Well a bit creepy the way she said she'll play with that cat..Originally Posted by MFauli
Well a bit creepy the way she said she'll play with that cat..Originally Posted by MFauli
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
haha, ditoOriginally Posted by David75
*Shakes head* David......Originally Posted by David75
I enjoyed this arc quite a lot. Didn't make me cry like I hoped, but still felt quite emotional and well concluded. I haven't seen Kannon or Air, so fortunately it didn't leave me with a recycled feeling like a lot of Code Geass R2 did.
I can only imagine how things would have turned out if Misae never told Shima her wish. Bittersweet situations where a confession marks the fruition and end of something always works on me.
I was left somewhat incomplete when Tomoya didn't name the cat. Thinking back though, I think it's best they didn't spell everything out. Especially now that Misae realises herself who that cat is.
Good arc in my book.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I'd have enjoyed this arc more, recycled or not, if I didn't find Shima so annoying a character. Fortunately this episode wasn't as bad as the previous one in that respect. But nonetheless his passiveness was tiresome.
Good arc for me too. It's quite saddening how Misae somewhat waited for Shima all the while. I'm glad that she finally knows what's really going on and seemed relieved.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
Such a warm episode, and so much dedication to Misae. I like this episode a lot.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Damn, i hope Sunohara will get a girl friend until the end of this season. I really thought he could get along with Yuki.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Being a sister of the leader and managing all those guys must be pretty tough. Getting into constant fights over territory and what not, and he's even in the hospital! Hope the conflict resolves soon.
Last edited by Nadouku; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 10:31 PM. Reason: Changed the format of the entire text.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I wonder about that. He seems to be the solid humorous sidekick, and moreover his complete inability to form any sort of a connection to the opposite sex (his sister included) has been a high recursive element in the plot. The fact that despite the rather generous screen time his character has hardly developed is another indication of his fate, I reckon.Originally Posted by MFauli
to be honest, i found me scenes of this "gang-story" quite embarrassing...yeah, even though i realize that this is an oh so romantic anime and all that :P
anyway, what i REALLY hated was how Tomoya once again got into the spotlight. I SO would have love to see the very same fight...only with Sunohara instead of Tomoya...
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I'm pretty sure that was Akiko's (Kanon '06) jam they spread on Sanae's rainbow bread. If so it's a testament to those gangsters that they were able to move at all, but I expect it also means Tomoya was getting his ass kicked for at least a few hours .
I was thinking the same thing about that jam. Haha... what's worse than Sanae's bread? Her bread with Akiko's jam.
Though I sort-of felt that Sunohara would have at least eaten all of his. Even if it was horrible, he's like... in love with Sanae, so I figured he would have eaten it out of respect for her even making something for him. Though, I may just be underestimating the knock-out power of that combination.
It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep.
Man this moved really fast. Not sure how much I like that.