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Thread: Chäos;HEAd

  1. #81
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I don't see how this show fits into the "horror" genre. It's certainly murder, psychological, even a thriller, but I'm not feeling the horror. Then again, I consider horror to mean "gruesome beings that jump at you out of nowhere" and not recommended for persons with heart problems.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #82
    [m.3.3.w.] Chaos;Head - Episode 7 AVI: Download
    [m.3.3.w.] Chaos;Head - Episode 7 MKV: Download

    Whoa, I never wanted to anticipate a series before because of all the thrillers that's happening. I really wanted Takumi to show off his Di-Sword, but I guess Kozue can have that lead of beating up those punks.

    On another note, Takumi seems really powerful, but doesn't realize it. Having the power to project forth your imagination into reality? That's a pretty sweet power to have.

    I'm guessing the series will continue as a war against Nozomi Corps. and the girls with Di-Swords (after having been explained by Sena or something about the corporation's malicious plans). Could be a great climax, depending on how they execute it.
    Last edited by Nadouku; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 10:19 PM. Reason: Changed the entire format of the text.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  3. #83
    For me this is the first show I've watched that's actually had me itching for the next one to come out to the point I have to fight for patience. The suspense is just too enthralling.

    Geass was close, Naruto not really, Bokurano was to a point, and Gungrave was probably 2nd place, but Chäos;HEAd rules the roost.

    As for "sweet power"... I dunno about that. I'd be scared poopless. I mean modifying reality? Holy smokes! Is there any way to turn every human being on the planet against you faster? Not to mention it may be at the whim of your subconscious which let's face it in 99% of people would turn an occasional bad daydream into a horrific nightmare.

    Ever read Sphere my Michael Crichton? Same power, LOTS of people dying. "Manifesting" is what they called it.

  4. #84
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Turning what you see into reality...sounds just our friend Izzard's alchemy trick, with a technological twist. Kazou-pii was much more likable than I thought. Telepathy, cheery nature and her innocent sense of justice all = win. Her voice was an acquired taste, but there's been much worse, and it sounds kind of cute.

    But FES just soars up the hotness ladder. Maybe it's that little bit of emo-ness, maybe it's that band uniform with little Gothic/Lolita? elements, maybe it's the lot. I suspect she'll fast take over anyone she hasn't already and become my favourite character by the end of the show. Rimi lost some points for being absent this ep, but we've had close to zero development of her aside from the Taku love, so if anybody, I think she'll be the one to pull any sort of betrayal on Taki (besides Yua, who's done it already).

    Misumi's probably the guy who sent the three delinquents. No one else comes to mind at all, while his unrequited love for Rimi provides a valid motive.

    Weird men plotting for what seems their ideal humanity has an interesting mix of SEELE and Nerv vibes. As for the technology they're implementing, I fail to see how airborne signals can stimulate dopamine receptors, which by definition, respond to dopamine (a chemical) coupling via physical means.

    Crichton's Sphere didn't come to mind immediately, but tystic picked it up. Though they manifest by different means, the comparison is interesting.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #85

  6. #86
    I guess that Noah II Prototype was responsible for what happened after the earthquake, since almost everyone went back to normal after they destroyed it. Could be for a different reason though (like Takumi's delusions manifesting), but I highly doubt that.

    Poor Takumi can't seem to grasp his full potential yet, but he might have spilled some of it to Sena and Kozue, as noted by Norose. Then, we have Rimi and Yua with ulterior motives, since Rimi knows Shogun and Yua has to help Norose.

    With this "awaken" thing, Takumi could be the key to helping or destroying the world, but I guess we'll have to wait and find out. Other than that, great episode, as usual.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  7. #87
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Lots of action this time round, which was well animated. The way they showed is Sena and Kozu pii's past, in the form of chaotic flashbacks, was both effective and very fitting for this series.

    And FES saved the day in the most awesome-est way possible, executed with style! Showing up with an air of confidence, spouting out cool-sounding spells, summoning weird things from the depths of the Greek Underworld... (you guys must be fed up with me talking about her for the last 3 weeks )

    As for our bad guy, Norose seems overpowered at this point. If he's so strong, studying himself should provide ample data to create an artificial gigalomaniacs. The prototype's probably based on him, and perfecting it required all round data from other such beings, since they all seem a little different.

    I started thinking maybe Shogun is Sena's dad trying to atone for something, but I can't find an explanation for the rapid aging appearance with a young, male voice. Like Taku, he also seems to be an unawakened Gigalomaniac, though he's already mastered real-booting.

