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Thread: Game: Fallout 3

  1. #1
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Game: Fallout 3

    I know I'm not the only one playing this game on here. What kind of char. did you make, and are you good? Evil? What kind of weapons do you use? (If you even use any at all??)

  2. #2
    Made a good character I typically always go good on my first playthrough since in games like this it usually feels most canon. Focusing on small guns. Not very far in the game just got to GNR and met Three Dog and some BoS.I do love my hunting rifle. Headshots are satisfyingly crunchy.

  3. #3
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I got a good char too, and yea, I'm all about the small guns (small guns+ high sneak rating=Win) I'm like in the middle of the GNR mission...but I kinda sidetracked to do some other stuff, like get Dogmeat, and I also picked up a follower (interesting story about that..) And I did a few side quests to get my karma up.

  4. #4
    Mine is good, but I keep picking locks and doors and stealing stuff, so the balance is slowly but surely turning evil. I'm still pretty good though. I'm at the part where I'm trying to get to Vault 112, but I'm just exploring the map right now instead of actually trying to complete missions.

    I focus on small guns, repair and medicine. I regret putting so many points into energy weapons at the beginning of the game. The laser guns suck. My favorite gun in the game so far is the combat shotgun. Headshots with the combat shotgun at close range are simply ridiculous, especially if you use VATS. For medium range, I generally use the Chinese assault rifle because it's also quite lethal when used in VATS mode. For long range, I stick with the trusty hunting rifle.

    However, my favorite weapon (in general, not just guns) right now is the Shishkebab. It's a schematic melee weapon that looks like a flaming sword. In fact, it is a flaming sword and it swings pretty fast for pretty good damage. If you can get up close and personal with the Shishkebab, it's quite powerful. Sometimes if I see Raiders or Talon Mercs shooting at me with not-so-powerful guns, I just run up to them with the Shishkebab and chop them up. It cuts through armor like butter.

  5. #5
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Hmm, I need to find the parts for that...Ive been running around with Charon capping super mutants for hours on end. I swear, he is like a magician with that Combat shotgun; like his pellet spread like like so tight, its basically a giant ball of death. I don't know about the other friends you can get, but he is pretty badass. OH, and the Chinese assault rifle, eh? (didn't see that one coming, did you? lol j/k -_-; But yea, that's my mid-range go-to, and actually I don't mind using the hunting rifle close-mid if i have enough AP for V.A.T.S.

    And if you can get the rare sneak kill with the laser weapons, the ash effect is cool, but I usually leave it in the locker at my house.

  6. #6
    I really hate fighting the Raiders/Mercs with Missile Launchers. They have a ton more health, and have seemingly unlimited missiles to fire at you.

  7. #7
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    How many weapons can you carry in your inventory in Fallout3? In FarCry2, you get to carry 3 weapons at any time, plus grenades.

    I'm almost done with FC2, then will try Fallout3.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  8. #8
    As many as you can as long as your capacity allows it. Your holding capacity is numerical and is based on your strength. Items have a number weight like, a suit of armor is 15, and say your total holding capacity is 200. You go over 200 and you move reaaaaally slow.

  9. #9
    In general, you just need to carry 3 or 4 guns for all the different combat situations you might entire. One of each: melee (Shishkebab), close range (Combat Shotgun), mid range (Chinese Rifle) and long range (Hunting Rifle). You can put all your excess weaponry in storage spaces in your house, so really, you can stash all the weapons you want. The rest of the carrying capacity is generally reserved for all the loot you pick up along the way.

    However, I carry an excessive amount of guns. In addition to those weapons, I also carry a Laser Pistol, 10mm SMG and Minigun. I occasionally use them for fun, but they're not nearly as effective as my main arsenal. The Minigun looks so menacing but it's weak as shit. The damage rating is more than double that of the Shishkebab, but it's quite a bit weaker in terms of damage/hit.

  10. #10
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This game sounds interesting, but what is it exactly? A rpg or a fps?

  11. #11
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    In general, you just need to carry 3 or 4 guns for all the different combat situations you might entire. One of each: melee (Shishkebab), close range (Combat Shotgun), mid range (Chinese Rifle) and long range (Hunting Rifle). You can put all your excess weaponry in storage spaces in your house, so really, you can stash all the weapons you want. The rest of the carrying capacity is generally reserved for all the loot you pick up along the way.
    So in Fallout you have one base of operations that you have to return to?

