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Thread: Toaru Majutsu no Index

  1. #261
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was kind of hoping Touma would grab hold of Accelerator with his right arm (negating his powers) and then just beat the shit out of him over and over. But when you punch someone in the face while they fly at you at 40 mph, that's probably better in the end. Good fight overall. I agree with Munsu, this is the first time where his power didn't give him instant victory, it only made the playing field level.

    Touma one this one fair and square, and not just due to chance. It's a lot like his first encounter with Stiyl, where he may have negated the powers first, but was smart enough to set off the fire alarms so he could finish the job.

    I also thought Index was going to munch on his head for not feeding her properly, instead of for making her worried.

    Next week's preview looks very interesting. Looks like an evil Index shows up (red robed nun). It'll start as a beach episode, but it looks like the serious stuff with Index starts up again. I'm more curious how he will deal with Kanzaki. He won't remember her at all, and he and she had a few very serious conversations that changed the relationship between the two.

  2. #262
    This series has quite a few interesting characters that have been underused, so I hope this series goes longer than the usual 24/26 episodes or that a sequel is being planned. They could all use a Mikoto-style arc, with Kanzaki being the next in line. And I'm sure more cool characters are due to be introduced... too many super powers around, and with different sources of power. I'd like to see more of the Magicians vs. Espers deal... we haven't seen much of that. Actually, we haven't seen much of the politics of this world.

  3. #263
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Accelerator is a strange guy, as I said before he knew about dust explosion, but didn't realise he was inside and even at the core of the explosion and that he'd be oxygen depleted... It's so dumb since he even commented on oxygen depletion because of 10 032 strategy.
    And that dumb guy is able to make the calculations to create a stable plasma without any computer? Only like that, even able to take natural winds into account? (well there was no wind they said)

    Then, he keeps telling everyone he can manipulate any vector, no matter when.
    And when he keeps getting hit hard, he doesn't react, he doesn't even step back?

    Is it possible his brain was really oxygen depleted to not being able to react so much, but had enough wits to create a plasma?

    We know that in the end he had to lose, but the sequence was messed up a bit.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #264
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nah, he was just an arrogant son of a bitch. The reason he never reacted to getting hit hard was because he just couldn't believe that someone could do it in the first place, much less continue to do it. Accelerator probably thought Touma wouldn't be able to keep it up. That arrogance, knowing he's never lost before, led him to believe there was no way he could lose to someone with no power. He is dumb the same way Touma is, where Touma has determination and a need to be the hero, Accelerator just had absolute arrogance.

    As for the plasma creation, it's just a natural sense of his abilities, taken up to the maximum. Mikoto does the same thing subconsciously with her Railgun abilities, and the MISAKAs can't because they lost that sensation in the cloning process, and make up for it with the goggles.

  5. #265
    Dloading...and ToA 15...

  6. #266
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I still cant get why he didn't pierced touma with small rock through the brain or heart. In his place i would be trying to kill ASAP without damaging surroundings.
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  7. #267
    Great episode. Shows how weak Accelerator is to physical attacks. Plasma created from compressed wind? I wonder how much damage that would have done if he had succeeded.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  8. #268
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    Accelerator is a strange guy, as I said before he knew about dust explosion, but didn't realise he was inside and even at the core of the explosion and that he'd be oxygen depleted... It's so dumb since he even commented on oxygen depletion because of 10 032 strategy.
    And that dumb guy is able to make the calculations to create a stable plasma without any computer? Only like that, even able to take natural winds into account? (well there was no wind they said)
    He's obviously mad and arrogant as hell. It's not that he's stupid, but you can't expect a psychopath's brain to make much sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair
    I still cant get why he didn't pierced touma with small rock through the brain or heart. In his place i would be trying to kill ASAP without damaging surroundings.
    Read the explanation above.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Great episode. Shows how weak Accelerator is to physical attacks. Plasma created from compressed wind? I wonder how much damage that would have done if he had succeeded.
    Probably enough damage to fuck himself up in the process, which again shows that that guy isn't quite right in the head.

    Bottom line folks, Accelerator is still the strongest esper we've ever seen but his psyche is unbelievably messed up.

    They say absolute power corrupts absolutely and here's the perfect example of just that, never having been defeated he has an ego so big that stopped him from thinking straight after taking a couple of punches from a level 0.

    It's ridiculous once you think about it, he kept making his attacks bigger and bigger while a small vector change to a small projectile would take Touma out in a mater of nanoseconds, but again his pride was his downfall.

    I hope we get to see more of him, and we probably will since he doesn't seem like the guy to take a loss like this with his arms crossed.

    As for the preview, beach + lolis = already a guaranteed win

    Dam Misaka is already all over him on the beach? This guy and the MC from Persona 3 are my new heroes and role models
    Last edited by Archangel; Sun, 01-11-2009 at 02:46 PM.

