"The title's Michiko is a free-willed "sexy diva" who destroys a supposedly inescapable prison fortress, while Hatchin is a girl fleeing her strict foster parents. The two join forces on an improbable escape to freedom." -ANN
Episode 1 - BSS
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This series looked quite promising, though I didn't honestly beforehand know what to expect. Still, the director was involved in Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy, which definitely is good in my book. Anyway, this episode didn't yet fully convince me, but the main character (the older one) seems to have lots of attitude, at least. The younger one was pissing me off, though, despite the fact I liked Hugo's Les Miserables well enough (to which this episode owes a lot). I'll keep watching, for now that the misery in this background ep is finished, it could get really interesting, in a road movie fashion.