This certainly seemed to try to give the image Ushio inherited Nagisa's weakness. As well it might have been any regular sickness and everybody just overreacted. But you can't say the name of the next ep revealed in the preview wouldn't have been ominous indeed. While I deem Ushio dying during this show an event highly unlikely, it looks like the rest of the season won't be all celebration either.
At least Kyou's finger was free of a ring, as far as I could see. The way she also started to "bully" Tomoya towards the end of the ep is suggestive. Let's hope for the best.
Good episode, highlights the daily activities of the Okazakis. I couldn't help but get the omnious feeling that something worse is gonna happen to Ushio, as it seems to foreshadow her demise by repeat visits of the new hospital on her strolls. It's probably symbolic for fate.
It seems Fuko had forgotten about Tomoya and Nagisa, but she still has the vibe of connection between them, as evidented in her wanting to play with Ushio most of the time.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
If it was possible for Fuuko to get any weirder, she certainly did. I won't deny that I still enjoy the fact that 5 years later she still looks and acts like an middle schooler. I particularly like how she attempts to imply that she's more adult and mature than Tomoya.
Am I just idly hoping that Kyou and Tomoya were flirting, or were they actually? I mean I know he still loves Nagisa more, but he needs a little happiness too. Fuuko can be a big sister, but Ushio still could use a mother figure. Sanae could fill the role, but by the sounds of what happened during the gap, Sanae was playing the loving yet stern grandmother.
Here's hoping Ushio just has a normal fever. If she doesn't, we're going to be seeing some KEY series style miracles before this is over. They would never let Ushio die.
I was wondering about that, they could really take that path I'm afraid.Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I'm still wondering what is their goal in the end, but it could be showing a story where sad things keep hapening and you have to keep on living no matter what.
Well I'll see, for some reason what's having me watching this is the ost in the eps, though really simple, I'm drown to it.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
You cannot deny, though, that this show would be quite on a whole new level of tragic occurrings, IF Ushio really died. I dont think it´ll be happen, but that would be something that´d be a real surprise, positive or negative, doesnt matter.
Do you think Tomoya would be capable of, maybe literally, surviving another death of his now most loved person? I couldnt see a believable happy end that way.
It's not like KEY hasn't actually killed off characters before at the end of a series or arc (Kanon has one and a half, AIR has more than one) but to kill off a heroine AND her daughter? I don't think they could be that cold, even for the drama it would generate.
Since losing Nagisa had such a long-lasting effect on Tomoya, losing Ushio would probably mean that he's gonna lose his own life; his will to live on will probably cease and will utterly cause him to commit suicide. Even if his friends come in to aide and comfort him, that's not enough to bring Tomoya out of the darkness he's gone through. An ending like that is way beyond imagination. I hope that doesn't happen and Clannad will stick to some form of happy ending, possibly another life for our theoretical couplings.Originally Posted by MFauli
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Btw what ill never understand is why the producers of the show cut Sunohara away. I can only imagine how awsome their life could be, if Sunohara lived next door to Tomoya and took the role of "Uncle Sunohara".
They were such great friends, but juts because Sunohara has to work "somewhere", they split like that.
Oh i guess that´s a little pseudo-plothole, like what happened in the latest Naruto-chapter...
Having Sunohara around would really lighten up all the emotions and tension they've been trying to convey for the past few episodes. Especially the depressing ones. Sunohara's a great character who could make fun in almost any situation - but that's not what we needed. Having a supporting friend nearby would have killed any impact of Tomoya's downfall.
The Funny Uncle Sunohara role has more or less been fulfilled by Akki anyway. I liked it how the sole focus for the past few eps were on Tomoya, Ushio and Nagisa - with some support from Sanae. Quite powerfully, that showed how people move on, whether to a different suburb, a different state of mind, or a better place.
Nagisa's photo made me (slightly) teary every time. They just couldn't have chosen a better picture.
I'm not sure if it's flirting, but I saw it as Kyou finally feeling comfortable settling back into her old playful self. Somewhere I'm hoping for a relationship here too, but if that were to happen, I sort of feel bad to Nagisa. <- me and my conservative/backward values...Originally Posted by Ryll
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 03-01-2009 at 01:18 AM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Nagisa is dead. There's no point feeling sorry for her. She's well past caring. You have some strange traditions and values.Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I am a bit strange...many waysOriginally Posted by Kraco
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
There's no way they could kill off Ushio. Tomoya would just go nuts. And that's too cruel, way too cruel. It's very possible she just has a regular flu, but because of Nagisa's history, we can't tell. They did a good job of making that doubt.
Again, I wonder if Tomoya can like Kyou, especially since he still tears up over Nagisa. And BB, I agree that that picture they chose of Nagisa was well done. It's such a happy picture, yet seeing her like that makes me teary as well.
And I love Fuuko. I missed her; that first arc in the first series was one of the best.
I'm going to have to disagree about the Fuko arc's bestness. To me it started out cute but ran about two episodes two long without enough actual development per episode. I would have much rather seen those two eps spent on Ryou and/or Kyou development. That said I still think Fuko is a great support character for comedy and I'm liking her reemergence in After since things aren't focused around her letting her support talents shine.
I'm hoping worst case will be Ushio happened to inherit Nagisa's seasonal weakness and Tomoya will have to come to terms with the idea that she will likely die young just like her mother while trying to raise her anyway. If she just drops dead it would be a huge kick in the balls and I would need several buckets to hold all my tears.
There is a reason (one which I will not elaborate on) for the Ryou/Kyou storyline not to be developed in the series, so I don't really blame the anime much for it (even though I am also a Kyou fan, almost as much as I hate Ryou).
I think Ushio did inherit something like her mother's weakness, but it is something that they will eventually get over and she ends up healthy.
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
Did not watch it yet but the smiley probably tells something I thought would happen... gosh, what a show.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
If that smiley means what i think it means... God dammit...
Why do they have to subject Tomoya and us to this?
I was crying for like 15 minutes.