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Thread: CLANNAD ~After Story~

  1. #201
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    i really wonder how this series will end.
    it just wouldnt be happy end imo, if tomoya ended up alone, living only for the sake of his child. that would be a bitter-sweet ending. he should find a new wife, there are enough choices.

  2. #202
    When they were talking about Ushio's teacher, I'm sure they were talking about the Kiyou, since she wanted to be a preschool teacher. Maybe he'll end up with her? Though, that's 99% unlikely, it wouldn't hurt to see Tomoya remarry. Sanae did say for him to pursue happiness, which I thought she had meant for him to forget about her death, move on, and get a new lover.

  3. #203
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 19 by Eclipse

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    I'm not really buying into those whole what a great father he was lovefest. A father that got drunk, fought me, and injured me to the point where I can't lift my arm up anymore, isn't so damn great in my opinion.
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 02-21-2009 at 04:13 PM.

  4. #204
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Tomoya getting remarried, or implied he would, that is, getting a new girlfriend, would be the best kind of good ending for this show. While it would be kind of a "second choice" ending if he ended up with one of the harem girls of the first season, who knows, based on these two seasons I have pretty good trust in the story author's skills to pull off anything.

    All in all I have surely been impressed by these last episodes. There was a time I let the unwatched After Story episode count rise to three before bothering to watch, during the darkest times, but now the series has certainly redeemed itself with Ushio. But if we really want to see Tomoya do better than his own father, he would need to get a new wife. After all, it's not like his dad was broken in the beginning, only later, so right now Tomoya isn't yet in any better position, unless you count his awareness of a bad example and Sanae and Akki's ever present support.

  5. #205
    It was good that Tomoya didn't actually fall into the same pit as his dad and that he learned from his past mistakes and have decided to redeem on those lost values. I am touched by his actions at this point, especially when he decided to bravely give his father a visit and relinquish him of his miseries so that Tomoya can take care of the rest. Truly an inspiring event. And... Fuko finally gets some screen time in the second season. Holy shit, how long has it been since we even last saw her!?

    About Tomoya getting another girlfriend, who do you think might benefit him the most? I think starting a second life, like Kraco said, would be the best choice for Tomoya.
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  6. #206
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Haha, oh well, how about Akio dies in some accident and Tomoya marries Sanae? At least that way noone could complain about "being second choice", since both would be comforting each other. Of course, that´d be a weird ending, haha.

    Though im afraid something might happen to Tomoya´s dad. It was great to see him apologizing to his dad, but even though his dad said that everything´s okay now...i dont buy that, yet. not completely, at least. and i dont want him to commit suicide, but that´s exactly what im thinking about. His reactions werent that clear imo...and instead of finally feeling good, knowing that he raised a fine son...he could also feel that now he´s useless...and makes himself an end. I´d be shocked if that happened, but i think it´s possible. :-(

  7. #207
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I find it a little farfetched that Fuuko looks exactly the same she did when she fell into the coma. Her mental state being a first year high school student, fine, but she should have at least grown a little.

    They are definitely setting up a reunion with Kyou, and I always felt the storyline with she and her sister was completely abandoned at the end of the first season. They were starting to develop whatever triangle might exist between Ryou, Kyou and Tomoya and then it was just, "Oops, we lost onee-chan!" and plenty of sobbing. Seriously pissed me off. It compounded my thought that they had wasted too much time on Fuuko and Kotomi.

    All that said, if Tomoya is moving on and getting a new wife, I'd still prefer Tomoyo, but Kyou would be fine too.

  8. #208
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Though im afraid something might happen to Tomoya´s dad. It was great to see him apologizing to his dad, but even though his dad said that everything´s okay now...i dont buy that, yet. not completely, at least. and i dont want him to commit suicide, but that´s exactly what im thinking about. His reactions werent that clear imo...and instead of finally feeling good, knowing that he raised a fine son...he could also feel that now he´s useless...and makes himself an end. I´d be shocked if that happened, but i think it´s possible.
    He was already useless. Also, his state during the whole show was underlining the living for the past mistake that became very topical for Tomoya in these eps. I could be wrong but my feeling is his role is pretty much finished now. It would be the best spot to finish it. He was only living for the past, and now he was freed from that burden. He might die as well, though, but I think they could spend the remaining eps for better and more significant things than that, things bringing more to the table.

    And hah hah about marrying Sanae. Seriously, Akio dying would be outrageous beyond imagination in any case. He's the most awesome character in the show.

