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Thread: Kannagi

  1. #61
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    The name of the episode had something to do with Wuthering Heights... but, if I recall my high school memories of the book correctly, I can't see a parallel between this episode and the book. Unless you count the rain and mysterious-ness.

    But, an enjoyable episode none-the-less. I was quite enjoying the Nagi fantasies... :x

    Looks like her "divine" side is a touchy subject to talk about though. She says she doesn't remember things when she changes personalities, and afterwards she gets moody. This is a far-fetched guess, but I think her divine side is the part of her personality that fell in "love" with Jin, and her current personality knows that, but is also falling in love with him, so she may feel insecure about her original personality taking over? I don't know... it makes sense to me...

    Something definitely sparked in her when Jin mentions Daitetsu bringing her back home in the middle of the night. You can tell by her eyes... they go sullen for just a second.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The release date for the ED single was today, and a jolly good single it is.

    ED Single (Musuhi no Toki) - Nipponsei

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    A fantastic Tsugumi episode. Her squeaks of embarrassment and high-pitched exclaimations make this series quite amusing. Her character is almost funnier than Nagi. Poor Jin, ever the whipping boy.

    On the more developemental side of the story, a little bit more of Hakua agreeing with Zange's plans because she also desires to go after Jin. I'm hoping that they will get into why Hakua likes him, why Zange chose her, and why Hakua agreed. I will still hope for a Tsugumi ending, as Nagi should have to go back to being a full goddess in the end. Sure, Goddess Nagi likes Jin too, but in a different kind of way. This episode provided a good foundation for a Tsugumi result.

    Looks like the next episode is all about Takako.

  5. #65
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    why Zange chose her, and why Hakua agreed.
    Aye, that'd be an interesting piece of information to learn. While Zange was made to look pretty evil in the past eps, Hakua is still there and very apparently isn't exactly trying to fight Zange off her body. I guess Zange chose her simply because she was living close to Zange's tree, but why Hakua allowed it is the question.

    Goddess Nagi likes Jin too, but in a different kind of way. This episode provided a good foundation for a Tsugumi result.
    This episode showed pretty clearly Nagi isn't terribly romantically interested in Jin. She didn't seem to have any interest in participation in the operation, merely observed it for extra amusement. She's still interested otherwise obviously, as shown by her interest in Jin's past and such and the fact she still lives in the house and is affected by Jin's words and actions. However, it's pretty hard right now to see Jin-Nagi ending. Zange/Hakua is the villain (however soft she is), so she can't be the girl. I suppose that leaves Tsugumi, no matter how boring that is in a certain sense (not that she is boring but the pairing is).

  6. #66
    Poor Jin. Misunderstandings can be quite hard to clear up, let alone drag another complicated situation to the matter. Good episode, I like it.
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  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    However, it's pretty hard right now to see Jin-Nagi ending
    Yes maybe it is, but not really because of
    This episode showed pretty clearly Nagi isn't terribly romantically interested in Jin
    the Jin+Nagi ending is difficult to begin with because (as ryl already said)
    Nagi should have to go back to being a full goddess in the end.
    but we are to see how everything will end

    if we take Oh! my Goddess and Fate/Stay Night in account for example, we are able see how stories about celestial girls could end.

    and don't forget that there are different "2" Nagis, plus it's not like Jin isn't interested in her... a few episode showed clearly, that Nagi cares a lot for him and he for her, even in a romantically way (and I'm not only talking about the blush she had when Jin screamed out his thoughts in the maid-caf&#233

    now we have the first episode, where Jin showed some interest towards Tsugumi and you are already leaning towards the Jin+Tsugumi ending? I'm not convinced so quickly just because of that. In the past episodes, Jin was actually ignoring her..

    that aside:
    I wish they'd show some "impurity-fighting" again... it was really interesting when Zange showed up for the first time.. proving her strength when she single handed squashed one of these things.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 11-30-2008 at 08:28 PM.

  8. #68
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    and don't forget that there are "2" Nagi, plus it's not like Jin isn't interested in Nagi a few episode showed clearly, that Nagi cares a lot for him even in a romantically way (and I'm not only talking about the blush she had when Jin screamed out his thoughts in the maid-caf&#233

    now we have the first episode, where Jin showed interest in Tsugumi and you are already leaning towards the Jin+Tsugumi ending? I'm not convinced so quickly just because of that. In the past episodes, Jin was actually ignoring her..

    that aside:
    I wish they'd show some "impurity-fighting" again... it was really interesting when Zange showed up for the first time.. proving her strength when she single handed squashed one of these things.
    I've been hoping for the Tsugumi and Jin ending since the first episode. The childhood friend character always gets the short end of the stick in situations like this. I assumed she was the underdog at the beginning, and started rooting for her. Little did I know how little Nagi has been interested in Jin.

    I actually don't believe either version of Nagi cares for Jin in a romantic way. "Normal" Nagi may be flattered by the attention Jin gave her in the cafe, but what it came down to was Nagi cared about what Jin thinks. She doesn't want to upset him, despite how much she plays around with him. That seems to tie back in with her true personality. Goddess Nagi on the other hand, treats Jin like a big sister, or perhaps a guardian spirit. He is attuned to the area, and believes in dieties, which is why he can see the impurities. Goddess Nagi (as we saw in the first episode) wants to protect someone who cares for her lands as much as she does. Goddess Nagi doesn't want a devoted follower to shun her because she was abusive and unkind.

