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It's not that I'm entirely opposed to Oori not being able to resist the power of the corpse girl. It's more the fact he has shown pretty much zero development during the series despite having learned a gigaton of stuff. Of course it's Kensei's fault as well, but all in all that scene might never have occured if Oori had tried, at any point earlier, to take his future and fate into his own hands. Now he can't even handle his mundane life, with employers disappearing without paying his wages (why the heck didn't he break into the bar and ransack it to cover his expenses, or something, haha).
That's my gripe. He has now known stuff for a long time yet has done absolutely nothing about it. Thus, I can say I hold him purely responsible for falling into a trap without an opposing word. He can't even claim ignorance as his excuse. He can't even say he didn't care, because he surely did. It was all idiotic indecisiveness, nothing else. Somebody said that in a fight the worst thing isn't to make a wrong choice but to fail to do anything.