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Thread: Toaru Majutsu no Index

  1. #181
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I think change in vector just means change in direction....

    Like Medusa's vector arrows from Soul Eater. It just shoots things back where they came from (or maybe a chosen path).

    None of this thermo stuff though.

  2. #182
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But magnitude is in fact included in the definition of vector, meaning it might include speed and energy.
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  3. #183
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What shinta said. Accelerator said himself he can control anything that has a vector, eg, energy, electricity etc.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #184
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Toaru Majutsu Index: Ep. 13

    Episode 13 of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun... no wait... ToAru Majutsu no Index

    I want to be on Touma's place at the beginning of the episode...

    Mikoto and MISAKA... are mine!!

    Oh yeah... another stupid scene with Index. Guess they want to show her because her name is on the title.

  5. #185
    Accelerator is seriously OP however he's cocky as all hell which is of course why he'll lose. His horrible aim may play a role as well. I have to give Touma props though for being able to run around like that after getting zapped multiple times then running across the city (but of course this is anime so it's not really all that special.

  6. #186
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The hope of getting a pantyshot of Misaka again gives any shounen infinite energy.
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  7. #187
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Guess he can control magnitude after all. That guy's power is overkill. How can you put him on the same level as Mikoto?

    btw...what's with the similarities. Creating their own realities...Esper=Gigalomaniac?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 12-29-2008 at 06:15 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #188
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It's a good thing both aired in the same season. Otherwise, the succeeding one would suffer from comparison, much like Rahxephon being compared to Evangelion.
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  9. #189
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Guess he can control magnitude after all. That guy's power is overkill. How can you put him on the same level as Mikoto?

    btw...what's with the similarities. Creating their own realities...Esper=Gigalomaniac?
    We really haven't seen how they really classify the levels.

    Maybe his abilities are overkill, because of the vector usage, but maybe powerwise he has just a bit more than Mikoto. Anyways... there are only 7 level 5 espers... wonder who are the other five...

  10. #190
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    It is total overkill, only possible way to kill him would be using touma's arm to hit him as hard as possible, but damn he's to smart to let someone near him.
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  11. #191
    I laughed when Accelerator was confused as to why his vector was dispelled for a second.

    Great episode, going to love seeing the climax of the battle pretty soon. It looks like To Aru Majutsu no Index isn't going to air until January 10th, 2009.

    More Touma x Mikoto/MISAKA!
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  12. #192
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    I laughed when Accelerator was confused as to why his vector was dispelled for a second.

    Great episode, going to love seeing the climax of the battle pretty soon. It looks like To Aru Majutsu no Index isn't going to air until January 10th, 2009.

    More Touma x Mikoto/MISAKA!
    yup. He suffered the same symptoms as others. He goes berserk after he finds out his power isn't flawless against Touma...

    The problem is that his power can give large amounts of cinetical energy to large quantities of matter. I think Touma's hand can't do anything against moving matter, because the esper cause for it to move is already gone.
    Also Accelerator seems to be on the high IQ side, probably meaning why he's the strongest level 5, so it's hard to predict how Touma will get himself out of the troubles he got in willingfully.
    Because Accelerator can kill him with just a small stone...

    From the intro with MISAKA, I think Accelerator will play around a lot till he loses by being to full of himself. That's a very common scenario in anime.
    I guess that what will save Touma is that he's maybe smarter that Accelerator.

    That black cat is normal is it?

    Regarding the explanation for the espers... ok with drugs reality becomes distorted... but only to those using them, and only in their heads, how come drugs enable them to change matter/energy?
    Unless they are in a collective dream/alternate reality (Matrix?) I do not see how they explain those facts...

    Also, level 0 isn't a single level in itself... it also comprises people for which they don't know why the procedure didn't work, and Touma is a special case.
    So in Level 0 you get powerless guys/girls and some you can't classify.
    Which leaves doors wide open for Touma and his speacial power.