    Actually, in the end, the second choice setting could be really interesting, considering the level of script writing here. My initial feeling is always somewhat dubious, considering the mental burden, or awkwardness, and the fact it would still feel far less romantic than the primary choice. Still, it's just my personal problem since I don't want to watch morbid dramas (damn KGNE for wounding me permanently).

  9. #209
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It wouldn't have to be that unromantic if they just make it look like Tomoya is starting to move on. If they fulfilled it, yeah, that would kind of suck considering how few episodes are left.

    If they just spend the last three episodes working in some new romance (Kyou for the example we've been playing with), they could end it in a place where the 'second choice' would start hanging around, learning to interact with Ushio. They'd end it with Tomoya and say...Kyou holding hands on a bench, with Ushio playing or something.

    Hand holding means a lot without saying anything. Just a final message leaving a little hope.

  10. #210
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Fuuko having a mentality of a freshman (as in senior high freshman?) was fine....but I think they went a bit overboard having her in a sand pit

    I thoroughly enjoyed the scene between Tomoya and his dad. The realistic awkwardness really made it for me. They really care about each other (now), but have trouble expressing themselves after so many years of not communicating. The fact that their feelings get through despite all this was touching.

    Only other thing I'll add here is that I really thought Tomoya would change his mind and live with the Furukawas after hearing Sanae cry. It seemed like an obvious "repaying" method so to speak.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #211
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah. He might have done that, but all things considered a person who has lived on his own for years is not that likely to move in to his parents or wife's parents house anymore. Also, I think he didn't want to bother Sanae and Akio anymore. They probably wouldn't have been bothered that much, though, considering they felt Ushio saved them, but that's pretty general thinking on Tomoya's part; he had somebody else completely take care of his child for five years, which is a lot of work. Besides, Sanae cried now because her daughter died, not because Ushio was leaving. All in all they are good people and know Ushio really belongs to her father's company now that the father is healed, not theirs.

  12. #212
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I find it a little farfetched that Fuuko looks exactly the same she did when she fell into the coma. Her mental state being a first year high school student, fine, but she should have at least grown a little.

    I can't quite recall from the first season, but I thought Fuuko looked taller than before.

    It would be interesting if Tomoya actually got a wife, since they might be hinting at that. I wonder if that's possible, though, considering how much he loved Nagisa. Is it possible for him to love another woman like that? And while some might think Kyou, he didn't really give any interest towards her before, did he? That could, of course, be because of Nagisa, but to me it seems like he shouldn't be able to love just after getting over Nagisa (kind of).

  13. #213
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Of all the girls Tomoya had in contact with, I'm pretty sure Tomoyo was the only one to have visited his home, even if they weren't invited nor welcomed.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #214
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    And while some might think Kyou, he didn't really give any interest towards her before, did he? That could, of course, be because of Nagisa, but to me it seems like he shouldn't be able to love just after getting over Nagisa (kind of).
    It was that the writers and director didn't give any interest towards Kyou. She was only there for comedy relief and occasional fanservice (gym uniform, knee socks, laying prostrate in the storage room). Sunohara of all people got more character development than Kyou.

    Counting this season and the last, he actually got a lot more.

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Of all the girls Tomoya had in contact with, I'm pretty sure Tomoyo was the only one to have visited his home, even if they weren't invited nor welcomed.
    Actually all the girls visited his home when he got suspended after taking the fall for Tomoyo though they all did it at the same time so Tomoyo is the only one that spent time with him alone at his home.
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  16. #216
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireheart
    Actually all the girls visited his home when he got suspended after taking the fall for Tomoyo though they all did it at the same time so Tomoyo is the only one that spent time with him alone at his home.
    Ah, quite true. I forgot about that. Did his father meet them? Because I can only remember Tomoyo speaking with him.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #217
    No they didn't met with his father since he had already left when the other ones came, so Tomoyo would be the only one other than Nagisa to have met with him. Unless they met him somewhere offscreen.

    Edit: Didn't realize this until just a moment ago when I went back to check out the first ep again but Tomoya daydreams about the time when he went to his grandmothers place and you can see him as a kid with his dad on the train and in the field.
    Last edited by fireheart; Mon, 02-23-2009 at 05:32 PM.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  18. #218
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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  19. #219
    Really good episode, with a bit of drama at the end for next week.

  20. #220
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    seems like clannad becomes a bit filler-ish now.
    no way is ushio going to die, so thats just toying around with us, the audience. he´ll marry kyou, end of story.

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