The Kyou story is significantly richer in content compared to the Tomoyo one. That is why it felt rushed, and the feelings just don't seep in. Personally, the Kyou story is my favorite in Clannad.
The Kyou story is significantly richer in content compared to the Tomoyo one. That is why it felt rushed, and the feelings just don't seep in. Personally, the Kyou story is my favorite in Clannad.
That was... meh
It was mostly a Tomota love fest, with Tomoya again being the permanent cool guy by never actually expressing himself fully in words
This is exactly why Nagisa is the perfect match for him, because she's the only one who can take him out of his shell ( then again she had 2 seasons to do it while these girls only got 2 OVAs... )
Overall, i expected more but after story has always been 1 step behind the original so i can't say i'm THAT surprised
What are the chances of Ichinose getting an OVA too?
Pretty slim.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
She's like Clannad's Hinata, she should get her chance in the spotlight too
Wtf...they killed Nagisa?! I think I'm gonna throw up. I can't believe there are 9 more episodes of this. I've been watching this and the previous series over the past week, and I have to say NOTHING prepared me for the level of darkness present after Tomoya's graduation. I'm not even sure I want to go on with this
Edit: They should've changed the OP and ED when the tone of the series changed. Or at least the ED...god I want to punch that ED in the face so bad now.
Edit2: Ok, that was just brutal, and mean. I'm usually not one for cop out endings (even ones with the bs mechanic weakly threaded throughout the series). However, this was SO sad that I latched on to the cop out like a man dying of thirst to a moist napkin. When his daughter died at the end I just lost it and started laughing. Probably should've just given the episodes some space instead of marathoning them. Then I would've had time to recover and appreciate the happiness that was developing after Nagisa's death. But no, the whole thing was an emotional bulldozer, and now I have to get out there and face the world with no sleep. Fucking Clannad...If I can avoid another story like this, I will.
Last edited by Uchiha Barles; Tue, 11-20-2012 at 07:19 AM.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
weird bump, but whatever. i never rewatched this show, so i think it might be time for that soon. anyone else up for a clannad-rerun?
I did watch it twice and played the VN.
Also had an impact on me. I like the story very much as it was the first one having me react in such ways. I still get goose bumps when I hear the OP or even just play it in my mind.
I guess we all get our story/show or whatever media that does this to us. For me it was Clannad, I guess other people will react to something else and just find Clannad boring.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Yeah, I think the first anime that made me tear up to an appreciable extent was Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. But it was nothing like this...I finished watching it early this morning and the anime is STILL on my mind, and has been all day. When I watch anime in batch I tend to skip the intro after the first 2 or 3 eps, but after episode 16 I watched them just to see more of Nagisa. And each time, I was wholly convinced that she'd be alive and well in the episode. I think watching this shortened my lifespan by about 5 years.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
Nope it didn't.
It just reminded you an all mighty Truth:
"Life's a bitch, and then you die"
By knowing this, you probably gained at least 5 years![]()
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
And you know why this anime was so successful in making us tear up? Because of the genre shift. Going from romantic comedy to drama. It´s something I´d like to see happen more often (and I remember asking about it in the recommendation topic), but it seems to be a rare occurrence.
From memory, After Story did relatively little for me emotional-wise because Nagisa was my least favourite girl (next to Funko perhaps). I felt bad when everyone else was crying..
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
The most emotional part of this show is the aftermath of Nagisa's death, not the death itself.
The whole thing, including her death was what did it to me. I always thought she was kind of cute, but started really liking her after graduation when she demonstrated how much of a partner in life she could be. When she said to her dad "...but...we're married and...we're doing naughty things!", that cinched it. Part of my problem was that I still wasn't over her death when things started to get better for Tomaya. I kept thinking "Nagisa would've really been loving life if she were there", making even the silver linings things to be sad about.
"You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."
- Inquisitor Czevak
omg, just finished re-watching ep 1 and was close to crying several times, for all different reasons. Nostalgia, beautiful music, knowing what is going to happen later, etc.. Makes me feel so warm inside, experiencing this again. <3