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Thread: Dattebayo to Drop Naruto Effective 1/15/2009

  1. #81
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Im actually more worried about Skip Beat than Naruto...

    I know SOMEONE will upload Naruto... but I want my Skip Beat...

  2. #82
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The new group...Taka or something, anyone watched to see what it's like? It's in mp4, and the file size is >200MB, so I smell HD, or enhanced, at least. If no one's tried it, I'll download it tomorrow to have a look.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #83
    I'm almost confident another group of subbers will begin. Why would a group not take a chance to provide one of the most popular anime around nowadays to millions of people? This way you can become a popular group and become known throughout the Naruto-loving world.

    Also, Saiyaman will still be releasing the raw version I think. We still got that, and people can still make sub or srt files. It's quicker this way.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  4. #84
    Taka's release of 89 looks pretty good. Image quality isn't fuzzed down like DB, and the translation is acceptable. They're taking feedback on this forum, the main man being Masked Avenger.

  5. #85

    Thumbs up

    Well im kinda sad that DB wont be subbin naruto anymore. I can remeber when they 1st started and everyone was stuck on AONE and dissed DB but then aone dropped it or started to slow down and every1 to DB. I must say in my eyes they have created a level of subbing with speed and quailty that most subbers try to follow now. I have always like how DB showed respect and also showed they like to joke around with the general public the way they did. Anyways if this is true (sadface) if its another lie well u got me for the 3rd time; (they got me twice before) lol. I think that Viz is not going to do to well. Its gonna be a 1st for them so I forsee many problems coming out from the beginning. Well see how good their determination is to fix it and keep making it better. Crunchyroll or whatever ive never heard of them so if anyone could please give me a url and some feedback on who they are and if there good at what they do that would be great. Well DB if its tru thanks for all the great epi you have given us it was cuz of you guys that i would rush home after work load up the BT and DL away prayin that the neighboors were not on the net so i can get some more downstream juice so the DL could finish faster lol. I have every epi of naruto from DB. i forgot how many GB it takes up but i got it from epi 1 to rite now so Thanks DB big thumbs up for ya

  6. #86
    May I ask of an example of how they showed respect to the general public?

    'Cause I, for one, can't remember it...
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  7. #87
    Neither can I, all I can remember is jokes at the public's expense and using their clout with the narutard nation to gain lulz. I suppose cramming H.264 into an AVI container or waiting as long as they did to move to H.264 in the first place could be considered 'respecting the public' but that depends a lot on what public you're talking about.

    usp686 if you seriously think DB pioneered anything or sets any sort of trend I can only assume you're either blind or don't watch follow much anime other than Naruto and maybe Bleach. All DB really has going for it is speed, and they were not the first fast group and they won't be the last fast group. What's more, many better (as in quality) groups have demonstrated that speed of release from time of airing is less meaningful than consistency of release schedule. Does anyone really care what day the raw of a show is available? When a group has a monopoly on a series all that really matters is getting at least one episode out every 7 days or less consistently.

  8. #88
    Amen, maybe now I can stop watching anime...

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot
    Amen, maybe now I can stop watching anime...
    Fat chance. Anime is like crack, except more expensive.

  10. #90
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    more expensive? how much are you paying for the Naruto episodes? I don't pay anything except for the internet bill which I'd pay regardless of if I kept watching anime or not.

    user posted image

  11. #91
    so anyone here watch anything on crunchyroll?? are they good and reliable? trustworthy with credit card info? almost time for naruto to air so i just want to gather info to make good decision

  12. #92
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I've never paid for anything, so I don't know about credit card info. I watched Druaga with them, and their quality is acceptable for a stream. They skimp on bandwidth whenever they can, so the OP and ED usually look atrocious. The body's find though.

    As much as I'd like to support the anime industry and Vid's move, I'm moving onto Taka after the next episode.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #93
    I'll be switching to Taka, and with me a lot of people. Still not ready to pay for a good quality anime. If I pay, I expect hard evidence I purchased it, in the form of a dvd. Since this is not the case, too bad.
    Maybe in the future (when I'm in Hong Kong) I might buy it. Only Japanese audio and English subs of course

    maybe a bit far fetched, but I suddenly thought of this.
    You may have noticed that Taka is delivering 2 qualities of vids, maybe it's one big troll again. But this way DB can prepare themselves to release 2 quality vids, and Taka is just a thought up subbing group.

    Omg, if I think about this, it sounds really stupid...
    Last edited by ASSpirine; Sun, 01-04-2009 at 07:06 PM.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  14. #94
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well if they do stop ill either get it from TAKA or from the portuguese dattebayo, so i'm good.

  15. #95
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They mentioned they'll talk to the international fractions too. Bad luck Archie.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #96
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's clearly stated on the website they won't stop subbing naruto, so all international versions are stopping except the portuguese version.

  17. #97
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Really? In that case, good for you

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #98
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    DoucheBags are at it again!
    If it's true, next fansub group! (Hi AonE! How are you lately? )
    If it's [YHBT] (wich it probably is, considering release dates of limited accessible, crappy streams or otherwise at costs), another thread wasted on those DirtBalls...

    IMO, we should everytime they post stuff like this, wait till after it should be truth.
    Then we'll know.

    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
    Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.

  19. #99
    The difference between most of their trolls and this one is the seriousness.
    In the past it was like, Because some of you guys won't stop uploading our stuff on youtube, we quit.

    It was clear to me that that was BS, but this sounds different too. Maybe they're finally growing up at DB. So their trolls must be serious too
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    mmm.. maybe they did a series of really crappy obvious trolls, just to set it up for a big one like this.

    i.. i have so much doubt on both sides

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