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Thread: CLANNAD ~After Story~

  1. #141
    [SS-Eclipse] Clannad ~After Story~ - Episode 16 AVI: Download
    [SS-Eclipse] Clannad ~After Story~ - Episode 16 MKV: Download
    I am training in the shadows.
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  2. #142
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It wouldn't have been that bad - nah, it was still going to be bloody bad no matter what - but anyway if the preview hadn't been what it was. It's not impossible Tomoya could have overcome Nagisa's demise for the sake of the child, but the preview suggested he totally cracked and the baby isn't probably even living with him (at least I hope not if it indeed is as bad as it looked).

    Goddam, I don't want to suffer through stories like this.

  3. #143
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Wow, that was a very sad and depressing episode. It actually made me choke up a bit. The animation team did an amazing job of making you feel what was going on. That other world robot stuff still doesn't make any sense to me, and I'll probably never understand it. Hopefully it will have something to do with the main story in the future.

    I enjoyed the party section of the episode the most. It was nice to see everyone, as I wasn't expecting any of them to show up again. I thought Sunohara's comments were rude and uncalled for, but none of others seemed to be offended by it, so it worked out. This was easily my favorite episode of the second season.
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 02-01-2009 at 02:04 PM.

  4. #144
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It's the first time I've been watching a preview in a long long while.

    I don't know how to interpret it, sometimes previews can be sickly misleading, although Nagisa's death would fit perfectly in what the show has become this season.

    Regarding the little side story, Tomoya is the link, he mentionned it that ep as a dream he'd prefer not having anymore, or rather was annoyed to have it back.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #145
    It was nice to see the original cast of characters get together again, and having Nagisa's last reunion party before... that happened.

    It was already tear-jerking enough that Tomoya had to do everything to keep her companied, but now he's regretting things that he's done, which seems faulty in his character. No matter what happens, you should always look forward and contribute to things that you couldn't do in the past. Well, based on the preview, it seems like Tomoya had given up on life.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  6. #146
    You can't really blame him. He's taken the blame upon himself of why she died. He believes that being involved in a relationship with her, her going through childbirth and in the end her death were his cause. He's right, but though she could've lived a longer life, it wouldn't have been as great as her short and happy life.

    Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved.

  7. #147
    That really teared me up. I had a small hope that Nagisa would somehow survive, but that was a gut-wrenching episode. The reunion, the thoughts that Tomoya were having led you to suspect that she really would die, but the way they did it was so well done, and very sad. Tomoya desperately trying to keep Nagisa awake by talking to her, yet nothing could've been done. Based on the preview, it looks like the appt is incredibly messy and uncared for, which leads me to suspect Ushio is probably with Akio and Sanae.

  8. #148
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    You can't really blame him. He's taken the blame upon himself of why she died. He believes that being involved in a relationship with her, her going through childbirth and in the end her death were his cause. He's right, but though she could've lived a longer life, it wouldn't have been as great as her short and happy life.

    Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved.
    But to Tomoya, Nagisa could have lived just as happy a life if she found someone else. Or if she didn't, then at least she could enjoy life a bit more. To him, their meeting sealed her fate. You can also see exactly why Ushio will probably come to hate him. To Tomoya, Ushio not only reminds him of Nagisa, but also the very reason she died. She died for Ushio. She died for Tomoya. She died because she met Tomoya.

    Depressing as it is, they did a very good job here. In particular, the blurred and blackening vision just showed how unreal that moment must have been.

    I never liked the ED, but this time it just fucking killed it.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #149
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Tomoya can always blame himself for coupling with Nagisa. He can have the impossible whish of canceling that very fact.
    However, if not him, Nagisa may have met another guy and live the same life with that one, leading to a similar ending.

    That very wish at that time, the fact he wants to have everything canceled, is a huge slap in the face of Nagisa, because he also denies her the right to choose her path with him even if that path means her death.
    I know all too well that in such a case you'd have that extreme thoughts, but if Tomoya ends up being extreme by cutting links with Ushio and live like his father did with him... that'd be just sad and uncarying for Nagisa.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  10. #150
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    I know all too well that in such a case you'd have that extreme thoughts, but if Tomoya ends up being extreme by cutting links with Ushio and live like his father did with him... that'd be just sad and uncarying for Nagisa.
    Like father, like son. In fact considering Tomoya's personality and everything we have seen, I think this path, as ugly as it is, is natural for him. He never got over his dad's failure and it seems to me Nagisa was, to put it bluntly, a way for him to escape the reality of his own desolate soul. Now with Nagisa gone, he would need to rebuild himself to dedicate himself to Ushio, but it looks like he hasn't got the mental stability for that anymore. He was a broken person to begin with. A veritable time bomb.

