Aero is dropping? Ugh, that sucks. Guess I'll switch to Anonymous. By the way Kraco, I can't seem to find anon's sub for 35 on tokyotosho, is it up already? All I see are SEF, and Demonsubs in XViD.
Aero is dropping? Ugh, that sucks. Guess I'll switch to Anonymous. By the way Kraco, I can't seem to find anon's sub for 35 on tokyotosho, is it up already? All I see are SEF, and Demonsubs in XViD.
It's there alright, only below the 34 because whoever muxed them released 35 first. The link is also in the episode 35 thread first post.
Whoops my bad, didn't realize there was a thread for it already.
Has anyone tried out SEF and liked it?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I watched their 37 because nobody else has released it. I guess it was decent enough. I'm still going to download something else for my archive, if anything appears, though.
Well, I can say I definitely prefer Anonymous to SEF. Sadly, SEF is the next best option after Anonymous (Excluding All Hail Excalibur).Originally Posted by Yukimura
Edit: Actually, that's not quite true. Skimming Hatsuyuki Ep 37 kind of puts it alongside SEF. I didn't look too deeply, but my impressions are that Hatsuyuki words things a bit weird sometimes, making the phrase seem odd, and out of place when you consider who's talking (eg: Mosquito's "We are in agreement" -> kind of weird that he'll talk to Arachne collectively as "we" when he holds utmost respect for her). However, their grammar seems okay...I didn't pick up anything punctuation errors neither.
SEF words things more familiarly....but sometimes their sentences just sound......wrong. As in confusing and not making sense.
So take your pick. Again, these are just initial impressions based on Episode 37 alone.
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 12-25-2008 at 07:55 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I was going to wait for AHExcalibur to catch up, but it seems as though they are taking forever. I'm through 30 episodes, but I'm not sure what to do for 31-36 or so. Any suggestions?
edit: I can get 35-38 with SEF. I don't know what to do with 31-34
I'm not sure which torrents are still valid, but you can check out this page
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
31-34 wyould be good with aero-subs. I'm not sure if the torrents are still in their tracker though.
Whats subs to watch now? i didn't like hyatsuyuki any recommendations please?
Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 01-12-2009 at 08:31 AM.
I'm watching SEF. It hasn't driven me insane yet, so it's definitely watchable. I didn't like hyatsuyuki neither.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
in my opinion, SEF's subs are worse that hatsuyuki
Well you can at least understand what they write.Originally Posted by Hiwatari
My only atempt at hatsuyuki was Chaos Head ep 10 if i remember correctly. And almost no sentence was fine, it was all messed up, nothing made sense at all with words all over the place and massive mistakes in words/phonetics and so on.
I had to download the ep again from another group to understand the ep.
Maybe they got better, but since then I never wanted to try again.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Question is, will they comply. They've almost finished it. If worst comes to worst, they can always go underground and finish it there like a lot of groups who "drop" releases.Originally Posted by narutosharingan
What would SoulEaterFansubs do with no Soul Eater to sub?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Soul Eater Fan Subs, retires
After some talk with FUNimation, we really have to quit subbing, but, I quote:
FUNimation has acquired the rights for Soul Eater. This includes the English dub and the English subtitled versions as well as the RAW version available for viewing in our multiple licensed territories/countries. We also have an authorization agreement with Media Factory for worldwide enforcement of their copyright regarding unauthorized use of Soul Eater. What this means is that if Media Factory didn’t give you permission to fansub or distribute, then I regret to inform you that you are violating their copyright.
I know that everyone going to are huge fans of the show. We will have English subtitled and English dub episode to view online, but not at this time. Please be patient.
And patient we have to be, FUNimation will be releasing streaming episodes, subtitled and dubbed, in a couple of months. When I get the date, I will post, but until then I don't know (much) more than you guys.
Ok my little Rant time. Dont tell you you assume you could get away with out me ranting on this subject.
First off, FUCK YOU FUNImation, Your dubs and translations suck. They are no were near the quality we put out weekly. Why not let us do the last 10 ep? Truly if it was not for us and the other Groups that did this, you would never sale a single dvd of this show, The preview was so bad that it made me never want to watch the show. All you did was take the first 3 ep and smash the story lines together to make that, Do you even truly know what the show is about? Truly? Do you?, I am guessing not,
The only show you ever did right was FMA and that was watch able. I can already tell from the way you are laying this show out that you are aiming for little kids while the show is clearly intended for young adults. You need to lean what is best. Fan subbing does not hurt your show at all. Also .ass File is legal for us to have/post.
The translations for the anime are are, Translators, Editors interpretation of the Words being said within the show. Tadashi had ever right to release the translations. You scared the shit out of the poor guy. But I am not backing down. I know my rights and I know were you are crossing the line. I am speaking for myself not anyone else. If you have a issue with this Contact me about it. I will gladly show you were you are wrong.
Stopping us from encoding the show is well within your rights. Stopping us from releasing the Translation file to world, well now you own no rights over that at all, since again that came from the mind of Translators, as long as we do not profit from it and give credit we are not at fault in any play. You May win this battle But trust me the war, you have lost the war.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
That's what I was hoping for.
And speaking of, whatever happened to AllHailExcalibur aka Rumbel? Did they give up?
Actually I don't think even the translations (subtitle files) are legal. The translator might own the right to his/her translation but not the content (which is creative content), and thus it's a very thin bread indeed, and basically only prevents a proper license holder from using that translation (so, FUNimation can't take a fansubber's script and release that without a deal with the fantranslator). It all should equal to translating a commercial book from one language to another: It's by no means legal to publish such a book unless you get a license from the original author/publisher (depending on the publishing deal between the author and the publisher), despite the fact technically the content looks all different because the language is different. But the same information content, pretty much, is still there.
Anyway, I watched the Tsubaki-Hatsuyuki #41 sub yesterday and it wasn't any worse than SEF in my opinion. Definitely better than the whatever Hatsuyuki sub I watched in the past that gave me a bad impression of Hatsuyuki. They have developed. Let's hope they won't drop the show.
In one of the many lengthly discussions on Anime News Network about the legality of a Singapore licensing firm stealing English fansub translations, the translations made by the subbers are legal. There is no IP law that says you cannot release a translation of the material. That is the translators' own Intellectual Property since they creatively developed it the same as the original author developed the plot in the original language. The subtitle file is no different from a printout script to read along as the episode plays.
You just can't put it onto the original work and give it away or sell it off. This is why the encodes are illegal.
It is the same reason why the original publishers of all the novels that Baka-Tsuki translates never go after any of them, even when a North American company licenses the material and translates/publishes their own version of the light novels. If Baka-Tsuki turned around and printed them all out into a book, with the pictures in the correct place and everything, that would be illegal without a licensing fee.
You aren't making any sense. By your definition I could take an English language best selling novel, translate it into Finnish, buy a new cover picture from some aspiring artist in need of money, pay some press to make it into a book and sell it for nice profit without the original American/British/Australian/Canadian/New Zelander author getting a single cent out of it.
I don't think that's quite correct. The translation might be mine, but all the intellectual property, the setting, the story, the characters, the dialogue, etc belong to the original author. It doesn't matter what the language it is presented in. Considering TV series, the contents of the lines of the characters are just as important for the whole product as the video or audio. In fact that's full half of the initial source material (manga having only pictures and text).