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Thread: Naruto Chapter 420

  1. #21
    I thought Naruto had the potential to surpass Jiraiya's sage mode, not that he had already done it.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Naruto sucks balls. If he somehow manages to beat Pain now, then I'm done with this manga.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #23
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Naruto sucks balls. If he somehow manages to beat Pain now, then I'm done with this manga.
    oh, for god's sake...
    we get that shit twice each chapter discussion...
    "If kishi does this, then I quit!"
    "If naruto actually manages that, then I'll stop reading!"

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  4. #24
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    pein is gonna die. mostly likely by naruto.

    ty psj for this sig

  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    oh, for god's sake...
    we get that shit twice each chapter discussion...
    "If kishi does this, then I quit!"
    "If naruto actually manages that, then I'll stop reading!"
    If Abdula didn't bitch about something in each Naruto chapter, then he wouldn't be Abdula. Assuming that they do break the code in time, I'm sure Naruto will be able to defeat Pain.

  6. #26
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    If Abdula didn't bitch about something in each Naruto chapter, then he wouldn't be Abdula. Assuming that they do break the code in time, I'm sure Naruto will be able to defeat Pain.
    Quote Originally Posted by 6Zabuza9
    pein is gonna die. mostly likely by naruto.
    if that happens, I'm quitting the manga

    I think it's still to early for this, Naruto is a 'bubble' of power, he needs to burst to show his real proportions, he's been inflating since Naruto2 started, he needs to get a crushing defeat from someone mighty strong, and then get a good win against someone decent.
    Payne is not an enemy Naruto should be able to beat right now.

    it's possible that the yoda frog will sacrifice himself to stop Payne (send him back to dimension X, whatever), and then Naruto will need to figure out how to toad-fu on his own, without chackra receivers.

    other option, that is completely impossible (and three times as awesome) is that killerbee comes to fight payne himself, saying that he wants to make sure that he is stronger than any akatsuki member, and he combines forces with... Kisame!
    (yes, I'm pushing for Kisame crossing the lines, read earlier chapters discussions for more on that subject)
    Kisame, who is pissed by Uchiha idiots making his best friend kill himself, joins the fight, and they manage to drive Payne away, killing two more of his bodies, which will give Konoha the final clue about killing Payne.

    that's the best scenrio option, which has 0% of happening, something that might happen, is that Naruto runs into Qunan, beats her, and then Payne retreats in order to take care of her injuries.

    DBZ, a man can dream, even if he only wakes up to the cruel reality of his nightmares.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #27
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Maybe the Kisame thing is kind of a stretch, but not really That far off (not sure about the Killerbee thing). I could see him turning...low probability, though. And of course i lol'd at Naruto's envisioning the fusion. It felt like a short chapter; and I'm hungry for more unbridled carnage, like the soul sucking and stuff. I say someone bites the bullet next chapter.

    And should that lab guy be working in the lab if he's that clueless?

  8. #28
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    oh, for god's sake...
    we get that shit twice each chapter discussion...
    "If kishi does this, then I quit!"
    "If naruto actually manages that, then I'll stop reading!"
    But I'm completely serious. Its not about Naruto, Pain is the only reason I keep reading this manga. Orochimaru is gone, Itachi is gone, and Jiraiya is gone so Pain is pretty much the only character left in this series that I actually give a crap about. So if he dies, my interest in Naruto dies with him.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 10-10-2008 at 11:38 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Normally when someone learns anything, including combat, they learn the basics first. The basics aren't things that go away, they're an ever present foundation, and the better you are at them, the better you are, period. Good hand to hand combat is usually the foundation for someone like Naruto. He didn't get that, like, ever. Instead he got those things that are supposed to build on the basics. A rasengan and a wind rasengan, both of which need good hand to hand combat skills to work reliably, instead of some incredibly contrived tactic. He got kage bunshin, which alone is deadly as hell if your hand to hand combat is up to par. Asides from the demon and things linked to the active summoning of it's power, that's about all Naruto got.

    Naruto didn't lack the power to take out akatsuki guys, nor did he lack the tactical ability. He lacked skill, because he lacked the foundation I was talking about. This frog-fu is now the missing backdrop against which all of Naruto's skills have to be measured. Think of it as someone who gets a hell of a lot of knowledge about stuff, but is missing one critical component to make any of it useful. Once he gets it though, he previous knowledge is still there. With a few adjustments, he's the brainy powerhouse all the knowledge he acquired implies he is. Naruto's cunning is what it's always been, his power is what it's always been, but now he can actually run up to someone, through a punch, and counter the counter (maybe). We'll no longer need to sit through 2 episodes of Naruto charging in and getting repelled 2 miles back, repeatedly. Also, the sage mode adds to all this, basically what the demon chakra did for him, minus the killing him slowly thing. Do I see him taking out Pein? After Kakashi figures out what the Rinnegan does, and the code breakers figure out what "the real one isn't there" means, and all this is told to Naruto...then yeah...maybe.

