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Thread: Naruto Chapter 424

  1. #21
    Barles, while I was reading your post I suddenly thought a terrible thought... that thought was "We haven't seen Sakura for a while...". If she somehow turns up and saves Kakashi I can see it as being both good and bad, the bad however outweighs the good for the reason Barles stated. However the only good thing I can see coming about if Sakura turns up and saves Kakashi it will show that Sakura will always be a useful to anyone in any fight they get in regardless of how powerful the opponent is. However it will also suck knowing that Sakura could save almost anybody from death regardless of how badly hurt they are.

    On the off chance that Sakura does turn up and save him I'm guessing it will probably put Kakashi out of commission for another month or so again. I still think Kakashi is a goner however.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Lol, damn you RZ. I was hoping no one would say it

    Uchiha Barles: What manga are you talking about? Ingenuity?

    Kakashi simply has to will himself to live, i.e. Neji and Chouji in the Sasuke retrieval arc

    Or this could just be another example of Tsunade's magical healing abilities saving the day i.e. Neji and Chouji or Naruto when he fought Kabuto. Or like Tyreal said, Sakura

    Or he could simply say Kakashi is too cool to die i.e. Gaara.

    @DBZ: I agree with you on the Danzo thing. Kishi just completely ruined his character, now he is just boring.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #23
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I don't let the truth get in the way of my joke.
    Payne's giant statue is actually a giant zombie hunting for giant brains. he won't stop until he consumes all the brains. the brains originally belong to the tailed beasts, and only they can access it, and that's why the akatsuki hunts them and store them in the statue.

    I agree that Sakura should come, she needs to hear Kakashi's final words and guidance, he needs to tell her she must protect Naruto and Sasuke. and then finish his tragic story of his youth (well, I never thought his story was truly tragic, but you can +1 to it's tragic level with music). and then Sakura could save Chouji or be useful in some way.

    if Kakashi does kick the bucket (finally!), then we'd have 4 deaths in the past 100 chapters, which is pretty good.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  4. #24
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Yeah....I glazed over the part where the short Pain walked away...

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I want to know why everybody keeps saying Konoha has a giant brain stored...

    Damn it! Its Genjustu / Mind reading people!!

    We clearly see Ino standing besides Inoichi when Shizune arrives. And the man has his hand over a device which is sending his mind into another plane... remember they have mind transfer techniques. They are probably transmiting themselves into the dead Pain's head.
    It's not a device, it's the hostage's head. Also the hostage isn't a Pain body, just a lackey.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #25
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    With all these theories flying around someone's going to start spreading rumors that actually....... Kurenai is Pain.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Interestingly enough...people have suspected a connection between Pain and Kurenai ever since the akatsuki holograms first appeared before shippudden.

    In the anime they're colored differently, though :/
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    I think that it makes sense about the tower. Nagato is in there controlling the "Peins" from his tower like the god that he believes himself to be. And "Angel" stands guard so no one finds out that it is just a mere "Wizard Of Oz" thing going on from behind the curtain.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Interestingly enough...people have suspected a connection between Pain and Kurenai ever since the akatsuki holograms first appeared before shippudden.

    In the anime they're colored differently, though :/
    Actually the rinnegan has the wrong color pallete the first time it showed in the anime. In truth, the rinnegan is gray with black circles.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula

    Uchiha Barles: What manga are you talking about? Ingenuity?

    Kakashi simply has to will himself to live, i.e. Neji and Chouji in the Sasuke retrieval arc
    Actually i think Kishimoto leaned from his mistakes in part 1, that's why he's killing every character to make up for it.

    I said it once and i'll say it again, i'm not sure about neji because i like that character but if chouji would have died in part 1 after taking the pills it would have been an awesome death.

  9. #29
    I don't see what's the big deal with some of the other characters having comparable powers to Naruto/Sasuke. That's the way it should be. Obviously not the same tier, but not way worse. I've already given up hope for a character like Tenten, mainly because she's a snoozefest and I don't like her, but other characters can definitely step up in the future. A couple of the original Genins clearly possess immense talent and Naruto alone will not be able to save the world or w/e when they grow up. Neji, Shino, and Shikamaru come to mind as the three that stand out the most. I mean just look at it this way with Shino. Place any of the already dead (sans Itachi) Akatsuki members in Madara's position during that encounter and you can easily see why Shino is a problem and is definitely somebody that could be a useful ally for Naruto in the future when he's warring with Sasuke's Village Hidden in Gayness or whatever winds up happening.

    I'm with Barles though that I want Kakashi to survive, but can't really find a good way for it to happen where it wont be corny or something we've already seen before. What's sad about that is that it would actually make SENSE for him to survive via a myriad of ways yet for some reason it's not something we want, yet want at the same time because of the nature of the character.

    I'm not quite sure I understand the obsession with killing off characters though. I don't think this is the TIME to kill off Kakashi, and THAT was a bigger mistake than not killing him now. The timing is way off if he dies right now. The only way to fix this is if Sakura and Naruto's reactions to his death are worth it.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Kakashi simply has to will himself to live, i.e. Neji and Chouji in the Sasuke retrieval arc

    Or this could just be another example of Tsunade's magical healing abilities saving the day i.e. Neji and Chouji or Naruto when he fought Kabuto. Or like Tyreal said, Sakura

    Or he could simply say Kakashi is too cool to die i.e. Gaara.
    Exactly, we have seen characters endure far worse who should have died only to have Kishi pull something asinine out of his rear end and have the character live.

    We heard Choji say the same thing "If I do this, then I'll die! But the important thing is xxxx!" when he took those pills. And now, here he is again when Kakashi is saying it.

