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Thread: Toaru Majutsu no Index

  1. #521
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    The doctor mentioned he'll supplement Accelerator's lost brain function with the Network, but from the ED he seems to be wearing a chokie/collar. I'm trying to make out whether it's a transmitter (why isn't it implanted then?) to the Network or some piece of fashion accessory. Really, the only plausible idea that comes to mind is a vibration microphone to pick up his voice, perhaps in order to voice-command via radio. Again, the reason why it ain't implanted comes to mind.
    I bet his name is Shotaro Jirou or Yamada Tarou. The stereotypically Japanese boring names, aka John Smith. It fits the two and three kanji he was talking about, assuming that each kanji is one syllable, as well as the "boring" reference he made.

    I don't think it really needs to be implanted, because it isn't meant to be a permanent solution. The doctor mentioned that he'd be connected to the network as a form of rehabilitation, like physical therapy for his squishy white matter.

    Accelerator talks down to everyone because he is essentially superior to the rest of the espers, and because he's an arrogant sonofabitch. If they are all human, he must be something better than human. Homo Superior to use some Marvel Comics references. Tons of other characters in other series do this too.

  2. #522
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Erm, not always each kanji is one syllable, that is rare case Ryll, for example Yamada is 2 kanji Yama(mountain, other readings incude san, but its not the honorific title) Da(Field, other readings: Ta)
    Or Übermench from Nietzsche, instead of Homo Superior.
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  3. #523
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I only vaguely knew, just making the conjecture. It's got to be something like that though. I just can't get the kanji to fit.

    Thanks for the lesson.

  4. #524
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    To Aru Majutsu no Index ED2 Single - Chikaigoto ~Sukoshi Dake Mou Ichido~

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #525

    Toaru Majutsu Index: Ep. 21

    [AoShen] Toaru Majutsu no Index - Episode 21 AVI: Download
    [AoShen] Toaru Majutsu no Index - Episode 21 MKV: Dropped

    Reason why AoShen dropped the MKV version is simply this:

    Quote Originally Posted by AoShen
    We will not be releasing any MKV versions in the future given that the raw is within reasonable quality. The troll was not done by us. End of discussion.
    [Eclipse] Toaru Majutsu no Index - Episode 21 AVI: Download
    [Eclipse] Toaru Majutsu no Index - Episode 21 MKV: Download
    Last edited by Nadouku; Sun, 03-08-2009 at 10:51 AM. Reason: Updated with Eclipse's releases and AoShen's reasoning of why they dropped the MKV version of their releases.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  6. #526

  7. #527
    Nice, laid-back episode with some Himegami screen time, who actually came along pretty informative to Touma. Other than that, this new girl seems to have an eerie feeling that she's being chased by someone else and is hiding out for a while, like what Index was in. Kind of fateful how those two met, but I can't be too sure of that, and I must say that the character designs are getting quite weird, in a good way.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  8. #528
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    At first I thought that Aisa recognized Hyouka as a vampire, but then I realized that Hyouka would have approached Aisa if she was one, only to then be destroyed by Aisa's innate ability.

    I was actually really impressed with Kuroko. Though she couldn't stop Sherry because she doesn't know about the existence of magic before this point (as admitted from her line when she got snagged), the creators were still doing a good job at fully exploiting what a teleporter could really do. Kuroko flipped Sherry over with a thought, and then pinned her, but she could have killed her easily, and they showed that.

    A teleporter like her could easily grab someone, transport up 500 ft, separate in mid-air, and teleport back to safe ground, watching as their opponent fell to their death. Kuroko can also apparently send objects without teleporting herself, so she could drop any manner of heavy object on someone.

    Touma's capacity for bluffing his way through his memory loss still continues to impress me as well. He handled Aisa with only a short pause, and she was none the wiser.

    EDIT: I just realized that it is possible that Kuroko could have simply done a judo style trip or something to Sherry. Given how fast it happened and the lack of leverage Kuroko had, I still think she used her esper to force Sherry to the ground.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 03-02-2009 at 08:39 PM.

  9. #529
    hehe I had totally forgotten that Touma had forgotten about Aisa...I for some reason was thinking that he had met her AFTER his memory loss. Nice one there Ryllharu. Oh yeah and great episode. I look forward to the next one.

  10. #530
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalrurouni
    hehe I had totally forgotten that Touma had forgotten about Aisa...I for some reason was thinking that he had met her AFTER his memory loss.
    If I recall, Touma's memory loss started around episode 6, whereas he met Himegami at episode 7, so he clearly still remembers her. Don't know how you got that weird assumption, but the only people that he should have forgotten about are everyone he met in school, Stiyl, Kaori, Index, and anything else (most importantly, Mikoto).
    I am training in the shadows.
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  11. #531
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    That is correct. Touma lost his memories before meeting Himegami. The mission he took with Styl was after the memory loss.

    Quite fantastic episode at the second half. Kuroko's scene was quite excellent. I, like Ryll, think she teleported Sherry. My guess is she touched her and teleported her to the floor in that short second. Oh... loved how Kuroko hugged her One-sama, drool.

