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Thread: Upcoming Anime Winter 2009

  1. #1
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Upcoming Anime Winter 2009

    I was doing some searching and came across a preview of upcoming anime for the winter '09 season. As always, the credibility of the image is subject to change.

    The sequel to Shikabane Hime looks interesting to me, even though I still haven't watched any of the first series. Also looking forward to Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk, Kurokami, Asu no Yoichi, Akikan (although the premise sounds really weird), and Maria+Holic.

    Of course, I know most people will be looking forward to Hajime no Ippo 2 and Major 5th Season; but those series just really aren't my cup of tea.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  2. #2
    ANBU KoKo37's Avatar
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    Here is a more updated version. Although it can be hard to judge a series with just a picture and a brief summary, the ones I am anticipating are :

    For Sure :

    Hajime no Ippo -
    I read about 30 volumes of the manga a couple years ago and when the new series was announced awhile ago I watched the anime of it. Probably my favorite sports anime/manga of all time and actually got me laughing out loud during some scenes. Getting a sequel thats going to have modern animation is going to be nice.

    Kemono no Soja Erin -
    After reading two summarys for this show from the winter anime list and on AniDB, I'm really looking forward to it. 50 episodes long, made from the same author of Seirei no Moribito (Which I thought was fantastic.) and the synopsis get my hopes up that it'll be a lengthy enjoyable series

    Kamen no Maid Guy OVA -
    I found the first season very funny, so I'll be picking up the OVA, although I think it is only one episode which is disappointing.

    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei -
    I absolutely loved this series, both seasons of it, no chance I won't be watching the OVA.

    Considering :

    Zoku Natsume Yuujin-chou -
    I've been meaning to check out the first season of this show, I liked the premisis of it and it's got an excellent rating on AniDB. I'll be picking up the second season if the first impresses me.

    The Tower of Druaga ~the Sword of Uruk~ -
    Watched the first season, enjoyed it.

    Queen's Blade -
    I like the sounds of the summary, and if it turns out to be a darker series I'll probably be picking it up.

    Interesting looking series, and I like the looks of the cover picture.

    Minami-ke Okaeri -
    I enjoyed the first season, and never really got around to watching the second. If the first couple of episodes of season 3 are enjoyable I'll probably watch the second season and pick this one up.

    Major 5th Season -
    Is the fourth season even done subbing yet? I'll probably wait until this one is completely subbed before watching it due to inconsistent releases.

    These are the series I'll probably check out an episode or two before judging, however if a different series is getting talked about positively on these forums, I'll check it out as well, as quite often there is a series that I think will be garbage but turns out to be a great one (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kaiba etc.)

  3. #3
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Maria-sama 4 and Ippo 2 for me. I'm really looking forward to both.

  4. #4
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Ooooh, I love perusing these up-and-coming anime lists!

    One must-watch for me will be Kemono no Soja Erin. Based off a book by the author of Seirei No Moribito! I'm a big fan of fantasy anime, and Seirei No Moribito just seemed to do everything right, with lots of attention paid to making the setting realistic, and a good dose of the supernatural. The characters had a lot of depth, and were very memorable. I have high hopes for this series.

    My other must-watch is the Higurashi OVA. Heck yes. That series was brilliant.

    Others that I might check out are Kurokami, Ride Back, and the sequel to Shikibane Hime if I ever get around to completing the first one.

  5. #5
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Ask yo moma
    er Queen's Blade is a Hentai right?

    cause i mean i kinda have some .... im just saying
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  6. #6
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Z Mazinger???

    That I MUST see...

  7. #7
    Missing Nin
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    Hmm several series I'll likely check out.

    Definitely watch:
    Zoke Natsume Yuujin-Chou: The first season was actually quite good it was much different then I expected and I'd happily watch another season.

    Birdy The Mighty Decode: D Another series where I was really surprized by season one and had never seen the orignal OVA but I definitely look forward to another season.

    Slayers Evolution-R: I really like slayers and should get around to finishing Revolution

    Hajime No Ippo: Wow something I NEVER thought would get another season but I'm more then happy to watch it the original was one of the best Sports anime's ever made.

    Major 5: This show REALLY needs a better subbing group as it is the best sports anime ever made. Every season has been amazing and its nothing like what you would expect.