    The theme of "who can you trust" isn't limited to Taku it seems, with Nozomi spies in both the health and law enforcement agencies.

    Two-thirds of the way to completion, Chaos;Head really hasn't been as gruesome as suggested, but it sure hasn't let down in terms of mind-scrambling suspense. Of late, that's declined slightly due to various answers being revealed, but the action and plot more than makes up for that.

    Ending hypothesis: Based on the ED animation (angel wings, lights/souls in Taku's heart, expanding colour sequence), I'm predicting all the girls will die in the struggle, to have Taku revive them back into his reality. Since the series started in ruins, he might have to do a bit of landscaping too.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 12-02-2008 at 08:49 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #88
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I have only one complaint to this episode, not enough FES(Rei Ayanami style + occult and mythology obsession with metal/goth music? i'm in!)
    This series is starting to disappoint me a bit, I would prefer less action, more talk approach, with, I lack other proper word, more mindfuck.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  9. #89
    Hehe, yeah more mindfuck would be nice. I'm still hoping that this is all the insanity of one person, not many -- that this "birth of a hero" story itself is a repressed fantasy by Taku. It would make sense -- why Seira and Rimi look so alike. Maybe all the girls are delusions based on games and anime he's watched?

    But enough personal crackpot theory. The story is unraveling much better than I expected. Its great to see how each individual has different sets of delusions, and how they apply their own theory to the Di-sword. Each has thier own crazy impression of how the world works -- and Taku is too tired and insane himself to realize that the pieces don't fit.

  10. #90
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I've been thinking about this, and it just doesn't add up. The investigator shouldn't have been able to see Sena's Di-Sword through a security tape. According to Sena's explanation, the person responsible sends out electromagnetic waves that stimulate dopamine receptors in people's brain, creating an image in the blind spot of their vision.

    I've already complained about how electromagnetic waves can possibly stimulate receptors, but lets say they do. However, it doesn't seem right that the same method that creates an illusion in biological beings can do the same to digital recording devices.

    Remember, it's not interfering with light, or altering the electrical signal between the input (eye/camera) and the end point (brain/occipital lobe/camera HDD), but rather, creates an illusion by simulating excess dopamine in the limbic system of the brain, an occurance in psychotic patients and bipolar patients in their "high" point.

    Therefore, based on the explanation given, such particular interference should only affect biological brains.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #91
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I've been thinking about this, and it just doesn't add up. The investigator shouldn't have been able to see Sena's Di-Sword through a security tape. According to Sena's explanation, the person responsible sends out electromagnetic waves that stimulate dopamine receptors in people's brain, creating an image in the blind spot of their vision.

    I've already complained about how electromagnetic waves can possibly stimulate receptors, but lets say they do. However, it doesn't seem right that the same method that creates an illusion in biological beings can do the same to digital recording devices.

    Remember, it's not interfering with light, or altering the electrical signal between the input (eye/camera) and the end point (brain/occipital lobe/camera HDD), but rather, creates an illusion by simulating excess dopamine in the limbic system of the brain, an occurance in psychotic patients and bipolar patients in their "high" point.

    Therefore, based on the explanation given, such particular interference should only affect biological brains.
    Maybe I'm stretching things but Light is composed of electromagnetic waves. I guess they play on that fact too, that would mean the spectrum is compatible with that of the whole security video chain (camera, recording, screen, player)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #92
    You're overthinking things.

    Don't trust the explanations too much of each individual. Everyone is delusional, remember? I think every 'giglomaniac' has a different take on how the world works and will use scientific babble, fictitious material, and whatever other references they have to make sense of things.

    Trust the events more than the explanations. They happen, simply because they can. You'll see what I mean when you see Kishimoto in this new episode.

    [D-R] Chaos;Head 09.mkv

    Things get crazier from here. fun stuff.
    Last edited by Everon; Fri, 12-05-2008 at 02:21 PM.

  13. #93
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Electromagnetic waves can affect camera's output cable and transmit a false image(Changing magnetic waves to electricy is called induction if i remember correctly).
    Light is made of photons which have particle/wave structure, they work like wave but are made of photons, so theoretically electromagnetic waves can distort light...theoretically.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  14. #94
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    When I wrote "play" I meant the scenarists.
    It's convenient for the purpose of that ep.

    Shogun? I wonder if he's a Takumi of the past, or Rimi's pal, the guy always with her in the classroom.