  10. #30
    I thought this was one of the better chapters in quite some time. It had a pretty intense pace to it and I can't remember the last time a chapter left me looking forward to the next.

    I'm liking Naruto's progress. It feels like there may be hope for what we've been looking forward to since Naruto vs Gaara. And I really liked the last page, especially the last frame of Tsunade saying "Call Naruto back!"

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Naruto sucks balls. If he somehow manages to beat Pain now, then I'm done with this manga.
    Pain/Pein/Payne (which name is correct? :P ) will most likely be killed by Naruto because he was the one who killed Jiraiya, so it's going to be a good opportunity for Naruto to finally grow up, save Kakashi's ass and revenge his beloved perverted hermit's death.

    On the other hand, we were waiting for Naruto to grow up for so long it feels like yet another cocktease just to make him look like a fool in the end anyway.

    Time will tell... especially with Tsunade being sentenced to death by so many.

    Either way, we should see some really nice action in future chapters and that's what matters

  12. #32
    To be honest I don't see Naruto beating Pein here. Even in the naruto world that would be too much of a stretch. I think Naruto will end up fighting Pein, but due to some plot device the fight will be interuppted. At the most Naruto will get beat, but Pein will have to back off for one reason or another. I do think though this fight will reveal a major plot, either with Naruto directly or with something being revelaed about the rinenngan.

  13. #33
    I think you guys are missing the point of the series when it comes to thinking Naruto will beat Pein 1 on.. erm.. "1".

    I'm sticking with this prediction:

    In the fight where Pein is defeated (whenever the hell that is) Naruto will start the fight alone and frogmaster on his shoulder will die so he can't activate his nature mode while fighting.. So his friends come and help him out, the people that he's cheered up along the way demonstrating true teamwork and how konoha is one big family bla bla bla bullshit. Possibly even a turned Sasuke (I hope not). Naruto will still land the final blow (or together with Sasuke).

    The multiple body system of Pein is just screaming "You have to fight as a team to beat me."
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Look, Jiraya died figuring out Pain's secret, which will most likely translate to a weakness. It was said that Jiraya could've escaped if he wanted to. If it's a big enough thing that Jiraya would sacrifice himself for, is it not entirely plausible that Naruto could defeat Pain? Even Shizune figured out something.

  15. #35
    Well actually the point of the series, or rather the point of Naruto's character, is for him to become Hokage and earn the recognition of those who despised him as a child. That doesn't mean he has to beat Pein alone.

    You know there is a possibility that the power Itachi 'fed' Naruto might just spring forth in one of these fights. I know the accepted wisdom is that it will come out against Sasuke or possibily Madara, but Itachi could have been preparing Naruto's defenses against Pein. Itachi must have known about the rinenngan, as Pein always had it on, even when we only used to see akatsuki as holograms. Sasuke would have the EMS, and Naruto would have this mysterious power to fight with against Pein and Madara.

    Wouldn't it be weird if he transferred something of the Sharingan to Naruto?

  16. #36
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    we'd need a new language to describe how much we hate Kishi, if that happens..
    though, it might be happening, as Sasuke was said to be getting a tailed beast (not anymore, I hope), so giving naruto a sharingan would just be stepping down the stupid road.

    I think we're safe from it for now, but I'll be the first to run if it looks like it's going to happen.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Look, Jiraya died figuring out Pain's secret, which will most likely translate to a weakness. It was said that Jiraya could've escaped if he wanted to. If it's a big enough thing that Jiraya would sacrifice himself for, is it not entirely plausible that Naruto could defeat Pain? Even Shizune figured out something.
    Sometimes ppl forget that this manga is called naruto, and he is the main character of the story. Him pulling out a win is not really far fetched. Hell I rather him beating someone way above him then a secondary character. I'm pissed yet again naruto has limitation on his damn new jutsu. He needs pa frog and he can only do it for 5 min. God kishi give the poor guy a break.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    I wouldn't say Kakashi doesn't stand a single chance, but how is it possible for pein to dodge the raikiri at point blank? I say rinnegan has some ability to nulify a bloodline limit.
    Pein wants to make Kakashi one of his bodies. He stuck the receiver in his shoulder and used his genjutsu to disrupt Kakashi. Pein probably wants a Sharingan user so he can match up against Madara.

  19. #39
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I am not liking how Sasuke grew alot stronger during the time skip and Naruto barely did, and now Naruto is apparently leveling up in a matter of days (would have been better if he grew just a little more during the time skip).

    Anyway that being said it's about time Naruto will be a force in battle, and by force I don't mean where he rants about his "nindo" and surprises everyone with some technique (although we know he does have a surprise technique...) and then collapses or gets saved, I mean it's about time he finally has a combat style that can pwn in every battle (rather than random kage bunshins or rasangen's that the enemy dodges the first 5 times).

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  20. #40
    Agreed. For too long Naruto in battle has been about wasting 90% of the time with Kage Bunshins who don't actually know how to fight, and then 10% with a one shot hit that only works because the enemy thinks Naruto's only attack is a Kage Bunshin and is thus caught out by the element of surprise.

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