    Maid Guy OVA: I liked the TV season of it so how can a OVA not be awesome.

    Likely watch:
    Shikabane Hime Kuro: The first season has been alright but its not over yet so it really depends on the rest of the Season.

    Might watch:
    Minami-Ke Okaeri: Season one was hilarious season 2 disturbed me early and wasn't even close to as funny then everyone stopped subbing it so I can't say I ever finished it. Season 3 depends on the first couple of episodes.

    The rest I'll likely watch a couple episodes and then decide on those are just the ones I'm pretty sure how I'll react to them.

  8. #8
    O_o KGNE.

    Kurokami, Zoku Natsume Yujinchou (liked the first season), Hajime no Ippo, De Capo If (More fake wincest? Yes Please), not sure if I'm even gonna watch Major Season 5, since I haven't finished season 4 since slow groups of lack of interest have taken a toll.

  9. #9
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    er Queen's Blade is a Hentai right?

    cause i mean i kinda have some .... im just saying

    Lol I don't think the magazine would talk about a hentai show lol.

    Anyways the one I would be interested in would be Hajime No Ippo, Vipers Creed, and Kemono
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Might watch:
    Minami-Ke Okaeri: Season one was hilarious season 2 disturbed me early and wasn't even close to as funny then everyone stopped subbing it so I can't say I ever finished it.
    It has been fully subbed by Ayako-sae, and even Ayu is subbing it at their ever slow pace. But yeah, it wasn't nearly as funny as season 1. I'll still have a look at the next season, just for old times sake and hoping it will redeem itself.

    Kemono no Soja Erin certainly looks promising. I'll watch Ichigo Mashimaro OVA as well. Slayers needs to be finished as well even though the first new season was nothing to tell your court mage about. Birdy was frustrating nearing the end with the dude's epic emo levels but maybe the second season won't have shit like that. Druaga will probably continue strongly, and I suppose it makes sense to continue Shikabane Hime even though the first season has been anything but excellent.

    I'll likely have a look at some other shows as well, but only time will tell which ones are good enough to keep watching.

    I might have a look at Queen's Blade because of the copious amounts of... uh... risky pictures I have seen at usual anime picture hosting sites.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It has been fully subbed by Ayako-sae, and even Ayu is subbing it at their ever slow pace. But yeah, it wasn't nearly as funny as season 1. I'll still have a look at the next season, just for old times sake and hoping it will redeem itself.
    Yeah I know now Ayako finished subbing it but at time of release people just gave up early and I was forced to agree. The first few episodes were not funny and they went out of the way to put in fan service for girls I had zero desire to see naked I mean 2 of the sisters shouldn't even qualify as jailbait.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Kemono no Soja Erin certainly looks promising. I'll watch Ichigo Mashimaro OVA as well. Slayers needs to be finished as well even though the first new season was nothing to tell your court mage about. Birdy was frustrating nearing the end with the dude's epic emo levels but maybe the second season won't have shit like that. Druaga will probably continue strongly, and I suppose it makes sense to continue Shikabane Hime even though the first season has been anything but excellent.
    Hmm So far I've enjoyed Shikabane Hime then again there were so many unwatchable shows this season maybe my standards have just ended up that low right now. I don't think I've flat out given up on as many series as I did this time around without the slightest need to give them another try.

  12. #12
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    O_o KGNE.
    Yes that one is awfully late.
    I'm not even sure I remember 10% of the events of the other eps.
    Nevertheless, I'll watch it of course.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Higurashi Rei is an abosolute must. I'm disappointed it was scaled back to an OVA, but never the less, I will watch it and love it (as illustrated by my avatar).

    Other will-watch series:
    Minami-ke - Have enjoyed and watched before, will watch again. The only reason last season sucked was because of that neighbor boy who Chiaki hated (rightly so) was in so many episodes, and was a huge downer ALL THE TIME.
    Maria+Holic - Girl transfers to a girls school, with the very serious intent of starting a yuri relationship, only to find out that the first girl she really likes is actually a boy in disguise...who is a sadist? Sounds hilarious.
    White Album - Reminds me a little of Itazura na Kiss, and it is done by Seven Arcs (Nanoha, Sekirei) so there is a good chance the animation will either be excellent or horrible.
    4th KgNE OVA - Watched the rest, and though I preferred the original's ending, I'd like to see the other one as well.