    The transformation of the swords was lame, very lame, I prefer them transparent.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #95
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I agree with David, transparent ones looks better.
    also it needs more FES. period.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  16. #96
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I believe the problem is solved From the explanations in episode 5 and 7, they consistently said that electromagnetic wave affects nerve impulese. That is, they alter the signal as it's being transferred from your eyes to your brain. That makes sense, and in principle can be used affect a camera's signal in the same way.

    The hiccup was when they said "Noah II broadcasts electromagnetic waves, which penetrate the skin and body and into the brain. It stimulates dopamine receptors, creating an image in their blind spots.

    Without going too much detail, if nerves are like wires, then the junction where two wire meet is called a synapse. Dopamine receptors are located in (some of) these synapses. The difference is, in electrical wiring, the signal medium at the junction is electrical, just like the rest of the wires. In nerves however, signals are transferred between nerves at the synapse as chemicals, which can not be interfered with by electrical signals in the manner described.

    The reason Chaos;Head mixed in dopamine unnecessarily into the theory, I think, is because excess dopamine (depending on where) in the brain brings about psychosis, something that script writer thought was cool, and would fit into the whole "delusion" and "am I going crazy" theme. Delusions experienced in such a way are imagined by the person, and can not be fed signals as such. This point was the bit that tripped me over.

    Oh well, I can sleep soundly now . Funny that it came down to "ignore what you don't understand" (which happened to be wrong).

    And they never mentioned light bending

    (side note: Our professor says that an overwhelming majority of psychotic patients think they are part of the CIA or FBI. He's always wondered what went on in patients' heads before the existence of either organisations.)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 12-06-2008 at 07:03 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #97
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    In nerves however, signals are transferred between nerves at the synapse as chemicals, which can not be interfered with by electrical signals in the manner described.
    Well, that's not totally true...
    A great part of brain chemistry is composed of ions that can be affected by eletric wave modulation, magnetic too.

    That reminded me that Taku lives in a metal container, as if it's a place were delusions should ne almost impossible, unless his PCs are the source there.
    Why do I say this? because to me the only place Seira becomes real to him is there... I do not remember seeing her elsewhere.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    That reminded me that Taku lives in a metal container, as if it's a place were delusions should ne almost impossible, unless his PCs are the source there.
    Why do I say this? because to me the only place Seira becomes real to him is there... I do not remember seeing her elsewhere.
    Episode 3 at 6:45 is when Seira manifests into a nurse cosplay when Takumi was being checked for sleepwalking.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  19. #99
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Episode 3 at 6:45 is when Seira manifests into a nurse cosplay when Takumi was being checked for sleepwalking.
    Oh ok, thanks
    The hospital seemed suspicious too. so I wonder if I can stretch things a bit.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #100
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, the nurse who put him to sleep is almost definitely part of Nozomi Corp, evil eyes and all. Same with that assistant detective. I believe that the doctor's "death" wasn't simply another New Gen incident neither. Come to think of it, we still haven't touched on who creates these,(well, maybe Shogun) and for what purpose.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    Well, that's not totally true...
    A great part of brain chemistry is composed of ions that can be affected by eletric wave modulation, magnetic too.
    Yes, the cerebral spinal fluid is indeed rich in ions, and dopamine itself is quite a polar molecule, subject to electrical forces. However, its charge per mass ratio would be too low for any significant change to happen due to electromagnetic waves. And if it did, I find it hard to understand how electricity would be able to alter such a signal.

    To my knowledge, there is no way neurotransmitters can be affected by electromagnetic waves, as there are too many regulatory factors controlling that process to make it possible.

    The only way foreseeable is to affect the signal as it is sent down the optic nerve. By intefering with the current there, and inducing it to create an illusion with surrounding electromagnetic waves seems like the most correct.

    Crux: it is impossible to feed info by stimulating synaptic receptors; only altering nerve fibre transmission seems possible. I'm still open to opinion, and if you find a way you genuinely believe it can be done, I'm listening.

    (It should be noted that "Dopamine" as a neurotransmitter, is not exclusively, nor (not too sure about this point) significantly a part of the optical nerve transmission process. It is to my belief that Acetylcholine would be the main neurotransmitter involved. Blurry vision is an anticholinergic (lowers acetylcholine function) side effect. Those interested can search for acetylcholine Esterase, MonoAmine Oxidase enzymes, Dopamine Reuptake transporters etc for how synaptic chemicals are regulated)
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 12-07-2008 at 06:54 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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