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Thread: Tales of the Abyss

  1. #141

  2. #142
    Was a good episode. Things are hotting up as they would say

  3. #143
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The warmongers will have a lot to explain when "dead" people show up and explain how things really are. But of course by then it might be too late already, judging by the preview. Still, the preview showed kind of wrong people behind the bars. I guess everybody wanted a war, after all.

  4. #144

    Tales of the Abyss Episode 13

    gg 13:[gg]_Tales_of_the_Abyss_-_13_[36F3AB1F].mkv.torrent

    Looks like there's not much discussion for this series any longer. Hopefully the war that is about to start will bring more discussion. Else, I think I'm going to remove the series from this section and prepare for the Winter season series,

  5. #145
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Interesting episode, sorry for lack of disscusion on mine side Munsu - i were playing game up till now. War, finding that Natalia is fake princess, Asch double betreyal. Overall - great episone with plot-twists.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  6. #146
    Not a surprise here, but this will no longer be a "En Fuego Series".

    Here's 14 by gg while we're at it:[gg]_Tales_of_the_Abyss_-_14_[8BA0074B].mkv.torrent

  7. #147

  8. #148
    Dloading...this show is fun to watch. Doesnt take itself too seriously and is visually good looking. Hope THORA picks it up

  9. #149
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This episode certainly was strenghtening the image that Natalia and Asch are a pair, and Luke and Tear the other.

  10. #150
    Just caught up to episode 15. Last couple of episodes have been fairly good, story wise with all the background info and betrayals. I really dislike the fact that one second they're in one country and the next second they're in the other side of the world in another. There's a lack of adventure in this series that I was expecting, and at the moment it seems like random scenes pasted together to form a story... so there's no real natural progression to what's going on and how things are coming about. It's been a while since our main characters were involved in a decent battle/action scene... want to see Luke and his new self-rightous crap self do something.

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Just caught up to episode 15. Last couple of episodes have been fairly good, story wise with all the background info and betrayals. I really dislike the fact that one second they're in one country and the next second they're in the other side of the world in another. There's a lack of adventure in this series that I was expecting, and at the moment it seems like random scenes pasted together to form a story... so there's no real natural progression to what's going on and how things are coming about. It's been a while since our main characters were involved in a decent battle/action scene... want to see Luke and his new self-rightous crap self do something.

    Yeah I agree with you but I guess they are setting up for some epic fights in the future. Also I think this game is very tightly based on the rpg version, and so I guess in the game they do run around a lot but they have not bothered with or figured out a way to transition between the going to from Ingobert's palace to Peony's and then down to Yulia City...

  12. #152
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Now that they have the airplane it's a little questionable what could happen during the travels anyway... Seagulls getting drawn into the engines and the plane crashing? They probably can travel anywhere in the world in half a day at most. The plane has seriously overpowered engines, if you paid attention: They took in lots and lots of people in the sinking city, and the thing had no troubles whatsoever taking off and zooming away. So, with only their usual company on, it probably travels at mach 2 or something...

  13. #153
    They should just shoot down the plane.

  14. #154
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Being able to support huge loads does not make it travel proportionately fast without it. Think transport ships.
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  15. #155
    I chuckled after the big reveal about Van and Luke was flipped upside down. Those kind of shots are always like, did they seriously do that?
    Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!

  16. #156
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Being able to support huge loads does not make it travel proportionately fast without it. Think transport ships.
    We aren't talking about ships here. A ship expends energy on nothing but beating the friction against water (and air to a much lesser extent). However, this is a plane that can do even vertical take offs. Still, you are correct in the sense that going mach speeds has requirements for the general shape of the plane and I'm sure there are also other stuff to consider of which I know nothing of. But good engines is one factor I can name, and nobody can say this airplane doesn't have those.

  17. #157
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Into the abyss

    Episode 16 - gg

    - - - - - -

    What this series is lacking is determination. It's starting to piss me off the good guys don't kill the bad guys yet the bad guys (obviously) won't hesitate to do that to the good guys. Like this episode had ridiculous deaths. They would have spared both lives and time if they had slaughtered the pistol bitch and her escort of sorry soldiers, but nah, they left her to kill their benefactors instead. Not much different with Van. They didn't even try to fight.

    It's made all the more strange by the fact Luke should have this annihilation power, which is the very fact that made him useful to Van. Why doesn't he use it? He could likely defeat anything with it, unlike with his pitiful sword skills. Seriously, the dude sucks just as long noodles after his change as before, just from the other end.

  18. #158

    If you want to post, make the post after watching the episode and fill it with your opinions of the episode/series. This post goes against the rule no. 14: No useless low content posts.
    Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 01-21-2009 at 03:11 AM.

  19. #159
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Into the abyss

    Episode 16 - gg

    - - - - - -

    What this series is lacking is determination. It's starting to piss me off the good guys don't kill the bad guys yet the bad guys (obviously) won't hesitate to do that to the good guys. Like this episode had ridiculous deaths. They would have spared both lives and time if they had slaughtered the pistol bitch and her escort of sorry soldiers, but nah, they left her to kill their benefactors instead. Not much different with Van. They didn't even try to fight.

    It's made all the more strange by the fact Luke should have this annihilation power, which is the very fact that made him useful to Van. Why doesn't he use it? He could likely defeat anything with it, unlike with his pitiful sword skills. Seriously, the dude sucks just as long noodles after his change as before, just from the other end.
    Jade is an exception in that group, at least one we know.
    It's true however that everytime I watch an ep, I wonder if it was good or not, if I'm entertained or not. It's a bit like I was losing my time.
    Sure there are some flashy effects at times, and other very badly done effects...
    But all in all, I start hesitating downloading, and then tend to place the ep at the end of my "to watch" list, instead of jumping on it like I do for other shows.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #160
    I hope the series IS setting us up for some epic fights in the near future because every time it seems things are going to get really actiony (not a word I know ) everybody just runs away...the sword fights at the beginning of this series was quite good...bring some fights!!

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