    Oh yeah... I liked how flustered Mikoto was at the beginning with Touma. After all... this episode took place the day after they pretended to be dating. I kinda liked the 'this events are taking at the same time or immediately after' part of the last few episodes.

    Komoe's driving made me lol. She rocks.

  12. #532
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Oops, I stand corrected on the Aisa memory issue. No idea what gave me the idea that he had. After you reminded me, I clearly remember him bluffing his way through with Stiyl.

    She's still somewhat forgettable, she didn't do much of anything even in her own arc.

    I felt really lost in this episode, there was a lot of technical stuff they made it sound like I should remember from a previous arc, but I don't think we had seen any of it before.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 03-03-2009 at 04:21 AM.

  13. #533
    The arc transition is so awkward. The new magician just came out of left field.

  14. #534
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ryllharu]She's still somewhat forgettable, she didn't do much of anything even in her own arc.

    Funfact. Her novel is the least liked and the one that sold less.

    My speculation is that she came alongisde the magician that was stalking Mikoto. The transition may fell awkward after the Accelerator arc we saw... yet that one took place the night before.

  15. #535
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The arcs have pretty much all felt somewhat loose so far, with the exception of Mikoto's arc, since we kind of knew her already. In the end this series hasn't really presented a solid bigger plot, so what can you do? It's truly like a collection of novels.

    While I have already joined the pro-Mikoto faction myself, it's still somewhat appropriate Index got a little bit of screen time again. The series is named after her, after all. But man, isn't she an empty character compared to our Railgun...

  16. #536
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    She's still somewhat forgettable, she didn't do much of anything even in her own arc.
    I'm still wondering when was it that she moved out of Touma's house. It's like she vanished after the strongest vs weakest arc

    The new girl is timid, wears glasses and has big boobs so that alone puts her up there with Mikoto in my book, if she turns out to be just a bit more interesting im making her my favorite.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I was actually really impressed with Kuroko. Though she couldn't stop Sherry because she doesn't know about the existence of magic before this point (as admitted from her line when she got snagged), the creators were still doing a good job at fully exploiting what a teleporter could really do. Kuroko flipped Sherry over with a thought, and then pinned her, but she could have killed her easily, and they showed that.

    EDIT: I just realized that it is possible that Kuroko could have simply done a judo style trip or something to Sherry. Given how fast it happened and the lack of leverage Kuroko had, I still think she used her esper to force Sherry to the ground.
    Yes she grabbed her and used her ability to teleport her to the ground

    What was weird is what she did next:

    - She can apparently teleport anything she wants including herself by touvhing it but why did those metal spikes hit the ground with such force?

    Isn't her ability limited to changing the location of objects? How did she add momentum to the object the teleported? I think we need a Kuroko so this stuff can be properly explained, i'm sure that Touma is just the guy to turn her straight
    Last edited by Archangel; Tue, 03-03-2009 at 03:40 PM.

  17. #537
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    My question about Kuroko was why she couldn't escape from the Golem's grip, but I guess that since it's a magical entity it can block some powers.

    Regarding the spikes and their acceleration it's possible she uses a great mass accelerator (like the sun, eventhough the range is huge) somewhere for a split second, and then teleports them back centimeters from the target. What do you think?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #538
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    My question about Kuroko was why she couldn't escape from the Golem's grip, but I guess that since it's a magical entity it can block some powers.

    Regarding the spikes and their acceleration it's possible she uses a great mass accelerator (like the sun, eventhough the range is huge) somewhere for a split second, and then teleports them back centimeters from the target. What do you think?
    She was about to teleport but then the golem started crushing her with his arm and i assume that the pain didn't allow her to concentrate enough to use her powers.

    And i think that's one hell of a stretch

  19. #539
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    I'm still wondering when was it that she moved out of Touma's house. It's like she vanished after the strongest vs weakest arc

    - She can apparently teleport anything she wants including herself by touvhing it but why did those metal spikes hit the ground with such force?

    Isn't her ability limited to changing the location of objects? How did she add momentum to the object the teleported? I think we need a Kuroko so this stuff can be properly explained, i'm sure that Touma is just the guy to turn her straight
    Himegami moved in with Loli-Sensei at some point. It was my understanding that when Index and Himegami went over to Komoe's for food (the scene where Index and Komoe had a conversation while Aisa ate all the meat out of the sukiyaki), Aisa moved in shortly thereafter. An off-screen agreement that Touma couldn't possibly support more than one deadbeat.

    As for Kuroko, from what we've seen with how Touma blocked her, and previous appearances, we assumed that she needs to touch things to teleport them. But she clearly just waved her hand over the spikes here, and didn't even touch the other set or the ones on the back of her bandoliers. Maybe she doesn't need to touch something to teleport it, perhaps just some form of connection to it (hence the touch to things/people she isn't familiar with). Then for the spikes she uses so often, it wouldn't be that far of a stretch for her to send them high to gain some speed, and then back down close to her target for the final precision strike.

    If it is based on personal connection rather than touch, it also may explain why she can find her Onee-sama so quickly and in all variety of situations.

  20. #540
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Technically she is touching the spikes. They are on her leg.

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