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Thread: Bleach Chapter 325

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Bleach Chapter 325

    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 09-12-2008 at 02:23 AM.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, ignoring last page (that's what you get for hogging too much spotlight, learn your place, shitty number 3!), the chapter was alright, but I really hate the sword design.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    That's how far pride will get you in Bleach. Face first in the dirt. Yami would be in the same position if he hadn't gotten lucky with that arrancar's ability. Kenpachi isn't there so he should have went Bankai. Then again his bankai destroys so I guess he really couldn't. Oh well for Ikkaku. Now Soifon can show me that long awaited Bankai.

  4. #4
    Morons, see that pattern ?

    I lose, I acknowledge that can't fight you, I go bankai even though I dont want to.

    Thats what we saw when Ikkaku went Bankai first, and habbits die hard in Bleach .

  5. #5
    Of all the people, Ikkaku is the last one I would expect to lose a fight in this round. He is blatantly going to whip out his Bankai. Though that would seem weird, seeing as how the rest won their fights with juse Shikai's.

  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    He won't use his bankai with the all of the gotei 13 captains and lieutenants watching, this isn't bleach the movie 2 this stuff actually matters.

    If he revealed his true power they might make him leave the 11th squad to take a higher seat on any other squad.

  7. #7
    Personally, I feel that the 11th squad could be the exception. It's supposed to be the strong arm of the Gotei, so why not have the higher seats able to go Bankai, rather than splitting their forces into another team? I mean, where would he go anyways? I find it hard to believe that it just so happens only 13 - 26 (apparently it's ok for Vice Captains?) members of the Gotei could ever achieve Bankai at one time.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    I find it hard to believe that it just so happens only 13 - 26 (apparently it's ok for Vice Captains?) members of the Gotei could ever achieve Bankai at one time.
    Well it is really hard to do. And there aren't many training methods known for people to achieve it. I mean early in the series we only heard that so far, every captain has it. Almost like a rule. But now, apparently, it's easier than expected just with some strength and training.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Well it is really hard to do. And there aren't many training methods known for people to achieve it. I mean early in the series we only heard that so far, every captain has it. Almost like a rule. But now, apparently, it's easier than expected just with some strength and training.
    I know every captain has one, and it wasn't until recently we found the "lots of years of training crammed into a few days" method Ichigo and Renji took, but even then, I find it hard to believe, that only captains have ever achieved the Bankai. To me, it seems like you're going to have a couple people other than the captains achieve it.

    Let me phrase it this way. Every Captain has to be able to achieve Bankai. So, if one suddenly dies or moves on, who is going to logically take their place? Someone who has the qualifications, which apparently has to be having a Bankai. Realistically, this should mean most Vice Captains will achieve this before any other seats, but who's to say a 3rd or 4th can't? And if any of them, why not the 11th, who is known for their direct force?

    Taking the style of his Bankai in mind, I don't see any other place for him than the 11th, regardless of his ability to achieve Bankai or not. If anything, Kenpachi would fight to keep him, and who's going to say no to him?

  10. #10
    Renji didn't use the 3 day method, he was almost at Bankai anyway because he had made his zanpaktou materialise in its real form. It was Ichigo that needed that board made by Kisuke to forcibly materialise his zanpaktou.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan

    Let me phrase it this way. Every Captain has to be able to achieve Bankai. So, if one suddenly dies or moves on, who is going to logically take their place? Someone who has the qualifications, which apparently has to be having a Bankai. Realistically, this should mean most Vice Captains will achieve this before any other seats, but who's to say a 3rd or 4th can't? And if any of them, why not the 11th, who is known for their direct force?

    Taking the style of his Bankai in mind, I don't see any other place for him than the 11th, regardless of his ability to achieve Bankai or not. If anything, Kenpachi would fight to keep him, and who's going to say no to him?
    Very true. However, I actually think that time is a variable. If the vice captain can learn it right before the day he became captain. Like the eve of the ceremony for it. But no matter what, they have to have it.

