View Poll Results: Tobi is...

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  • Obito

    9 32.14%
  • Madara

    18 64.29%
  • Danzo

    1 3.57%
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Thread: The True Identity of "He who must not be named"

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The True Identity of "He who must not be named"

    Every manga reader should already know what this is about but let me make the question clear:

    Who the fuck is Tobi?

    He was first introduced to us as an akatsuki aprentice, someone with enough skill to join the group but, according to pain, a man whose skill could easily be replaced.

    Some chapters later, we were all shocked ( at least i was ) to learn that Tobi was in fact Uchiha Madara, the founder of the Uchiha clan, holder of the MSharingan and the one who could control the kyuubi as if it was his pet. This was later confirmed by Tobi himself who told us his story of how he came to take the persona of Tobi and became the leader of Akatsuki.

    Now i, like many others, didn't really buy it. It was all just too convenient.

    This led to a huge number of theories around the character, mostly based on his hair and the fact that he has never shown us his left eyes that he could either be Obito or Danzo.

    Now i'm making a poll to see how gotwoot feels about this, who do you think Tobi really is?

    In my personal opinion i think Tobi is Obito. The 2 characters are very much alike phisically, he only seems to have his right sharingan, it would provide an explanation ( kinda ) as how kakashi got his MS, the name pun ( Tobi - Obito ), the left side of his face did seem to be somewhat damaged and the biggest proof seems to be in him using a mask.

    If he was really Madara he could easily use the transformation jutsu to make his appearance different, so there would be no need to hide behind a mask as to not be recognized. Now if he didn't have his left eye that would be another story, since the transformation jutsu doesn't allow you to restore missing limbs.

    This would also work in Danzo's case ( assuming he doesn't have that right eye ), but considering the facts i stated earlier and the latest chapter i just don't think it could be him.

    So choose gotwoot, who the fuck is Tobi?

    PS: Apparently he was also the Mizukage, but i won't add it to the poll because that's a title and not an identity. Any of the choices above could have become Mizukage ( in theory )

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    what about the 'all of them' option?

    but yes, Tobi has to be Obito.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    If tobi is obito, then kakashi isn't going to die. At least, not before the madara comes and reveals his evil plot to kakashi. Not to mention, Kurenai is also going to want to tell him how she's really pissed that back then, he really did leave her to die after taking her eye. And when Gai's finally done laughing and gloating at Kakashi's death, he just might save Kakashi for some insidious purpose. This damned Neiji is really a mystery.

  4. #4
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I wonder why the majority ( for now ) believes that he is really Madara.

    Don't you realize that the only "proof" we have had that he is Madara is stuff that HE told us? And it seems clear that he did all of it in an attempt to control Itachi and Sasuke.

  5. #5
    I think Madara is someone who is able to live on for such a long period of time because he takes over the bodies of fallen Uchiha to prolong his life.

    So he took over Obito's body when he died, and may take over Itachi's as well.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I think the Mizukage thing is among the most important for determining Tobi's identity. Unless Tobi stole an Uchiha's eye (which is possible, I suppose), he probably couldn't have become Mizukage unless he founded the Mist Village, presumably after leaving Konoha the first time.

    There's still Pein to think about too. I still think Madara keeps his other eye hidden because it is a Rinnegan, making him a part of Pein. It is known that Tobi has a ton of bolts going through his arms. And it doesn't make sense that Pein isn't trying to incorporate Kakashi unless he already has a Sharingan.

    This is the TRUE (for real, this time) SECRET OF THE SHARINGAN. Madara is the Sage of the Six Paths, and Nagato is one of his bastard kids -- on the Rinnegan side of the family.
    Last edited by poopdeville; Sun, 11-09-2008 at 08:04 PM.

  7. #7
    Oh...My...God..not this again. I don't know who to be more upset towards: The topic maker to bring this impossible pointless speculation by adding the possibility that Danzo will be Tobi (WTF) or the 2nd post by DBZ who (STILL) claims that Tobi is Obito....

    Why can't you guys just freaking admit Tobi is Madara? He revealed himself as Madara already..I thought that chapter would freaking end all those "Tobi must be Obito because he's got a sharingan" threads....Because its too convienient?? .........Maybe there might be another reason besides "He's can't be Madara!" that Tobi chooses to wear his mask? If you made such a long post, at least try to think outside the box

    You guys seriously need to stop that Tobi is Obito crap. Maybe I'm not contributing to your "discussion" here but this stuff has been recycled and isn't even worth speculating and now look, even Danzo is added to your possibility. Who is next? Naruto = Tobi?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    I wonder why the majority ( for now ) believes that he is really Madara.

    Don't you realize that the only "proof" we have had that he is Madara is stuff that HE told us? And it seems clear that he did all of it in an attempt to control Itachi and Sasuke.
    Why the majority of this forum believe Tobi is Madara?

    Don't you realize that Tobi has not gained anything by telling Sasuke/Itachi that he's Madara? Why would he lie about his identity?

    Don't you realize that Tobi doesn't need to hide his identity if he was Obito?? (But he does need to hide his identity if he was Madara)

    Don't you realize that Obito's eye got crushed, and his remaining eye was given to Kakashi?

    Don't you realize that Danzo and Tobi have conflict of interests? Danzo wants to be Hokage of Konoha, do you think Tobi wants to be a hokage? He's letting Akatsuki invade Konoha, killing off its villagers and he's collecting all the Tailed Monsters...all that just to become Konoha's Hokage?

