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Thread: TV: The Mentalist

  1. #21
    Episode 11 is out even though it hasn't aired yet. It was a good one, and it dealt with Red John.

  2. #22
    So, none of you guys cared for the Red John episode? Well last week's episode pretty good with a witch involved. Cho was great in the episode. And for those who don't know, The Mentalist got the spot last night after the NFL playoffs, and it was another interesting matchup with Jane going against the Russian Mob.

  3. #23
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I did, I just didn't care to post. The Red John episode was great but it didn't play out the way I expected it to. I knew Red John was of course going to turn out to be some criminal mastermind but I think they made his character too cheesy. Ofcourse he could break into the DOJ database, that wasn't so bad but the last scene where he called and was doing the stereotypical villain laugh that just seemed out of character.

    Last night's episode was just fun.
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  4. #24
    Yeah, I didn't like the thing about him calling and doing that shitty laugh.

  5. #25
    Well last episode was alright, and Rigsby looks like he got himself a sugarmama. But I really want to comment on the episode before this one, the one with the player. How awesome was Cho? I was really laughing my ass off with him.

  6. #26
    No new episodes of Life and The Mentalist this week make me very unhappy.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    No new episodes of Life and The Mentalist this week make me very unhappy.
    And there won't be any new one until next week. Seems like some of the networks delayed some shows figuring that the transition to digital might mess the ratings a bit, but of course, congress delayed the transition so it was all for nothing.

    For those still watching...

    Show returned last night, and I thought it was a really good episode. Team is removed from the Red John case, and I think I'll enjoy the pissing contest between Jane and the new detective.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 06-05-2011 at 11:40 PM.

  8. #28
    Any of you still watching this series? I imagine most, if not all, got tired of it.

    Well, I just watched the latest season finale, and I have to say the final 5 or so minutes were quite kickass, and the final minute one of the best things I've seen on TV in quite a while.

  9. #29
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I certainly haven't gotten tired of it. And truth be told I'm quite surprised no one has mentioned the spectacular season finale until now. Yea, I watched the last couple minutes over and over. Truly an epic scene.
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  10. #30
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am still following this too.

    That ending was unexpected. It made me clap after seeing it.
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  11. #31
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    Indeed it was awesome. I started getting a little bored about it because Patrick is chasing Red John but he barely was in any episodes for 3 full season. Hardly even a reference to him. The show is great without Red John but what made it boring was that they taunted you with Red John and had your expectations set to high in the hopes that this episode would have some Red John related stuff in it but 1-2 episodes per season max.

    This season we had the Red John insider so it felt a little better but still not nearly enough. Then the finale came and BAM!!! My mind was blown. Will be interesting to see what happens to Patrick now.

  12. #32
    I hope we see Patrick in prison, always fun to see him there.

    Also, for those that get the reference, I'm just going to mention this was Nina Myers level of awesomeness.

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