  12. #12
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    I find it hard to believe, that only captains have ever achieved the Bankai.
    This was never said. It is true that having bankai is a requirement for becoming a captain but it doesn't mean that only captains have bankai. Since you already have to be able to use bankai before you can become a captain then obviously not only captains have bankai. I don't even think bankais are so rare, I mean how weak is SS if only 13 people ever have bankai although now its 15. I just think gaining bankai takes alot of training, dedication and most importantly time. So naturally alot of people won't have it especially younger guys and then there would be people who are capable of bankai but just don't put in the time necessary to get it, like Zaraki.

    I don't see anything stopping a 3rd or 4th seat from having bankai either but that would be unlikely since as they become stronger they would naturally move up the ranks so that by the time they gain bankai they would already be a VC. Secondly the only way someone further down the rankings would be able to gain bankai is if overall the squads are extremely powerful and as we know that just isn't true. Anyone under 3rd seat is just fodder. Really I have no idea how SS is supposed to protect anything when they are that weak. There are 13 captains and vice-captains so counting that weirdo from squad 11 there are about 27 people in SS who are VC level or above. Are we honestly supposed to believe that SS is strong enough to do anything against Aizen when even his cockroaches are VC level.

    Anyway this whole Ikkaku hiding his bankai stuff doesn't make one damn bit of sense because having bankai doesn't mean you'll automatically be made a captain.There has to be an opening, someone has to recommend him for that opening and then the other captains have to agree that his abilities and personality are acceptable. Secondly I don't see what is stopping him from just saying no, and like you mentioned he just wouldn't fit in with any other squad.

    Is Kubo ever going to bother to fill those 3 empty captain positions or does he really just not care?
    Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 09-14-2008 at 11:43 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    This was never said.
    That was kind of the point I was trying to make. It was never said, and I think it's silly to assume that the only people to achieve Bankai were captains.

    I don't see anything stopping a 3rd or 4th seat from having bankai either but that would be unlikely since as they become stronger they would naturally move up the ranks so that by the time they gain bankai they would already be a VC.
    While this is true for most squads, I think the current 11th holds an exception to that. The current 4th is only 4th seat because he likes the number (doesn't this mean he has a bankai if Ikkau does?) and we don't even know why the Vice Captain is the vice captain. So far, it seems she's only the VC because she hangs around Kenpachi, and we know nothing of her fighting ability. So, I don't think gaining a bankai would allow him to raise up in ranks in the current 11th squad. The only thing would be they might pressure him to take up one of the open positions (which might be a VC spot if one of the current VCs get promoted) but I don't see that happening.

    Secondly the only way someone further down the rankings would be able to gain bankai is if overall the squads are extremely powerful and as we know that just isn't true. Anyone under 3rd seat is just fodder. Really I have no idea how SS is supposed to protect anything when they are that weak. There are 13 captains and vice-captains so counting that weirdo from squad 11 there are about 27 people in SS who are VC level or above. Are we honestly supposed to believe that SS is strong enough to do anything against Aizen when even his cockroaches are VC level.
    This I don't agree with at all. Right now, we're simply going by what the Arrancar are saying about themselves, and it sounds like they are extremely over exaggerating. All Arrancar start off by boasting how extremely powerful they are in comparison to SS captains, vice captains, and lieutenants only to be laughed at and destroyed easily. It just seems like they are powerful because most fights follow your standard Shonen formula.

    Hero has upper hand.
    Enemy powers up.
    Enemy seems to be beating hero.
    Hero goes "PSYCH. Wasn't using full power noob."

    This either ends the fight, or we rinse and repeat this process several times (I'm looking at you Dragonball Z...)

    In which case, once the Soul Society fighters actually use a step up, they win no problem. If they used these abilities starting off, the fight would have been over in no time. The Arrancar are not as powerful as we are lead to believe, as these fights are clearly showing, with no one going over Shikai to win (with the exception of Ikkaku, but we don't know what went on there yet. I'm also under the impression he's not down for the count yet, as we've seen that exact situation with other fights before.)

    Anyway this whole Ikkaku hiding his bankai stuff doesn't make one damn bit of sense because having bankai doesn't mean you'll automatically be made a captain.There has to be an opening, someone has to recommend him for that opening and then the other captains have to agree that his abilities and personality are acceptable. Secondly I don't see what is stopping him from just saying no, and like you mentioned he just wouldn't fit in with any other squad.
    This is definitely agreeable. Honestly, I don't think Ikkaku makes good captain material. I don't see him being anything other than a fighter. If he did ever be captain, it would be as Kenpachi's replacement, if anything ever happened to him.

