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Thread: Tales of the Abyss

  1. #81
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Tales of the Abyss Episode 06

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #82
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Humm, not much to discover or enjoy yet.
    Everything is so slow and said/shown well before it happens.

    I wonder what should be the things to be enjoyed next.
    Is that fight scenes? Because we've had that and it was meh.

    So what should we be waiting for that is of interrest?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #83
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I'm assuming Van is either a bad guy, or he interpreted the scores wrong. I believe it said the guy with red hair or whatever will bring war, but maybe it's referring to Asch. And it seems Asch and Luke do look alike. Either one's a clone or they are twins. Maybe they got swapped during the kidnap.

    Anyways, nothing really happened here, except walking through the factory. What sucks about these RPG-turned-anime is the fights. There's always gotta be these random enemies that pop out just to show a fight and they really aren't anything special.

    At least the interaction between the characters in this episode was entertaining. Especially Tear being scared of ghosts.

  4. #84
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    after declaring my intent to drop this show so that maybe, one day I'll enjoy the story in the video game form, I went back on that decision in light of an entreaty to do so. However, if there was ever to be an episode to change someone's sentiments about this show, it was surely not this one.

    We get a little bit of backstory, a lot of comedic relief (mostly rehashed from previous episodes), to fill the time as they proceed through a dungeon up until they can spend three seconds fighting "the dungeon master" and then launch right into an explanatory tutorial about how to use Jade's abilities. And then the standard brief confrontation between hero and villain to showcase the temporary superiority of the bad guy.

    I feel like this entire viewing experience can be wrapped up in a brief quote of dialouge from this episode. After they spend yet more time yammering up the silly competition triangle for Luke's affection, Jade remarks:
    "Everybody's having so much fun..."
    To which Guy gives a heavy sigh and says, "Who is?"

    And, a little while later, from the main character himself, "BOOOORING!"
    My sentiments exactly.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #85
    If Ash isn't the real Luke and Luke a Fon clone created to double your magical hax I'll eat my hypothetical hat.

    Anyway this show is starting to bore me as well, they way everything feels so like it was just ripped out of an RPG is starting to get on my nerves. The story itself seems interesting, but I think the RPG story without the RPG interactivity is what's putting me off.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 11-03-2008 at 03:07 PM.

  6. #86
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Luke's total and heedless obnoxiousness amused me again in this episode. If only he was like that and could actually back up that attitude with ability. But it's impossibly tiresome how he's such a loser every time things turn tough or if there's a decision to be made. Those times the: "Shut up! Follow me!" attitude mysteriously disappears into some black hole as if it never existed. Only to resurface when things have turned boring again. Somebody really would need to kick his ass. I hope Ash will break a couple of his limbs to teach him a lesson.

    Speaking of the RPG traits what amused me is how they were travelling with no other visible equipment or provisions than their weapons. Even through the sand desert. Just like in games where you see nothing but your armor, shield, and the weapon that happens to be currently active.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If Ash isn't the real Luke and Luke a Fon clone created to double your magical hax I'll eat my hypothetical hat.

    Anyway this show is starting to bore me as well, they way everything feels so like it was just ripped out of an RPG is starting to get on my nerves. The story itself seems interesting, but I think the RPG story without the RPG interactivity is what's putting me off.
    Hehe, in video games there isn't usually much subtlety in the story. If only Asch was the main character, this would be a much more interesting show. He also has much better fashion sense than Luke (what the heck is with the belly shirt? It's ridiculous...) And his hair colour seems more consistent with that of Luke's parents, although maybe that's just a light vs. dark distinction on the part of the character design to let you know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. I wonder if Van plans to use Luke as a weapon to fight against Asch.

    I'm really curious to play this game though. Every so often in the anime I catch myself thinking, "Maybe this cutscene will end soon so I can explore the town!"

  8. #88
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    I'm glad they finally had Ashe and Luke at least square off, so they could stop "shadowing" his face everytime he was on screen. That was really annoying... especially considering it's very clearly visible in the OP.

    It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.

  9. #89
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Only thing interesting this episode was "revealing" Ion's an isofon of the duckbill fellow. That's about it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #90
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    ...or we could just wonder why so many subbers (three of them quality) have chosen to focus their efforts on this series that has yet to really display why it should be subbed this extensively.

    I'm sure the game is great, but the anime has been a very large disappointment for me.

    The game is great? Please... I've been trying for the past two whole years to finish it...

    And you people know how I love RPGs...

  11. #91
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  12. #92
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was about the time Tear or anybody else told Luke what a fool he is. Not that he would listen but still. Maybe we will get to see Van thrust his sword through Luke's guts à la Bleach...

    Yet, it still amuses me half the time how big and vulgar an idiot the dude is. If only he was lecherous as well... That would be awesome.

  13. #93
    Well, seems like our theories about Asch and Luke were in the right direction.

