep Zetsu from digging up Hidan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    I think I mentioned this two episodes ago, but just in case I didn't. That technique Kakashi uses when he hides underground is a skill. Much like walking up trees, or walking on water its a skill anyone can learn and doesn't require any elemental recomposition.
    Hmm, digging a hole like Naruto once did might be. But the way Kakashi swims through the earth is most likely not. Either way, Kakashi most definitely knows Earth-style jutsu.

    Earth type, or as the english translation would call it, Earth style. He's not copying that technique from anyone either. And that's the exact same technique he used on the lightning mask this episode.

    So at this point, Kakashi can clearly use at least 3 elements.

    So is the trailer at the end, like, a movie, or an OVA or what?
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 06:18 PM.

  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    He's not copying that technique from anyone either.
    The sharingan only needs to see it once to use it again. Ever. Officially, Kakashi's only original technique is his Raikiri. Other moves he either copied from people, or common moves everybody learns.

    As for the deer, I'm pretty sure Shikamaru said his clan will make sure he never gets out. His clan owns the land, and only they enter. The deer was just for effect. (Shika means "deer".) At first, I thought those deer were going to eat Hidan

    Rasengan-Shuriken implies you can throw it. I wonder if you can control its flight path using wind manipulation?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #15
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    As for the deer, I'm pretty sure Shikamaru said his clan will make sure he never gets out. His clan owns the land, and only they enter. The deer was just for effect. (Shika means "deer".)
    I see. Still. How big is Shikamaru's clan? I wouldn't really places any wagers on them vs. Akatsuki should they decide they want Hidan back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    The sharingan only needs to see it once to use it again. Ever. Officially, Kakashi's only original technique is his Raikiri. Other moves he either copied from people, or common moves everybody learns.
    Yeah I know. I was just clarifying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Rasengan-Shuriken implies you can throw it. I wonder if you can control its flight path using wind manipulation?
    Haha, so Naruto has become Krillin?

    Destruction Disk!

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I always figured Shika meant the land was guarded by some holy ancestral powers or something.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #17
    The upbeat soundtrack at 8:50 was good sh** (when Shikamaru swipes at Hidan's neck). I always appreciate it when they introduce the electric guitar back into the ensemble, since it really kicks ass over the otherwise arabian-esque character of Shippuden's music.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    but it sucks that they are only playing the songs for like 5 second and interrupt it with a flashback or showing the same scene a second time just without the music...

    I think that happened for like 4-5 times in this episode.

    once again they killed the whole tension by doing so

    ep 85 was alot better than this
    even though 86-87 had a lot more potential (the explanations and such were too long for me)

    Shikamaru and his "Deer-Forest" was not so good.. mysterious animals and such should stay with jidai-geki themed animes in my opinion. At least I couldn't really understand why *his* clan has its own forest, or why there are some weird magical(?) deers in it

    well, the episode was "okay".. it's just that they could have make it 10 times better if they wouldn't insist on cliffhanger endings and squeezing out everything.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 08:15 PM.

  19. #19
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    once again the lack of imagination in these posts prove why kishimoto has to beat shit with a dead horse in his explanations.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #20
    Why on earth does everyone think there's anything special about the deer? It's just a forest that belongs to his family that has (Shika) deer in them... Why can't they be the caretakers of a forest outside of Konoha?

    Have the deer actually done anything at all? No.

    And haven't we only seen the telepathic link when they sit down to communicate? Perhaps it involves handseals which could be quite tricky to accomplish in Hidans current state, and if nobody knows where he is then it's safe to say they wouldn't find him. And his family should be relatively strong since he himself planned the takedown of no less than two Akatsuki members on his own...

    This/these ep(s) had too many sporadic flashbacks and explanation scenes for my taste...
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

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