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Thread: Bleach 196

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Downloading now.. it better be as cool as I hoped it to be..

    it wasn't as good as I hoped for.. It was WAY better .
    Só cool how Kenpachi handled Tesla.. just made me laugh.
    And Inoue needs to get a clue.. this is the second time she has the oppertunity to heal Ichigo, and yet she hasn't even started yet. Dispite the miraculous 'I was beaten to near death by Tesla, kicked in the stomach my Kenpachi and bicyclekicked by Yachiru, but I'm really fine' statement by Ichigo, she really should hurry and heal him.

    But what the hell is up with the Pharao look of Kurotsuchi? He looks even more rediculous then he used to..

    This episode felt like it was only 5 minutes... /me wants more.

    oyeah, I guess It's safe to watch teh intro now, right
    Last edited by Harima Kenji; Tue, 11-25-2008 at 09:33 PM.

  3. #3
    Poor Tesla, didn't even get the chance to even stop and run. Looks like Zaraki's having a lot of fun, and all the captains match up pretty well with the rest of the Espadas. Yea, Inoue is slipping up another chance at healing Ichigo again, but oh well.

    Now, I'm even more interested in Byakuya's fight. Revenge for hurting his little sister? Now we're talking, although it does seem familiar (Byakuya vs. Kariya).
    I am training in the shadows.
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  4. #4
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    Inoue has got to be the worst excuse of a character ever. Even her powers (which we've seen maybe 5 times total) are utterly useless. The best thing she can do is "heal" (or reverse time) her allies. And she even fails at doing that!

    Not once, but twice this episode she failed to comprehend her ability to heal Ichigo. No, all she could do was scream for him not to fall asleep, and ask him how he's feeling (which, in and of itself is a painfully ignorant question, and I really think Ichigo should have said something different than his casual "I'm fine"). God, can Inoue suck any more in this series?

    /awaits flame by Inoue fanboys

    Aside from Inoue's uselessness (and Mayuri's ridiculous hairstyle, lol), this episode was what I expected it to be. The introduction of the captains (and the one Espada), and flashing some moves. But, nothing serious yet. Looking forward to Byakuya's fight (lol at him using Yoruichi's move) and wanting to see exactly how Kenpachi is going to fight on par with Espada with no visible upgrade to power.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  5. #5
    Isn't Tesla's death quite a bits gorier than usual?

    Anyways, the arrival of all the captains should've been done at the end of last episode. More climactic that way, and that's usually the way they all do it.

  6. #6
    I'm looking forward to seeing more of Byakuya. The captains have announce ass kicking season is open. Kenpachi just rocks. But the coolness of Byakuya cannot be overstated. And the sadistic nature of Kurotsuchi is too good for tv.

    edit: I'm watching it again and I didn't understand the ground lightning thing. But from what I can see, Kenpachi didn't even bother defending against it and it didn't affect him at all. That's why Nnoitra freaks out and tells Tesla to run. Am I correct on this?
    Last edited by Vorlath; Wed, 11-26-2008 at 02:15 AM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Vorlath
    edit: I'm watching it again and I didn't understand the ground lightning thing. But from what I can see, Kenpachi didn't even bother defending against it and it didn't affect him at all. That's why Nnoitra freaks out and tells Tesla to run. Am I correct on this?
    Nnoitra is able to sense a person's Spirit Force by tapping his finger into the ground at the person. The stronger the Spirit Force, the more drastic the line is. He uses it against Chad (after chopping him, of course).
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  8. #8
    Thanks. Now I'm wondering about Inoue's comment about déja vu. Even if it's similar to other situations, it's still kinda weird. Did she reset something that we don't know about yet? Is she intentionally keeping Ichigo out of the fight? Seems weird to me.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Vorlath
    Now I'm wondering about Inoue's comment about déja vu. Even if it's similar to other situations, it's still kinda weird. Did she reset something that we don't know about yet? Is she intentionally keeping Ichigo out of the fight? Seems weird to me.
    She was most likely referring to Nel's hugging, which produced crushing blows to Ichigo.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    An excellent episode. It felt like back when Bleach was still a cool new anime. Kenpachi delivered so far, having lost none of his bloodthirsty charm. Byakuya lecturing somebody on too much arrogance was pure comedy, and Mayuri's craziness rendering Udon espada speechless was very fitting.

    But Inoue... For god's sake. Maybe she's not healing Ichigo on purpose so that he wouldn't fight anymore.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco

    But Inoue... For god's sake. Maybe she's not healing Ichigo on purpose so that he wouldn't fight anymore.
    Bahah sure, but we have no reason to believe she's that insightful. I mean she just stood there chumming up to Tesla for like 3 episodes jeez.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  12. #12
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think its fairly obvious that Inoue enjoys being grappled.

  13. #13
    Nice episode. Good to see some of the captains in action again.

  14. #14
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    the best part of this ep was the arrancar encyclopedia, fking hilarious.

  15. #15
    pretty sure inoue expects to get the shit kicked out of her in less than a second of trying to heal ichigo. it wouldn't be hard for nnoitora to flash step over and stop her. she knows she can't make a move until it's all over.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    pretty sure inoue expects to get the shit kicked out of her in less than a second of trying to heal ichigo. it wouldn't be hard for nnoitora to flash step over and stop her. she knows she can't make a move until it's all over.
    Nnoitra's having fun fighting Zaraki right now, so it wouldn't be to his best interest to suddenly abandon the fight and sonído over to prevent Inoue from healing Ichigo. Even though it's wishful thinking, I do want Inoue to heal Ichigo already so he can go and kick some more ass, hopefully...
    Last edited by Nadouku; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Changed the entire format of the text.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  17. #17
    you see how quick he slammed ichigo's face into the ground last ep? yeah. inoue isn't so durable and she knows it

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think Nnoitra would turn his back to Zaraki to disturb the healing process. Or at least he might need to decide which appendage to lose if he decided to do that. Besides, I reckon Nnoitra isn't especially concerned about Ichigo's strength, perfect health or half-dead.

  19. #19
    I doubt he would want a 2v1, how is that hard to understand

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No matter how many episodes this fight will continue, I don't think in relative time it should take any longer than Inoue would take to heal Ichigo.

    But I guess it would be a gamble for Nnoitra. Should Inoue start the process and should an opportunity offer itself, no doubt he would stop it; he's defending the place, after all. But it's not automatic that he would ever get such an opportunity. The real fight was declared and mutually agreed. Make one mistake and it's all over. This is Kenpachi we are talking about. He has probably seen more fights than the other captains combined. He won't just stupidly stare if the opponent shows an opening.

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