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Thread: Tales of the Abyss

  1. #161
    I really hated this episode, though I liked that the old people got "killed". What I really hate in animes is when a party is obviously trying to escape, but the enemies just stand around acting dumb instead of going after them. They were like two steps away and did absolutely nothing...

    I really dislike the "new" Luke.

  2. #162

  3. #163
    Good episode. More action than there was. Asch is a badass but I think that has been mentioned already!

  4. #164

  5. #165

  6. #166

  7. #167
    Nice episodes.

    That misama in the beginning was literally just killing everything it came into contact with; those poor animals. Hyperrensonance can destroy atomic particles? That's something.

    Emotional episode 22, but it came with a weird outcome. Poor Dirt didn't get a chance to do anything flashy before Jade decided to whomp his ass.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  8. #168
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    it was stated that it can break them on atomic level, so just mass of protons(hydrogen)/neutrons/electrons floating around instead of miasma.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
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  9. #169
    I was surprised Jade was that powerful. The last few episodes have been good. Thanks for the links Its kinda interesting how I could not stand Luke at the beginning of the series and how hes totally awesome!

  10. #170
    I also find myself comparing the pre-Akuzerith Luke to the Luke we have now, it's like he's a completely different character. Tear was pretty harsh this ep though, I think she was saying that stuff she said to try to guilt him into not sacrificing himself so she could keep him around. Undoubtedly selfish, but at least she was pretty overt about it. Of course, Luke, being a blockhead, wouldn't have noticed anyway. I was worried that there would be no consequences at all for Luke since main characters aren't allowed to die except in final episodes but I suppose this outcome works too.

    I was glad to finally see Jade be Jade again though. Back when they started talking about Fon Slot Seals I immediately got the impression that it was a plot device used in the game to lower Jade's level to be on par with the rest of the party since he initially struck me as a level 100 badass char. I figure as the characters leveled by gaining exp Jade's leveling was just unraveling more and more of the seal to get back to his previous level of awesome. His "How long ago tdo you think that was was pretty sweet".
    Last edited by Yukimura; Fri, 03-06-2009 at 04:27 PM.

  11. #171
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Well, it was plot device to lower his level in game. Also did you notice that they use sometimes scenes from the game? when quality drops it is scene from the game - look closely to the character's hair.
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    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
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  12. #172
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Tear was pretty harsh this ep though, I think she was saying that stuff she said to try to guilt him into not sacrificing himself so she could keep him around. Undoubtedly selfish, but at least she was pretty overt about it. Of course, Luke, being a blockhead, wouldn't have noticed anyway.
    I'm not so sure about that. Tear is the kind of person who was/is ready to sacrifice herself, as well. I think she was just being very honest there, deciding to speak frankly. What she basically said is that she won't stop Luke but his sacrifice won't make her happy at all. Like we saw later, the others were thinking likewise since none made a serious effort to stop him.

    Quite a cool guy act at the end, telling everything's just fine. I don't still particularly like his character, but it's for sure better than it was before the change, albeit not as amusing.

  13. #173
    Hmm looks like Tales of the Abyss is possibly dropped by gg according to their site?

  14. #174
    AbyssalChronicles has caught up as of the 10th and will probably continue. They are medium to medium-high quality in terms of picture with a smaller file size than gg. I don't care that much for this series so I had been archiving AC's releases anyway for the size benefits without looking too much into the dialogue or typesetting but from what I did watch they seemed decent enough.

  15. #175
    Its a bummer as to why gg dropped this show...they were so close to being done!

  16. #176

  17. #177
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 25

    [AbyssalChronicles]​ Tales of the ​Abyss​ 25 - HD - SD

  18. #178
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
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  19. #179
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suppose it was the ending to be expected. As I saw it, Luke basically took over Asch's body (and took two years to learn to walk again, or something). Well, I'm just happy that now Luke and Tear can live happily ever after and sing fonic lullabies to their offspring.

    The last fight wasn't really as good as it could have been. There wasn't as much emotion as I hoped, though I didn't really expect that since I was already 24 episodes ago sick of Luke's "Van-sensei!" line. I'm glad he killed the man unambiguously, at least. Also, the action wasn't really intensive. Probably because the good guys were so many, so their attacks had to be ineffective for there to be any fight in the first place.

    It wasn't such a bad series in retrospect.

  20. #180
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, it wasn't a good series either.

    I knew it back when I watched the first episodes, and I still kept on going.

    it's amazing how the managed to ruin each episode by putting spoilers in the opening theme. this method of shooting your own leg deserves a reward.

    the action was sub-par. we hardly got any action scenes, and when we got one, it was horribly directed (which is somewhat funny, since the games are based on having battles that aren't text crawling and more based on the players skill, and the anime was mostly character X does Y).

    the story itself was flawed, half the time they were flying around to fix something which went wrong (though, when they got there, the only had to flip a switch or something not-heroic like that), and then not-fight-to-the-death with someone who they outnumbered and overwhelmed ten episodes ago (seriously, if they would have taken the time to kill the villains when they had them imprisoned on the land ship that was mysteriously dumped in the middle of the show, they wouldn't have had all the problems).

    Actually, that deserves an entire paragraph, not only a bracelets remark.
    they had about two opportunities to kill each of them baddies before they actually killed them. they even had a incident when all of the good guys (including Asch) were facing Van (who was injured by some plot magic) and they let him escape. and why was the bad priest allowed to continue with his evil meddling? the kid priest knew he was evil, couldn't he have ordered Moth to be stripped from his rank and access to the army?
    and of course, the baddies were mostly useless. I'm not talking about being able to take on all of the party by themselves, but most of them were too weak to even fight one guy. most notably, the guy in the chair.

    speaking of him. the colonel was not only grossly overpowered (to the point it made everything so stupid), he also had so much insight (which in turn, robbed every other character from the chance to shine), and he had the right science solution to everything. in gaming lingo, it was like playing the entire game in a 'tutorial' mode.

    also, I don't even remember why we suddenly saw the new cast of characters in the middle (the two pilots, and all the old, boring scientists, including the two evil ones who had jewish names), what point did the serve to the story?
    the moment the party got the flying machine (even before, but it wasn't so notable), the were able to go everywhere, except the places they needed to reach. if they couldn't land on the tower of clones and time was so chasing, how did they fly off to meet the kings (both of them) and come back without the tedious process of slaughtering their way into the tower?

    another point: "you seem to be ill, you've got a high amount of bad fonnons,and a very low amount of good fonnons. I recommend a diet of a low fat foods and regular physical activity . and you should meet a fonnon-dietitian and maybe get a fonnon rejuvenation treatment. now I must go, to watch my soap operas on high fonnon definition fonnon TV"

    I get it that the want to use a different word than magic\energy\chackra. but it was getting ridiculous, fonnon magic, fonnon science, fonnon engineering, fonnon botanicks, fonnon cooking, fonnon song making, fonnon this, fonnon that.

    despite being based on a 40 hours long game, it would have been a much better series if it only had 13 episodes, and far less characters.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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