    I thought it was an enjoyable episode, still quite slow in its development with the whole passage thing. Some good background info though, and the final scene were interesting. Still expected this to be a better episode... an episode where all hell would break loose.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It was about the time Tear or anybody else told Luke what a fool he is. Not that he would listen but still. Maybe we will get to see Van thrust his sword through Luke's guts à la Bleach...

    Yet, it still amuses me half the time how big and vulgar an idiot the dude is. If only he was lecherous as well... That would be awesome.
    Yep, it was about time... people sympathized with his situation at first so they let it be, but after a time it gets tiring. The show is aware of how annoying of a character Luke is, and this is their way of telling us.

    Overall I thought it was a nice episode... I wonder what that commander's relationship with Natalia is, and who Sync is with the whole Fon Master angle.

    I thought it was great how everyone ignored Luke at the end... he was really getting on my nerves.

  15. #95
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I only now watched the episode. it wasn't terrible like the first few, it was just mediocre.
    Tear is afraid of ghosts, wow, so amazing, we've never seen a (seemingly) strong female characters suddenly being terrified of a relatively insignificant creature. it's got to be a world record!

    seriously, they try so hard to make tear seem like a strong, empowered woman character, and then they ruin it for the sake of cliche's...

    I don't mind Luke being a dick, but he really needs to pace himself... he can't go from arrogant jerk to wimpy cunt more than twice a scene, and luke switches around every sentence...

    Asch, and Ninjaboy Fon... I don't care. I'd even rather not care, since there's no chance in seven hells that we'll see their side of the story (which is probably much more awesome than the side of the story we see), so why bother?

    Nattalia and the Dungeon crawling... as you guys said before, the giant spider came out of nowhere, had a horrible fight, and made no sense, other than to prove again (see tear's case) that women can't do anything without the help of men.
    also, I can live with swords in this robot\computers\dvd\airships setting, since sword draw on the magic strength of the wielder. but wooden arrows? she plans to charge the sand-roller with plain wooden arrows? bitch is crazy.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    also, I can live with swords in this robot\computers\dvd\airships setting, since sword draw on the magic strength of the wielder. but wooden arrows? she plans to charge the sand-roller with plain wooden arrows? bitch is crazy.
    Actually that's pretty realistic. The girl belongs to the nobility, and nobility close to the royals, no less. It would be pretty unseemly for her to be seen practicing any close contact martial arts. Archery, however, can be pretty stylish and ceremonial (the Japanese know this better than anyone...). Of course it makes her useless against most opponents, but it can't be helped: She can't leave Luke alone with beauties like Tear (though only god knows why anybody would be interested in a fool like Luke, unless for political reasons).

  17. #97
    Another thing... do any of you guys have an idea on why Asch told Luke his location? What was his intention? And do you guys think that the other Generals knew that he had told Luke his location?

    I find it awkward that he told him where he was, just to get pissed at him when he arrived and then have all of them fight.

  18. #98

    Tales of the Abyss Episode 08

    By gg:[gg]_Tales_of_the_Abyss_-_08_[34FD8C6A].mkv.torrent

    And here's a patch to convert it to v2:[gg]_Tales_of_the_Abyss_-_08v2_Patch.rar.torrent


    No translation changes were made in this patch, it just fixes some Engrish errors
    that QC didn't catch. TotA - 08v2.ass is the updated script for those who don't use

    To patch the file, dump the contents of this zip archive to the same folder
    that the original video is in, then execute [gg]_Tales_of_the_Abyss_-_08v2_Patch.bat.
    When it says "press any key to continue", you are finished patching.
    I thought this was a great episode, and Luke was awesomely idiotic.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 11-17-2008 at 09:13 AM.

  19. #99
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was such a pleasure to watch how Luke in his infinite idiocy first killed thousands and then when he, honouring his old habits, tried to deny responsibility, got rejected by everybody - except the flying creature that sympathised with him, being also guilty of a somewhat similar deed. And moments later it was almost as funny to watch how Asch could evade all his attacks without even drawing his sword, and when he finally did, Luke was defeated instantly.

    Actually it would be beyond sweet if Asch actually skewered Luke and became the new main character. But I guess such an unorthodox thing is impossible.

  20. #100
    Lol @Kraco the main reason was even going to post on this ep was to say what you suggested.

    Not only would Asch would make a much less annoying, worthless, retarded main character, he's also just awesome with his massive shoulder chip and goofy boots. Sure he's kind of a dick (at least has a decent reason) but that means his 'Heroic Growth' could be to become less of a dick while seeking justice for what was done to him. But instead of that we'll have to suffer through probably 18 more eps of a retard trying to accomplish things that a non-retarded person should have ever been asked to or even allowed to attempt doing.

    I'm usually not one to hate main characters but I don't think I've got much choice with the way fake-Luke (it's disrespectful to the real Luke aka Asch to associate his name with that 'dreck') is portrayed. Maybe by the time he's finished his Heroic Journey I'll find him less abhorrent but somehow I don't think his personality is going to get that much better even if he learns to use his brain for more than seeking praise and acclaim for doing jack shit.

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