    Kurokami - I read the manga (not up to current anymore) and it kind of comes off as generic shonen, like Sekirei trading ecchi for a little more fighting, but it lacked that extra something, humor maybe.
    Queen's Blade - Not a whole lot going for this series being converted from a hentai. It is asking to be censored, and probably will be. I expect to see deeper shadows, copious amounts of steam, and even a blatant blue smear. Maybe this is one to wait for the DVD versions.
    Ride Back - Pretty sure no one will sub this, but if they do, I'll try to watch it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 12-02-2008 at 05:37 AM.

  14. #14
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Im guessing no one here ever saw Mazinger Z when they were kids from the lack of interest on Z Mazinger, lol.

  15. #15
    Woot Druaga! I know many of us have been anxiously waiting for that for a while.

    More Maid Guy is some of the best news I've had in a long time.

    Birdy and Slayers continuations are pretty much a given for me, though I'm still struggling to finish Birdy and was rather underwhelmed by Slayers Revolution.

    darkshadow raves about that KuroKami (AKA Black God) manga all the time so I"ll probably check that out.

    KGnE: I'll probably suffer through another episode. I much preferred the original ending, but maybe Haruka will get hit by another car or something making this one less annoying .

    Genji Monogatari looks like a more serious take on a Harem setting, maybe they'll make such a thing actually interesting if someone actually subs it I think I'd give it a few eps at least.

    Queen's Blade looks like Sekirei: Midieval Style...not that that's a bad thing.

    Asu no Yoichi...Harem no Anime - Why not, only one Harem anime has ever really let me down.

    Viper's Creed: I've always had a thing for war stories, and we might even get a few mecha from the look of it.

    Hetalia Axis Powers: I would expect this show to fall flat but the premise is so silly that I'll probably check it on the off chance it'll put up some cheap laughs.

    Maria+Holic: Yuri good, trap bad, sadist good, heterosexual relationship okay. Laughs should ensue.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 12-02-2008 at 04:38 PM.

  16. #16
    Most of these look cool from the pic

    Zoku Natsume Yuujin-chou: Sure!
    Kemono no Soja Erin: I don't really get the summary but it seems cool to me. I still have to watch Serei no Morobito
    Ride Back: anti goverment + motercycles? It looks cool to me. Maybe the animation is something like Denno Coil
    Druaga --> zomg! never watched past like ep 2 -_-
    Shikabane Hime --> There was a first part? I must be behind on things
    Birdy the mighty: see above
    Hajime no Ippo: see above >.> (I have it on dvd but never watched ittt)
    Konnichiwa Anne: This sounds.... ..... I don't havemuch faith in classic remakes, but I'll still check it out.
    Afro Samurai : WTF -- MORE?
    Maria sama: Looks like Strawberry Panic or something
    Vipers' Creed: I love apocalyptic war aftermath like anime!
    Chrome Shelled Regios: looks cheesy
    Kurokami: looks pretty!!!! mucho action anticipated. I tried to read the manga but never read that much -- I'm gladddd, because now I get to watch the animation
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  17. #17
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I compell everyone in here to watch kurokami, its fking awesomeshizznizz.
    And omfg Z Mazinger? That's pretty damn fantastic news.

  18. #18
    Druaga, Afro & Ippo! \o/

  19. #19
    Afro - Maid Guy- Ride Back could prove itself awesome.

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    mm. lol, most of them look like sequels :\.

    woot! Afro Samurai second season! .. now I just have to watch the first >.<.

    Akikan looked interesting at first glance.. but it's about a soda that magically changes into a girl? mm.. that doesn't sound too good.. but hey, it'll probably just be your typical ecchi romantic comedy I guess.

    where's the Zettai Yareru Girisha Shinawa and Shangri-la? they not coming out until spring or something?

    Kemono no Soja Erin and Vipers' Creed look pretty cool.

    Konnichi wa Anne should be pretty good. I know the original movies were good.

    Kiss x sis, plus the second Switch OVA, and both the KnJ OVAs coming out will be cool.

    this looks like it'll be a good winter season.

    of course, if this is anything like the fall season of anime, I'll probably pick out all the 'must sees' and put them off until they're finished, then watch them all at once. while picking up other not as good shows on the side to watch until then. .. :\

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