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Thread: CLANNAD ~After Story~

  1. #161
    It certainly has taken Tomoya a long time to try and get over Nagisa. I'm surprised they fastforwarded 5 years. Based on the preview, Tomoya still has his many issues of depression and anger. But it'll be interesting to see whether Ushio will have any effect on him for the positive, or he'll just end up the same. Maybe he'll reflect on what his father was like, and that will push him to become a better father.

    I also thought the ending was much better. The skipping in the beginning of the ED was actually Ushio, and the lead into it was much better.

  2. #162
    This was a touching episode i gotta admit, anyway looks like Ushio will bring Tomoya out of the darkness. Also I love how Sanae has aged a day since Nagisa died.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  3. #163
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The five years skip might have been needed simply because now that Ushio already is old enough to have thinking capabilities, it will be immensely easier to build a plot that may allow Tomoya to shift his attention from Nagisa to Ushio (from past to future) and heal. If Ushio was very young, she would have no lines and far more limited potential for interaction.

  4. #164
    That is certainly true. Plus, they would have to dwell on Tomoya's depression as well. They kept that short in the beginning.

  5. #165
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Haha, I knew the family genes would run like this. Ushi looks exactly the same as Sanae and Nagisa (More Nagisa though, with the occasional pouting look)

    It's always sad to see parents and kids treat each other like strangers, but this was by far the best way for things to go. Beeing raised by Sanae and Akki (I loved that part ), Ushio gets a proper upbringing, even if it wasn't from her actual parent, while Tomoya takes his time to get over things. When he's ready, Ushio would be there to start fresh with him.

    On the other hand, if she had stayed with him since birth, who knows how neglected she'd be. We can only guess from the way Tomoya lives, and his smoking. Even if Tomoya's ready, say 5 years down the track, he'd have to repair the damage to their relationship he's caused previously.

    You can say Tomoya's fallen into depression, but he's still got enough in him to clean the house and act more cheerfully when people come around. That in itself shows he hasn't completely hit rock bottom, like his Dad had. It's just when he's by himself, stray thoughts get to him, which he wards off by working, which is why Ushio occupying his time is a healthy way for things to go. (For Tomoya, at least).

    It's also great knowing she refers them as Sanae-san and Akki, leaving it completely open for Tomoya to be called "Daddy" the first time (betting it'll be the climax of the series). Not only is there no identity crisis for Ushio down the track, but it also prevents Tomoya to completely palm her off and assume no responsibility over her.

    Overall, a very entertaining episode, and refreshingly more to my liking than I expected last week.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #166
    Ushio is too cute to not like her. The cute moments with Tomoya's awkward lack of father talent moments meshed well like bragging about going to the bathroom. And Tomoya bragging that he could do it too.

  7. #167
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    About that, it looks like she misses next episode, cops an outburst and runs away.

    (Yeah, the "I can do it too" put a smile on my face )

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #168
    Shio is ridiculously cute. At first I though it was some other kid running around, and then I realized they skipped 5 years. But their interactions were great, even though they don't spend much time together.

  9. #169
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    Episode 18 by [AQS][Sprocket]

    Freaking awesome episode.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  10. #170
    Ushio is pretty awesome. And yeah, that was a really sweet and very warm episode.

    I'll admit, I cried a bit.

  11. #171
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    really heart-warming episode.

    but now that tomoya and ushio already got together, i wonder how this series ends. another dramatic event, maybe?

  12. #172
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Wow. I didn't realise this many people watch AQS.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #173
    They're decent enough and come out fast.

  14. #174

  15. #175
    Tomoya finally learned from a fatal mistake that he shouldn't have ever done: not knowing what to protect and who to care for. That was so touching the way how he managed to learn from it and how it brought Ushio closer to him. Very warm-hearted episode.
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  16. #176
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    -That was some episode, agreed. I snapped when Tomoya did remembering Nagisa. That perfectly placed soundtrack sure does the job. They actually wrapped everything up this episode, save the Tomoya-father bit, so I'm expecting another timeskip sometime down the track.

    -That robot very much resembled the one in the opening, especially the head. Now that it's lost though, I guess it wasn't symbolizing anything.

    -What I was surprised to hear though, was that Ushio knew all this time Tomoya was her dad.Seeing as he's only seen her a few times these past few years, it totally caught me off guard.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #177
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I was semi-touched by this ep. But I was a tad annoyed to by a detail that holds a lot.

    Why does Sanae-san tell Ushio to go to the Toilets to cry!
    That's purely insane! I won't talk too much about it and the psychology behind that, but to me it shows that Sanae has a severe problem too and I even wonder if she's somehow responsible for Nagisa's condition... (I'm maybe going a bit far here...)

    Regarding Tomoya, we now understand that unconsiously he choosed Nagisa because he felt she was so weak she could die on him. I wonder how unconscious it was, still he lived that to the extent he ends up in almost the same situation his father was around his age.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #178
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    Regarding Tomoya, we now understand that unconsiously he chose Nagisa because he felt she was so weak she could die on him.
    Huh? You mean like while they were at school, Tomoya thought if he had left her, she'd sink and all without his support? While he definitely saw the weak person in her, I didn't think he thought of himself so highly as the support of Nagisa.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #179
    The way I see it she told her to go cry in the bathroom because no one is there to comfort her and as a way to distance both her and Akio from Ushio. Now why do this? Because they're waiting for Tomoya to get his act together and take responsibility for Ushio. They simply did it to leave the spot of parent open for him and to make Ushio miss her dad so to not take his place. Same reason why they didn't tell her about Nagisa. Think it probably hurt them a lot to not comfort her when she's sad or tell her about Nagisa etc so I'd rather give them credit for having that much faith in Tomoya for those 5 years.

    I highly disagree with the whole he chose her just because she's so weak that she can die on him. Hell I'd describe Nagisa as weak because her body was weak, it's the truth so why shouldn't he say it? But he's making a point of how kind she was and strong willed even though her body was weak.
    You are here alone again
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  20. #180
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, that was one awesome episode. I don't remember when I last time watched something so emotional. Excellent scenes towards the end. Those two really saved each other, and no small thanks to the crying rule. Considering how good people Sanae and Akio are, the rule must have hurt them as much as Ushio.

    Wow, David, where did all that negativity suddenly come from?

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