Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Guess she wanted to personally see E-57 before they fight.
actually, this all falls on Katie Mannequin. The moment CB shows up she gets on the horn and commands Soma to "go secure E-57". Why you send a tiny little woman and four lightly armed escorts to secure what's very likely the objective of your opponents is beyond me. (especially when said little woman is your best asset fighting giant robots outside)

i agree with your points about the Blitzkreig strategy and why it worked. But I'm still sitting here scratching my head over the fact that they knew they were going to be attacked, that the attack's goal would be to simply rescue Allelujah and leave (the place has very little strategical importance, nor does it pose a threat), and that the Gundams have always attacked with very quick strikes.

All they had was the prison defenses, a bunch of A-LAWs (which are going to get pwned because even the Ahead A-LAWs lose to Gundams), a battle ship, and a few old ass ground models that couldn't do shit 4 years ago. I'm not saying that, aside from not having Soma sortie, that the strategy was bad. I'm just saying they weren't prepared, especially not hardware wise.

You can set a trap for a tiger, but if when it steps into it all it's going to do is give him a little scratch, you don't call that a good trap.

also, yeah, fire, good call on nobody trying to get in-between Al and his Gundam. Heads up, on the ground soldiery seems to be pretty absent from A-LAWs training (as is target practice, apparently)