    Don't you realize that there is no reason for Tobi to use Obito's body? If he was Madara and switched bodies to Obito in order to survive, why would he use a crummy teenager kid who barely awakened sharingan when the Uchiha clan was alive during Obito's death? With his powers, he could have easily acquired a much better Uchiha body. There is seriously no excuse/reason for anyone to use Obito's dead body when there were better, older, living Uchiha bodies with better sharingans available at the time.

    Don't you realize that if Tobi was Obito, things would be different with Kakashi but it would have no other impact on the rest of the characters? And from what I've seen, the story revolves around Naruto and Sasuke, and anyone is willing to bet that the final showdown will involve one of them verse Tobi, not Kakashi.

    Don't you realize that Obito is dead? Kishi is not afraid to kill off good characters, we've obviously seen this happening with Jiraiya, 3rd hokage, Asuma, etc. When you see an important character like Jiraiya getting killed off permanently, what are the chances of a side character's childhood friend who lasted 1 chapter being important enough to come back to the story right now?

    Flame me all you want, but I thought this thing was all over. You and DBZ don't know when to quit

  8. #8
    You didn't hear?

    Rumors are flying around that Tobi might be Naruto
    Oh, Tobi might also be Konohamaru, thats a big chance too

    Oh wait, now that I think about it, Tobi might be Akamaru! It has to be...

  9. #9
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    you can either make sound arguments, or derail the discussion, not both.

    I'm the first to admit that saying "Tobi is Aoba" is fun, but this isn't the proper place for that.

    Tobi and Madare probably have a connection. maybe Tobi is madare's reincarnate zombie, maybe body switch, maybe just a megalomaniac pretending to be Madare, doesn't really matter, Tobi is the person who inherited (or wishes to inherit) Madare's will.
    Madare, even prior to Tobi's turn-to-evil-masterhead act, was a known character (the nine-tails talked about him).

    Tobi = Danzou only came about when Danzou turned out to be a major a-hole, with only one eye visible, it's a problematic cross-identity, mainly because of conflicting interests, but it's a possible one, it's enhanced by the fact that tobi is the mizukage. so maybe he wants to unite all the ninja villages under his rule.

    Tobi = Mizukage, this one is the shakiest one. since we've never seen or heard much about the mizukage, and it came right out the blue. I don't know really what's to say about it.

    Tobi = Obito. the core of the discussion.
    the theory first came about because of the similar names (fans of HxH remember it from the end of greed island) Tobi is Obit(o) rearranged. next point of similarity is the M.Sharingan. both Kakashi (obito's eye) and Tobi (again Obtio) have time\space wrap eye jutsu, Kakashi can wrap others, Tobi can wrap himself, makes it seem like they are the same person, doesn't it? (again maybe Tobi is just collecting Uchiha bodies and taking over their wills and past wishes, who's to say)

    You say that Obito is dead, because we've seen Kishi kill other characters. that's the most backstabbing-your-point argument you've made. Obito 'died' at chapter 230ish... right next to Neji, and chouji (210ish), not next to Jiraya, Asuma and Itachi (350-405 ish), not next to the 3rd hokage (145ish?). so your comparing characters are Neji and Chouji, who were both a whole lot more dead than Obito at that time, and came back to life. great...

    we don't flame you, we simply bring to your attention some points you might have missed.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Seriously, why don't we just wait and find out?

    If I had to guess, it'd be Madara (which I thought was already established?). Can't be Obito because he was crushed by a giant rock.

  11. #11
    Okay, I understand your point and I do admit that Kishi has let some good characters come back to life. But to discuss further on that matter, Neji and Chouji weren't announced dead, they were implied dead. Meaning, their deaths were not announced to the characters of the Naruto world. Jiraiya, 3rd hokage, and Asuma, whose deaths were announced, did not come back. I think this is a bit more relevant than what chapters those deaths stemmed out of.

    You do make one good point in saying that Kakashi's eye (Obito's sharingan) and Tobi's sharingan can perform similiar time/space jutsu but it is probably not because they have similar owners but the similarities of skills within MS. I really don't think MS has that many different techniques, we've only seen 3 so far and thats not a lot. But I don't think neither of us can speculate on this part because we haven't seen much yet.

    Oh and Obito and Tobi might seem similar in English alphabet, but when written in Hiragana, the similarity is there for only one character, which is と Even Naruto and Tobi have that similar hiragana character so we can throw out the name pun possibility

  12. #12
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Seriously, why don't we just wait and find out?
    Because this is an anime forum? If you don't want to discuss episodes and/or theories you're in the wrong place my friend.

    And please no more double posting February, also it would be nice to keep the sarcasm to a minimum.

  13. #13
    It was already confirmed that at the very least Tobi is Madara. So why care about anything else? And he cant be Danzou, cuz Madara wants to destroy Konoha, not rule it.
    And he cant have 2 alter egos and a true identity, and if he does, wow, that is something...

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Because this is an anime forum? If you don't want to discuss episodes and/or theories you're in the wrong place my friend.
    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that you're trying to generate discussion. It's just that this topic has been beat to death. At this point I think it is just best to wait until Kishi reveals who it is, if he hasn't already. Otherwise you're just going to get pointless theories and bickering.

    It's just like the whole "oh Kishi didn't explicitly say that Mangekyou Sharingan deteriorates your eyesight, so you can't take it as that" ordeal, when obviously that is what Itachi meant the whole time. Then when we found out it was like "oh yea, of course."

  15. #15
    Tobi is Jiraiya.

  16. #16
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Tobi is Naruto's discarded KageBunshin

  17. #17
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Tobi is Mandara who used the soul transfer technique on Obito.
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