    Don't forget the reason Zange is that strong against the impurities. She possessed a human body, and though her power is stabilized and stronger than Nagi's was at the time, she is putting a great deal of undue stress on Hakua's body.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I've been hoping for the Tsugumi and Jin ending since the first episode. The childhood friend character always gets the short end of the stick in situations like this. I assumed she was the underdog at the beginning, and started rooting for her.
    memories of Shuffle?

    Anyway this episode was full of great laughs. Hope this series continues to deliver.
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  10. #70
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am more inclined to think that there won't be any solid ending, since the manga is still ongoing, but if there is going to be any pairing implied by the end of the show, I am pretty sure it is going to be NagixJin. Kannagi just falls into that category, and it would seem quite pointless if the main female character is the one to get the short end of the stick.

    EDIT: and I am not just saying this because I am a Nagi fan, as anyone should be able to tell.
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  11. #71
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    memories of Shuffle?
    Not quite, I hated Kaede. Rooted for Asa the first time, then after playing the game, Sia/Kikyou. There's a difference between the "perfect" childhood friend who can cook and clean and basically acts like a mother/maid, and characters like Tsugumi, who is utterly normal. Tsugumi can't beat Hakua at cooking (we know Zange herself sucks), can't beat Zange in terms of looks, and can't beat Nagi in terms of proximity (live-in trumps neighbor).

    Tsugumi gives off this strange vibe called realism. She's a little bit heavier than she'd like to be, she gets mean when she feels her place is threatened (then feels bad about it), is trying her best to learn how to cook (but still sucks at it), and she's not some horribly exaggerated character archetype. This makes her come off as very "normal," which highlights both Nagi and Zange's personalities.

  12. #72
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And usually, the main guy character does not end up with the foil.

    Don't get me wrong. I like Tsugumi, since she is a very well done version of a cliche, with the right uniqueness here and there to make her stand out.
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  13. #73
    One possible spoiler under these links, be warned, though it didn't bother me too much...

    animus is right, I didn't see it before. Massive spoiler contained here.
    Simplified: fans got mad, they halted the presses on the manga.

    link 1, the problem
    link 2, the result

    Think this will have a bad effect on the show?
    Last edited by tystic; Sat, 12-06-2008 at 04:22 AM.

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by tystic
    The first one is an odd explanation of the event, which I find amusing. So, Nagi "had" a boyfriend, and people are outraged by that. "Our Goddess isn't pure anymore."

    link 2, the result

    Think this will have a bad effect on the show?
    Ouch. This is very hurtful for loyal Kannagi fans. The anime should be fine for a while, but once it catches with the manga, they'll probably halt it.
    Last edited by Nadouku; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 10:15 PM. Reason: Changed the entire format of the text.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  15. #75
    Those are actually massive spoilers. You should've just left link 2 in.

  16. #76
    Wow @ Link #1. What a pathetic bunch of otakus. Is this some elaborate prank, or is art really imitating life? I can't believe they'd idolize a fictitious 'idol' character... Virginity is overrated.

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Those are actually massive spoilers. You should've just left link 2 in.
    I'll edit the post to signify it.

    After reading that manga chapter though, I think the bombshell that's mentioned in the second link is unsubstantiated. It's not mentioned in the manga at all that I can tell.

    /sudo exit.manga return.present

    Maybe the producers of the show can just get in touch with the author of the manga and form an ending that way.
    Last edited by tystic; Sat, 12-06-2008 at 04:33 AM.

  18. #78
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Please just keep on track to current episode that was pure gold/win

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Nagi is a slut!
    or so they say at 4chan

    really unbelievable story, but then again this happened with Neon Genesis Evangelion too, didn't it?

    nerd raging can be very fearsome
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 12-06-2008 at 12:10 PM.

  20. #80
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This is all bullshit, a ton of fanboys impressing their own image on top of the one presented by the mangaka. Particularly when it wouldn't be an issue if they had paid attention during the beginning of the series. Give you one guess which version of the character is actually canon.

    Details within the brackets:
    [[It so happens that very early on in the manga, and in the anime, we've mentioned it in this very thread, Nagi claims that "She already has someone she likes." We all assumed she meant Jin. Guess what? It isn't. Fanboys who were placing themselves in Jin's role suddenly recoil that their perfect, falsified image of Nagi is shattered. God forbid she has more depth to her than Belldandy.

    Sorry fanboys, Nagi is not another waifu would-be-slave of a pathetic loser. She's not a depthless, vapid doll that does whatever she is told just because she is living with someone who summoned her into a carved piece of wood or with a phone call.

    Nagi is a Shinto goddess. They had fights, lovers, and lived like normal people just way more divine. The mythology is all there. Do you really expect a 1000+ year old goddess to not have a lover or two (or three or four!) on the side simply because she is temporarily trapped inside the body of a younger girl?

    So a minority of fanboys cry about their "waifu" and others taunt them and mock those who had such a ridiculous reaction to perfectly normal character development by blowing it out of proportion.

    While the vocal minority tends to drive the direction of anime and manga because they do buy 20000 yen limited-edition membership cards and overpriced figures and dvds, I hope that is not the case here. Sorry moe-fans, Kannagi just so happens to be a series with a great deal more depth to it than you thought.

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