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Thread: Chäos;HEAd

  1. #61
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Have you noticed that if you add "o" to his name you get what he is?(adding o means something is special, for example sake is any alcohol but osake is Japanese rice wine. at lest that is what i got from my jap. lessons)
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  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair
    Have you noticed that if you add "o" to his name you get what he is?(adding o means something is special, for example sake is any alcohol but osake is Japanese rice wine. at lest that is what i got from my jap. lessons)
    Woah. Nice.

    Does it still work for his full name Takumi?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #63
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 6 out by m.3.3.w

    Chaos;Head 06 (XviD)
    Chaos;Head 06 (h264)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #64
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Hmmmmm...Ero-Rimi. Apart from the fanservice we actually learned something.
    Those swords CAN be materialised so that everybody can see them. Guess they aren't just his/their halucination. Can't wait till they explain more about this G-errate and why it suddenly increased like that and nearly knocking everybody down.

  5. #65
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    Hmmmmm...Ero-Rimi. Apart from the fanservice we actually learned something.
    Those swords CAN be materialised so that everybody can see them. Guess they aren't just his/their halucination. Can't wait till they explain more about this G-errate and why it suddenly increased like that and nearly knocking everybody down.
    From what I remember from that ep, the crowd that saw the sword was in some kind of trance... their perception was altered and they were able to see the sword. It's a bit different there.

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  6. #66
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    From what I remember from that ep, the crowd that saw the sword was in some kind of trance... their perception was altered and they were able to see the sword. It's a bit different there.
    That doesn't change the fact that she indeed CUT something with it. But who knows in this show. At the end if could be that Taku just wakes up and it was all a bad dream =\

  7. #67
    Missing Nin
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    Whatever she cut appeared to be the device that manifested thoughts. From what I could tell her sword becoming visible and her destroying the device that was allowing random nerd guy to control the crowd was very much related.

    Basically this seems to be psychics vs technology that is if anything I'm considering is actually happening the way I think it is.

  8. #68
    I liked how Takumi finally shows his trust in Rimi. Other than that, the strange ending to the episode left me confused. Massive sound waves?
    I am training in the shadows.
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  9. #69
    Missing Nin
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    Rimi seems to be a complete plant to me at this point she's actively trying to keep him from getting his Di-sword and actively trying to figure out who the other girls who are helping him are. This entire episode she just came off as super suspicious to me I know they are trying to hold she just wants to date him out there but that seems to be a front as well,

  10. #70
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She definitely knows something about the Di-Swords. Her reaction that Ayase (FES) had one showed that clearly enough. She probably has one herself. Add that to her genuine love for Taku, and you can understand why, if she is indeed keeping Taku from obtaining his sword. (The sword may lead to more fighting, then again, Shogun said without it Taku would die.)

    I'm not totally getting what the drive from excessive G-ER rates has to do with the illusion devices, but it's finally making more sense that there's some shifty organisation pulling the strings.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #71
    Well, in episode 1, you can see Rimi's Di-Sword in the beginning. Looks like a bey-blade type sword too, although kind of ackward. I wouldn't mind her protecting Takumi from all the harm he's going through anyways.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  12. #72
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Well, in episode 1, you can see Rimi's Di-Sword in the beginning. Looks like a bey-blade type sword too, although kind of ackward. I wouldn't mind her protecting Takumi from all the harm he's going through anyways.
    Yeah. I was referring to whether she has one now, meaning she's hiding her own involvement in this issue from Taku. If she's part of the "sword wielders" already, it's entirely possible she actually saw Shogun at the crossing too.

    Then you have the fact that Rimi's talked to Yua. But exactly what did Yua tell her?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #73
    Of course! Even she doesn't want Takumi to distrust her now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill
    Then you have the fact that Rimi's talked to Yua. But exactly what did Yua tell her?
    When did Rimi talk to Yua? I probably forgot about that part...
    Last edited by Nadouku; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 10:17 PM. Reason: Changed the entire format of the text.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  14. #74
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I don't care of Rimi is deceiving Takumi or not. I don't really care about Takumi, actually (though I can't help but feel sorry for him on the police matter). In my opinion, Rimi should get more screen time. Along with... what was her name, Sena? Anyways... I want my own Rimi!

    PS... I don't remember when Rimi talked to Yua either.

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  15. #75
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    When did Rimi talk to Yua? I probably forgot about that part...
    At 17:35
    On my first viewing it read "Yua told me yesterday", but now it reads "You told me yesterday."

    Oh, the delusions!!

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #76
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Well, in episode 1, you can see Rimi's Di-Sword in the beginning. Looks like a bey-blade type sword too, although kind of ackward. I wouldn't mind her protecting Takumi from all the harm he's going through anyways.
    Wow I completely forgot the scene before the opening of episode 1. That is the big issue with watching every episode 1 that comes out early in the season. Now I've got to wonder when that scene took place was it before the series and thus this whole thing is a delusion he's seeing while they look into each others eye's or is that the result of the series as she must kill him because he gained his Di-sword and is now a danger to this evil company.

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    At 17:35
    On my first viewing it read "Yua told me yesterday", but now it reads "You told me yesterday."

    Oh, the delusions!!
    Yes, delusions are bad Bill. Bad!
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Wow I completely forgot the scene before the opening of episode 1. That is the big issue with watching every episode 1 that comes out early in the season. Now I've got to wonder when that scene took place was it before the series and thus this whole thing is a delusion he's seeing while they look into each others eye's or is that the result of the series as she must kill him because he gained his Di-sword and is now a danger to this evil company.
    During that scene, he said as they looked into each other's eyes, her world was his world, and his world was hers. Put that together with all this sensory relay technology, and that translates as "Rimi's delusions are Taku's reality, and Taku's imaginations become Rimi's world."

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #79
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Of all the shows I'm watching this season, there are none that I just sit back and watch more than this one. I don't even try to dissect it too much or guess what's going to happen, because I keep getting this feeling like it's just going to mindfuck me again.

    I can't believe I'm actually enjoying a harem-setup story as much as I am this show...

    So when does his sister get her sword?

    The latest episode showed a lot. Those people mindlessly moping around in the park and Badass Blue Haired girl physically materializing her sword to destroy whatever was controlling them. There was a scene earlier that strongly hinted the Seria-tan dolls or whatever were part of this Nozomi group's efforts to peer into the minds of people (in this case Taku).

    I still hate the main character, but he's so goddamn pathetic that he's probably one of the more realistic ones I've seen in a show like this.

    I like how Rimi always gets really interested whenever Taku mentions girls with Di-Swords. She plays the naive card perfectly, but you get the feeling that it's not just jealousy.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    I can't believe I'm actually enjoying a harem-setup story as much as I am this show...
    I don't mind it, because it all seems to be part of the protagonist's delusions. I'm not convinced that half of these women are real.

    I'm hoping that the kid is still crazy by the series ends -- so we won't have a complete answer for every little detail. If they reveal too much about these swords and whatnot, it'll probably sound really stupid -- devolving into another mahou-shounen series..

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