    The worst imo was Neji having a hole blasted through his body and then get weaved back together by hair.

    If Kishi wants Kakashi to live, then he will, and he doesn't care if it makes sense or not.

  11. #31
    Sakura is at the hospital saving lives. I dont know if they would just write her as being there just to have her come back...

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne

    ... he and Shikamaru are the only leaf ninja worth seeing in action, imo.

    It's gonna be a long two weeks.
    Gai Sensei FTW!

    i couldn't really tell what he used his MS for toward the end. Where is gai?! and lee? where is lee !?

    and lastly... wtf is danzou doing? being hokage means you're deemed the strongest ninja. from what i can tell he's just a crippled old man with no skills.

  13. #33
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itadakimasu
    i couldn't really tell what he used his MS for toward the end. Where is gai?! and lee? where is lee !?
    Shippuden has made Lee look like a pussy They could at least show us he can open a couple more gates or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Sakura is at the hospital saving lives. I dont know if they would just write her as being there just to have her come back...
    Didn't she kill the giant centipede am couple of chapters ago?

  14. #34
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireEmblem
    I don't see what's the big deal with some of the other characters having comparable powers to Naruto/Sasuke. That's the way it should be. Obviously not the same tier, but not way worse. I've already given up hope for a character like Tenten, mainly because she's a snoozefest and I don't like her, but other characters can definitely step up in the future. A couple of the original Genins clearly possess immense talent and Naruto alone will not be able to save the world or w/e when they grow up. Neji, Shino, and Shikamaru come to mind as the three that stand out the most. I mean just look at it this way with Shino. Place any of the already dead (sans Itachi) Akatsuki members in Madara's position during that encounter and you can easily see why Shino is a problem and is definitely somebody that could be a useful ally for Naruto in the future when he's warring with Sasuke's Village Hidden in Gayness or whatever winds up happening.
    numbers, they don't lie. (I do, but that's not the question)
    9 genins from Naruto's class made it to be Chunin level (Naruto and Sasuke, who haven't, are special cases). if his old class consisted of 30 students, it's a reasonable number.
    1 out of 3 being promoted is a legitimate 'statistics' in most army units, lets run with those numbers...
    9 chunin level ninjas at Naruto's age, meaning three of them would advance to the next level...
    Shikamaru is a jounin, Sasuke is definitely at that level, even naruto can count as one. also, there's sakura, who is probably somewhere between.
    another step up, we're going to have Naruto and Sasuke (who have to chase each other).

    in order to support an hierarchy, the pyramid must have a wide base, so if Naruto and sasuke are destined to meet at the top, they must be there alone.

    that was some technical mumbo-jumbo, so here's some more:
    the only way for Naruto to come out as awesome (anytime now.. seriously, kishi, we've been waiting for so long!), he has to be better than the rest, if Neji turns out beating an akatsuki, then what's so great about Naruto doing so?

    if we're speaking of Neji... he's dead.
    remember, spider guy impaled a spear through his gutts, and neji went out with a blaze of glory (at least that how i've been telling myself), he made peace with the main family, he stopped being a jerkface, he learned to trust the heart of the cards. he doesn't hold any relevance to the story anymore.

    Shino I won't dignify with a response, other than saying he's the most useless character in the series, and that even when the manga is awfully bad, I take comfort in the fact he didn't show up to ruin the day. Shino is the most boring character in existence.

    letting every character fight will turn the manga into bleach, where we waste gazzilion of chapters on no name fighting other no names...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    letting every character fight will turn the manga into bleach, where we waste gazzilion of chapters on no name fighting other no names...
    Can't argue with that.

    That has been one of the highlights of Naruto. The secondary characters are role players and when they do appear in battle its usually in a support role during a team effort. The 1v1 battles are generally saved for main characters, unless it's some type of defining moment for a secondary character.

  16. #36
    Kakashi won't die merely for the fact that Chouza died right next to him. I think teasing Kakashi's death serves better to increase the suspense of Konoha's anarchy anyways. His death would need way more pages.

  17. #37
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chet_chetty
    Kakashi won't die merely for the fact that Chouza died right next to him. I think teasing Kakashi's death serves better to increase the suspense of Konoha's anarchy anyways. His death would need way more pages.
    There is evidence that the next chapter is gonna be a flashback and Kishi is taking a week off to make the next issue.

    And what does Chouji's dad have to do with anything?

  18. #38

    I didn't say I wanted each and every character to have a fight. We know that a manga with THIS many characters can't afford that. But i'm simply talking about 6-8 characters from Konoha that will be at a high level of fighting ability with Naruto and Sasuke having to be at the top obviously. And it's not as much about the actual fights, as it is to represent Konoha's will of fire and the fact that this generation is suppose to surpass the last.

    Also about your example of Neji beating an Akatsuki. That would be pretty stupid I agree, since even Sasuke almost died to beat one (who suicided anyway lol) and he is clearly the strongest of the starting genins. That's not what i'm saying though, and we know typically Konoha will send a platoon (4) to fight Akatsuki. Are you saying that by the time they're in their 20's, some of these characters that already possess great fighting abilities, shouldn't be able to gang up on....Kisame?

    And I don't see how Tenten isn't more useless than Shino. Though I don't understand why he'd stand out as super useless to you compared to other characters that actually have useless abilities.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    There is evidence that the next chapter is gonna be a flashback and Kishi is taking a week off to make the next issue.

    And what does Chouji's dad have to do with anything?
    Having 2 known characters die in the same fight would be, for lack of a better term, overkill.

  20. #40
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    And Chouji's dad counts as a known character. Ino has gotten more development/screen time than him, Ino.
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