  11. #151
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Like father, like son. In fact considering Tomoya's personality and everything we have seen, I think this path, as ugly as it is, is natural for him. He never got over his dad's failure and it seems to me Nagisa was, to put it bluntly, a way for him to escape the reality of his own desolate soul. Now with Nagisa gone, he would need to rebuild himself to dedicate himself to Ushio, but it looks like he hasn't got the mental stability for that anymore. He was a broken person to begin with. A veritable time bomb.

    That's very true, in fact he was a delinquent to begin with but somehow was tamed anytime Nagisa was around. But even then, he had his occasional fights.
    Nagisa gone, he may just return to what he was, or even getting worse, who knows.

    Somehow I wish the preview was volutarily misleading, but as I wrote before, this show is consistent, so the mislead might be too demanding.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    But to Tomoya, Nagisa could have lived just as happy a life if she found someone else. Or if she didn't, then at least she could enjoy life a bit more. To him, their meeting sealed her fate. You can also see exactly why Ushio will probably come to hate him. To Tomoya, Ushio not only reminds him of Nagisa, but also the very reason she died. She died for Ushio. She died for Tomoya. She died because she met Tomoya.

    Depressing as it is, they did a very good job here. In particular, the blurred and blackening vision just showed how unreal that moment must have been.

    I never liked the ED, but this time it just fucking killed it.

    I was so upset they used that ending. Seriously, happy music after she just died? What were they thinking

  13. #153
    Episode 17 by Aquastar-Anime & Sprocket Hole Subs & The Waffle House:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  14. #154
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Nice ep, although it's a bit strange in a way

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #155
    Quite an enjoyable ep. Though I'm surprised they didn't mirror the Tomoya and father situation with Ushio being a girl instead of a boy

  16. #156
    i was hoping that they would of taken the movie approach to end the series but by the way they are taking things they want to close all loose ends....not bad of an ep it was funny seeing ushio running around like some unknown object till the mid ep transition and at least to me tomoya seems to have taken a more diff approach to treating ushio than his dad treated him. at least his dad let him live and acknowledged him as a person but tomoya seem to not even want to know anything about ushio ... just my impression
    All that we see or seem to see is but a dream within a dream

  17. #157
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 17 by SS & Eclipse

    [SS-Eclipse] Clannad After Story - 17 (h264) [F6931EEA].mkv
    [SS-Eclipse] Clannad After Story - 17 (XviD) [56E47686].avi


    Good episode. I'm glad they didn't spend too much time on depressed Tomoya. I didn't want to see him like that.

    Shio-chan is cute. It was kinda sad to watch the interation between her and her father. He seemed so disinterested and uncaring. I especially hated the part where he was smoking around her.

    Sanae is awesome. She'll worry you to death until you give in. That was the best part of this episode to me.
    Last edited by Marik; Sat, 02-07-2009 at 12:17 PM.

  18. #158
    Tomoya is still exhibiting weak characteristics from his usual self by plaguing his thoughts of the past. He lost his wife, and is emotionally broken down, but he should really start a new with his daughter, Ushio, and hopefully not mirror what his father's situation was. Unlike his father (presumably), Tomoya has some friends to back him up during his time of depressing, so that's what's gonna lead me to believe that he won't exactly follow where his father's path lies.

    On the other hand, he hasn't known Ushio at all for five years, and that's just dispicable. Quite a fluent episode of back-to-back father/daughter's first relationship, although Tomoya might need to work on his fathering techniques a little more for being a workaholic and big spender, as evidented from his actions in this episode and there on.
    Last edited by Nadouku; Sat, 02-07-2009 at 01:21 PM. Reason: Added some more comments and corrected grammar.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  19. #159
    There looks to be conflict next episode. Tomoya can't control his attitude anymore, as well as scaring his daughter.

  20. #160
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I deem it pretty evident Tomoya is but a shell of a person somewhat holding together by drowning himself in work so that he would have no time to think of anything else. He pretty much said as much, himself. While it's sad his daughter is a stranger to him, and vice versa, it wouldn't have done any good to Ushio to be in his company if he can't let the past be past and move onto the future. Things would have mirrored Tomoya and his old man's relationship in that case, if he hadn't succeeded in changing himself. Seeing how he is a pretty weak person, he might not have been able to.

    Other than that morbid stuff, Ushio certainly is an amalgam of Tomoya and Nagisa.

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