    Well whatever, we shall know a little more next ep.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #193
    It seems to me that the battle will be all about Touma trying to grab him. Once he has a hold of the guy with his right hand, he's free to beat the crap out of him.

  14. #194
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    you know what? fun part is grabbing him - have fun while doing that suicidal action.
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  15. #195
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    I laughed when Accelerator was confused as to why his vector was dispelled for a second.

    Great episode, going to love seeing the climax of the battle pretty soon. It looks like To Aru Majutsu no Index isn't going to air until January 10th, 2009.

    More Touma x Mikoto/MISAKA!
    Definitely better than watching Index.

    I hope a second season is announced... so we can see novel 12 animated... seeing at the pace this series is going... I think we'll see only up to novel 5 animated.

    I hope someone licenses the novel and translates it to english... I found all volumes scanned... the 12 + the 2 SS, but I can't read japanese =P

  16. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Definitely better than watching Index.

    I hope a second season is announced... so we can see novel 12 animated... seeing at the pace this series is going... I think we'll see only up to novel 5 animated.

    I hope someone licenses the novel and translates it to english... I found all volumes scanned... the 12 + the 2 SS, but I can't read japanese =P
    Very better, at this point.

    I do hope so too, although I haven't read any of the light novels yet.
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  17. #197
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    The problem is that his power can give large amounts of cinetical energy to large quantities of matter. I think Touma's hand can't do anything against moving matter, because the esper cause for it to move is already gone.
    Indeed, it's troublesome. A moving object doesn't have any energy as such anymore, because energy is only spend in acceleration (or released in deceleration). Of course ESP energy was used to give the speed to the object, and I do think it's somewhat fuzzy why Touma can't negate that movement as simply as he can negate Mikoto's electricity. Electricity is nothing but moving charged particles (electrons), after all, or creating the charge difference then naturally decharged. It kind of stinks of a story serving plothole.

    Looks like he needs to fool the guy and get a firm grab or use poison gas, because obviously the dude needs to breath and he can't repel something he doesn't notice before it's too late (I estimate the chances for the latter option 0.1%, despite ozone).

  18. #198
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Your last point has me thinking that while using the dust explosion, he deplates oxygen in a large volume.
    He can protect himself from the explosion, but how about the lack of oxygen he just created?
    After all, they even took the time to let him explain 10032's strategy around the same idea.
    He doesn't seem dumb as to burn oxygen all around him, but this may be the result of his last action.

    Regarding how Touma dispells Mikoto's electricity, there's the contact idea.
    I guess that since his hand is in contact with the current, his anihilator remains in contact through the stream with the esper source and can anihilate the part needed to protect itself.

    In the case of the accelerator things are a lot different, since the cause for the moving objects doesn't exist anymore when the object arrives near Touma... He had the same problem with Izzard when he was throwing bullets. Eventhough we may argue these weren't real bullets and Touma could dispell them too.

    Maybe after thinking about all of this, Touma will learn a way of stoping moving objects with his hand, it's mandatory for him to survive the moment the accelerator will be fed up and will trully aim at him with rails or whatever too quick/heavy for Touma

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  19. #199
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Touma wasted a perfectly good chance to defeat Accelerator when he slapped his hand away. If he just grabbed him right then, the battle would be over. Did he not even have a plan before coming to fight a level 5 monster? Even an elementary school kid should realize that the best tactic is to surprise the enemy, either by sneaking up to them or allowing yourself to be underestimated. But when Accelerator comes in range, he slaps him away, revealing his power in the process?

    The Touma that destroyed the seals of the fire user, talked his way out of being killed by sword girl, discovered the Index's memory seal and figured out the trick behind the alchemist's power should not be that stupid.
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  20. #200
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    The Touma that destroyed the seals of the fire user, talked his way out of being killed by sword girl, discovered the Index's memory seal and figured out the trick behind the alchemist's power should not be that stupid.
    He's not the same Touma, remember?

    He forgot all that thanks to Index's malfuntioned spell.

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