  9. #269
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Yeah i get that explanation, but still, it should be natural thought process, it can hit me -> it is dangerous -> keep at range -> kill it -> do it.
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    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
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  10. #270
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'd rather believe he was still oxygen depleted.
    After all, he stated Touma was way too slow to touch him, which was true till the flour explosion.
    After that, the very slow puches -Accelerator wise- were able to touch him.
    I understand they are effective when they touch, but before that they're just normal punches that accelerator should be able to dodge with ease

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #271
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Even if we forget the fact the guy was crazy and thus doesn't think naturally, there remains still the fact he didn't know Touma's power unlike we. To him it just looked like Touma somehow punched through his vector change defense, and it's almost certain an idea that there could be a simple ESP cancelling esper out there never crossed his mind, so he couldn't concentrate on that. From his previous, very numerous, battles he had probably learned that when your strike doesn't bring the opponent down, increase the power. So, like Arch said, he decided to switch to stronger and stronger attacks. For this guy who never really had any need to think about defending himself, only thinking of different attacks was the natural way. I don't think there was anything strange in this fight in that sense.

  12. #272
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu

    Next episode, the usual beach anime episode. Hopefully it won't solely be about eye candy.

    Hehe. Actually the fourth novel does begin like this. Avoid Wikipedia if any of you don't want to be spoiled.

    Great episode. Like everybody said already, Accelerator is just too arrogant, so he didn't really stop to analyze what was going on.

    I don't think Touma would have survived without Mikoto and the Sisters assistance though. I liked a lot that the scientific side of things was used by Mikoto, by calculating the wind used by Accelerator to use the plasma and the planning of reverting the wind to stop it, using the aid of the Sisters. They didn't just 'try something' like the first arc or freaked out the enemy, like the second, they did a calculation.

    For any of you who likes Mikoto... here is a doujinshi follow up to this arc:
    Icha Icha Railgun (its non-H you pervs)
    Icha Icha Railgun 2

    Like you I also expect a sequel. Series is marked to have 25 episodes. Yet at this pace it will only cover 5 out of 19 novels (17 mainline + 2 specials).

  13. #273
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    FInally catched up. Great show. But i agree with those that wonder about Accelerator´s fighting behaviour. Yeah, he was mad and arrogant and all that, but still...

    i wont complain too much, though, it´s too entertaining.

  14. #274
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    I'd rather believe he was still oxygen depleted.
    After all, he stated Touma was way too slow to touch him, which was true till the flour explosion.
    After that, the very slow puches -Accelerator wise- were able to touch him.
    I understand they are effective when they touch, but before that they're just normal punches that accelerator should be able to dodge with ease
    All he did was turn the vectors from the force of friction in his feet the other way meaning he only had twice the normal speed of a human being. Seeing as he seemed somewhat physically weak that shouldn't count for such a big speed boost that Touma wouldn't be able to counter him.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I don't think Touma would have survived without Mikoto and the Sisters assistance though
    No discussion there, it was definitely a team effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    For any of you who likes Mikoto... here is a doujinshi follow up to this arc:
    Icha Icha Railgun (its non-H you pervs)
    Icha Icha Railgun 2
    Do those explain why she's all over Touma in the preview? It seems so out of character for her.

    Edit: Oh wait that's a doujinshi, that means it isn't cannon right?

    Edit2: Lol those were awesome, thx for sharing Zell
    Last edited by Archangel; Sun, 01-11-2009 at 04:05 PM.

  15. #275
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I'll... keep to myself the reason of the preview. The 4th novel (next arc) shall explain itself.

    Im hoping for a 3rd Icha Icha Railgun btw.

    I wonder... MISAKA 10032 was the one that Touma got to know... but they said that all the MISAKA's are linked when Touma found the dead 10031... does that mean all remaining MISAKA from 10033 to 20000 like him now?

    I want THAT harem...

  16. #276
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I read comments elsewhere on the internet, now I have been spoiled about next episode.
    Serves me right. [adding spacing] T.T

    I think they only rolled out about two dozen or so MISAKAs at any one given time. It really wouldn't do to have all 20000 MISAKA clones running around the city. Perhaps when a new one matured, they'd simply link it up with the hive mind to get it up to speed. The ones that are around all certainly love him quite a bit now. Touma has built quite the considerable harem.

  17. #277
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I really envy him. It always was my dream to have own harem.
    And Archie - Accelerator can manipulate vectors - not only reverse them, therefore he could get even x5 his normal speed, or x50 - but it would be pain to stop in instant with this speed.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
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  18. #278
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Ryll: So I guess you now know what happened on the preview... Im on the same boat. But I've actually known since before the series began. I saw the Mikoto figure I own on pre-order at HLJ and investigated from what series she was. I've liked her character ever since.

    A bit off topic... I have all the Novels images. Would you guys like me to post them on another thread at the En fuego forum?


  19. #279
    As long as they don't contain spoilers, go ahead.

  20. #280
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Okay. I'll post those of the 3 first novels only later today. Must upload them first and then prepare the posts.

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