    In FarCry2, you have several safehouses that you save at and store weapons at, but only one spare of each type of weapon: handgun, rifle, and mass damage. So you basically have access to 6 weapons for each mission, plus grenades.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    This game sounds interesting, but what is it exactly? A rpg or a fps?
    According to Buffalobiian, it's an RPG with FPS style play.
    Last edited by Animeniax; Sat, 11-08-2008 at 01:02 PM.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    So in Fallout you have one base of operations that you have to return to?

    In FarCry2, you have several safehouses that you save at and store weapons at, but only one spare of each type of weapon: handgun, rifle, and mass damage. So you basically have access to 6 weapons for each mission, plus grenades.
    You have your own house in the first town you encounter. There are various upgrades you can buy for your house, and by default it comes with storage lockers where you can stash all your stuff. You don't have to return to your house; it's more like your house is the ideal place to store all your stuff, heal yourself, detox yourself, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    This game sounds interesting, but what is it exactly? A rpg or a fps?
    It's a first person RPG, but you can play in third person perspective you want. It's a lot better in first person view though. Have you played Morrowind or Oblivion? They were made by Bethesda as well. Fallout 3 is sort of like Oblivion with guns.

  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'll pick up this game in a few days time, right after my exams.

    What's the travel system and variation in landscape like? What put me off a bit in Oblivion was that exploring was pointless. Everything looks the same, and you can fast-travel to any explored location anyway.

    Funnily enough, this game runs better than Oblivion due to optimisation and the lack of grass. Can't wait to try it out.

    (I sort of want to try playing evil. I'm always good in, well, everything because it feels bad stealing from people )

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  14. #14
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I'll pick up this game in a few days time, right after my exams.

    What's the travel system and variation in landscape like? What put me off a bit in Oblivion was that exploring was pointless. Everything looks the same, and you can fast-travel to any explored location anyway.

    Funnily enough, this game runs better than Oblivion due to optimisation and the lack of grass. Can't wait to try it out.

    (I sort of want to try playing evil. I'm always good in, well, everything because it feels bad stealing from people )
    I don't think you will like this game travel system then because it is exactly like Oblivion.

    The scenery in this game is pretty much straight out of any post apocalyptic sci-fi movie you can find in the last 20 years. I wouldn't say that the environment varies but you do feel like you are in a desolate wasteland with tons of cities in ruins but it's basically one giant wasteland as oppose to one giant grassland (Oblivion).

    The thing i like about this game is that the developer did a really good job at making you feel like your decision matters (don't like the first city that you go to? detonate the inactive nuke they have in the middle of town). I remember reading in one of the interview and one of the developer said that the game has around 118 endings or something close to that so it should be interesting so see which one you can get.

    I just got the game yesterday and it has been pretty addicting so far. I came across Dogmeat by chance, man that dog is so badass taking out like 6 raiders by himself. The combat shotgun and hunting rifle are my favorite weapons so far.

    I'm currently at level 4 and doing some side-quests (just finished blood ties and in the middle of doing the giant ant quest), do you guys have any tip? I'm having trouble finding ammo and all the merchant never seem to have enough for you to buy.

  15. #15
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    there's no way i can make this game work with a RADEON 9250 right?

  16. #16
    I highly doubt it. Do you have the 128 or 256 card? I'd guess if you had the 256 mb card, you MIGHT be able to run it on lowest settings. The game looks OK, but it's definitely no technical monster, or anywhere close to it.

  17. #17
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    You have your own house in the first town you encounter. .
    Actually that's true and not true....depending on your actions, you could have a house there, or you could get a swank condo somewhere else. Its basically one of the differences between being good or bad. And I actually have FC2, but I haven't even touched it yet.

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I highly doubt it. Do you have the 128 or 256 card?
    Any idea how i check that out?

  19. #19
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Loving the game. After hours of gameplay, headaches assault ya though, but hey, cant be helped.

    I'm a good guy, just got done with the Washington Monument quest.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  20. #20
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Any idea how i check that out?
    Start -> run-> DXDIAG -> look under the "display" tab. Those are the steps for XP anyway, might have to google for Vista.

    Edit: Same method may work for Vista. If not, try clicking on the Start orb and type "dxdiag" in Start Search.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-08-2008 at 10:31 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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