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Thread: Yozakura Quartet

  1. #21
    Well for those interested:

    [Anonymous]_Yozakura_Quartet_-_01-08_(H264_AAC_720p) Details
    Size: 2.41GiB | Date: 2009-01-19 17:17 GMT | Comment: AnimeONE's subtitles, widescreen. Preparing for final batch in a couple of weeks.

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    the States
    Didn't see a thread for the new OVAs, but I figured standard procedure would be to use this thread.

    Anyone watching the new Yozakura QUartet OVAs? I just watched them (Only 2 episodes out so far), and they're incredible! Apparently they're much more truthful to the manga or something, but I don't really care about that. I can't really tell who is who or whats going on, or why that character can create metal objects and stuff, but the animation quality is so good! The OVAs are directed by Ryo-time, so a lot of attention is paid to the animation and artwork. You can practically enjoy these things for their animation alone.

    user posted image

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Maybe I should have a look at them then. The series itself was hardly anything to tell your drinking buddies about.

  4. #24
    Well, just began watching this. I wasn't planning on bothering with it, but it seems like the alternate version of 2013 was much better received, that I decided to at least power through the original version.

    I'm 4 episodes in of the original, and not caring much for it. Episode 3 was a truly sad episode though, poor Silver.

    I think the characters are fairly solid, fun and good interaction between them. None of them has really grabbed my interest though.

    Anyways, will try to get through this and then watch the newer series:
    Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta

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