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Thread: Bleach 195

  1. #41
    I agree with Kraco, Zaraki was bored when he faught Ichigo. He wanted to have some fun. He was just caught by surprise that Ichigo could release that much power. But unless Zaraki underestimates someone who has a #5 on his tongue and believes that these Espadas (who would need to have NEVER shown any HUGE skills in order to be similar to the Ichigo vs. Kenpachi fight) are somehow weaker than Zaraki expects them to be... in the middle of Los Noches... well he'd have to be incredibly stupid.

    I always got the impression that the only reason Ichigo won against Zaraki is because Zaraki got caught by surprise. But if it wasn't for that, I think it would have been different.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I'm gonna call bullshit on Kishi's writing.
    Better start to get ready for that already, then. Just recall Tousen Kaname, for example. The man is now there right next to Aisen, yet he's also a man who couldn't do shit against Zaraki, even with his bankai, according to your logic. Do the Espada keep him alive out of pity, or something? Kenpachi didn't even bother to take off his eyepatch when he beat Tousen.

    I already get you dislike Zaraki for some reason, just as much as I'm a fan of his, but honestly there hasn't yet been a single fight, where we would have seen his real strength. The Ichigo fight was like a sports competition compared to a war, and during the Tousen fight Tousen was so baffled he didn't even try to kill Zaraki before it was too late already. But what we do know, though, is that Zaraki is some sort of a once in a century monster and that he was a "nobody" who took out a captain in an honest fight. A long time ago.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    But they haven't revealed anything yet. And if he does do something like kick Noitra's ass without revealing any new abilities, I'm gonna call bullshit on Kishi's writing.
    I know a lot of people here love to knock Kishimoto but come on, this isn't even his manga

    We all know how screwed up Bleach's power levels are. I don't like DBZ-type power levels; if in all cases, one person clearly outshines another, it kills the element of surprise. On the other hand, in Bleach it's never adequately explained why the underdog wins. It is always because the opponent is arrogant. Byakuya is arrogant and so is, for that matter, Kenpachi, the two captains Ichigo beat with very little experience under his belt. Yes, Kenpachi has a blood lust, he loves to fight, but he is so cocky and likes to fuck around too much. If he had stormed on Ichigo from the start, Ichigo would have been wasted. He wouldn't have had time for his powerup. I think Kenpachi's arrogance keeps him from being a much better fighter than he is now, and it's even possible he's not "connected" with his sword because he would rather throw his life away than obtain more power.
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  4. #44
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Yeah, if Kenpachi had killed him right off the bat, he would have won. But Ichigo had a huge powerup DURING that fight, and by the end, he was Stronger than Kenpachi.
    No he wasn't. Thats just your opinion.
    I'm gonna call bullshit on Kishi's writing.
    Its Bleach not Naruto, so its Kubo not Kishi Kishi always gets a bad rap.
    And you wouldn't be the first.
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  5. #45
    Kenpachi is a man of many mysteries. It wouldn't be surprising if he beat Nnoitra, since he has his eye-patch as his "ace in the hole," or maybe, some other hidden power-up that has yet to be revealed (after the Ichigo vs. Kenpachi battle).

    Kenpachi did want to "connect" with his sword after Ichigo showed him the combined power of his and Zangetsu, but fails to get any response because... his Soul Slayer is already "dead" to him. My only guess is Kenpachi is still trying to do that, even now.
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  6. #46
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I already get you dislike Zaraki for some reason
    Well you don't get shit then because he's one of my favorite characters.

    But that doesn't change the fact that he's an antagonist from, like, 4 arcs ago. And if he's able to keep up with this arcs antagonists without any kind of powerup...that's just total bullshit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    No he wasn't. Thats just your opinion.
    No. It isn't. Two brute force characters attack each other with their full power. One is able to keep going afterwards. The other isn't.

    Kenpachi lost. Ichigo was stronger.

  7. #47
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    But that doesn't change the fact that he's an antagonist from, like, 4 arcs ago. And if he's able to keep up with this arcs antagonists without any kind of powerup...that's just total bullshit.No. It isn't. Two brute force characters attack each other with their full power. One is able to keep going afterwards. The other isn't.

    Kenpachi lost. Ichigo was stronger.
    Ichigo was stronger during that one very specific and particular moment and setting Kenpachi allowed (allowed that setting, not Ichigo's victory). Unless such a moment is repeated in this Kenpachi-Nnoitra fight, it won't mean shit. Besides, Nnoitra is a bully so I very much doubt he could ever recreate Ichigo's spirit during that clash.

  8. #48
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Personally, I'm hoping he's learned his Zanpaktou's name and obtained his Shikai. But they haven't revealed anything yet. And if he does do something like kick Noitra's ass without revealing any new abilities, I'm gonna call bullshit on Kishi's writing.
    Wouldn't that be bullshit writing as well? I mean Kakashi didn't give a shit about his sword for something like a couple hundred years and didn't do the least to try to understand it, and after a nice little speech and pleasent conversation he obtains his shikai just like that?

    Kishi? U mean Kubo. And you probably will.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Wouldn't that be bullshit writing as well? I mean Kakashi didn't give a shit about his sword for something like a couple hundred years and didn't do the least to try to understand it, and after a nice little speech and pleasent conversation he obtains his shikai just like that?
    Haha. Just look at Ichigo and then tell you can't achieve things in a short time. The dude not only achieved shikai and bankai but also a vaizardism in a time shorter a regular or probably even above regular shinigami would use to get their shikai alone. I think Zaraki would have had plenty of time now to break the ice. A shinigami and his zanpaktou should be somehow compatible to begin with so I don't think it makes sense Zaraki's would be some eternally offended pussy sword.

    That being said, I have no idea whether we will ever see what manner of a sword he really has, but it could be nice to witness the effect.

  10. #50
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Wouldn't that be bullshit writing as well? I mean Kakashi didn't give a shit about his sword for something like a couple hundred years and didn't do the least to try to understand it, and after a nice little speech and pleasent conversation he obtains his shikai just like that?

    Kishi? U mean Kubo. And you probably will.
    Well yeah, it is kinda bullshit. But that's the nature of the shounen powerup. Kenpachi has been out of the series for months though which gives him alot more time than just "a pleasent conversation".

    And yeah, I meant Kubo.

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