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Thread: Fastest IDE harddrive (upgrade planned)

  1. #1
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Paris & Versailles, France

    Fastest IDE harddrive (upgrade planned)

    From my experience, upgrading to a good HD is very impressive in terms of perceived performance for an internet/word/excell use or things of the like. IE for a non game/video user.

    My wife's comp is a bit old now, but will upgrade easilly to the best IDE drive around. No SATA in that comp.

    Browsing around, it seems that the seagate ST3320620A could be a good candidate as a fast IDE drive, but I'm not sure it's the best option available. Its commercial name is:
    SEAGATE BARRACUDA 7200.10 - 320 GO - 16 MO

    that comp doesn't need large amounts of Gb, since its 80Gb drive is almost empty...
    it just needs a very fast ide drive that can improve the feel to it.

    any comments welcomed.
    Last edited by David75; Sat, 09-13-2008 at 10:28 AM.

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