    (Actually, interesting idea for a story, Ikkau challenges Kenpachi for Captain, and ends up winning with his Bankai, forcing Kenpachi to bond with his sword, learn its name, and come back kicking ass.)

    Is Kubo ever going to bother to fill those 3 empty captain positions or does he really just not care?
    I have no idea what you're talking about. /Kubo

  14. #14
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    That was kind of the point I was trying to make. It was never said, and I think it's silly to assume that the only people to achieve Bankai were captains.
    Yeah I realized that, I was just elaborating a little.

    While this is true for most squads, I think the current 11th holds an exception to that. The current 4th is only 4th seat because he likes the number (doesn't this mean he has a bankai if Ikkau does?) and we don't even know why the Vice Captain is the vice captain. So far, it seems she's only the VC because she hangs around Kenpachi, and we know nothing of her fighting ability. So, I don't think gaining a bankai would allow him to raise up in ranks in the current 11th squad. The only thing would be they might pressure him to take up one of the open positions (which might be a VC spot if one of the current VCs get promoted) but I don't see that happening.
    I think we can agree that no matter what you're talking about chances are the eleventh squad is an exception. Ranking is based on actual fighting ability, oh except for the 11th squad. To be a captain you must have bankai, oh except for the 11th squad. To become a captain your abilities have to be approved by the other captains, oh except for the 11th squad where you can just kill the captain and take his position.
    This I don't agree with at all. Right now, we're simply going by what the Arrancar are saying about themselves, and it sounds like they are extremely over exaggerating. All Arrancar start off by boasting how extremely powerful they are in comparison to SS captains, vice captains, and lieutenants only to be laughed at and destroyed easily. It just seems like they are powerful because most fights follow your standard Shonen formula.

    Hero has upper hand.
    Enemy powers up.
    Enemy seems to be beating hero.
    Hero goes "PSYCH. Wasn't using full power noob."

    This either ends the fight, or we rinse and repeat this process several times (I'm looking at you Dragonball Z...)

    In which case, once the Soul Society fighters actually use a step up, they win no problem. If they used these abilities starting off, the fight would have been over in no time. The Arrancar are not as powerful as we are lead to believe, as these fights are clearly showing, with no one going over Shikai to win (with the exception of Ikkaku, but we don't know what went on there yet. I'm also under the impression he's not down for the count yet, as we've seen that exact situation with other fights before.)
    I think I should clarify this. I didn't mean to imply that the arrancar are that strong, its just that they all seem to be atleast VC level but like you said that doesn't mean they are going to be able to take down a VC at full power. My point was about numbers, hence the cockroaches comment. SS may be on top but at the moment they only have 10 captains and 13 vice-captains, where as Aizen seems to have a limitless supply of arrancars. For every 3 that goes down Aizen can just use the trusty old Hogyoku and make 6 more. Might be a bit of an exaggeration but I'm just trying to make a point. Aizen, Gin and Tosen left SS, and SS still hasn't been able to fill their spots yet and Aizen seems to be able to make new Arrancars whenever he pleases.

    Ofcourse Kubo is following your standard shonen formula so even though the arrancars are supposed to out number the guys in SS they are doing the stereotypical bad guy thing and only fighting one on one but really I'm not buying it. If Kubo was being serious he would just let Aizen unleash his hollow army on SS and be done with it since they are all replaceable anyway.
    This is definitely agreeable. Honestly, I don't think Ikkaku makes good captain material. I don't see him being anything other than a fighter. If he did ever be captain, it would be as Kenpachi's replacement, if anything ever happened to him.

    (Actually, interesting idea for a story, Ikkau challenges Kenpachi for Captain, and ends up winning with his Bankai, forcing Kenpachi to bond with his sword, learn its name, and come back kicking ass.)
    Agreed. Interesting idea but its never going to happen because Ikkaku already gave his little speech about wanting to do nothing but follow Zaraki for the rest of his life.
    I have no idea what you're talking about. /Kubo
    Lol, yeah. I'm sure he doesn't.
    Last edited by Abdula; Mon, 09-15-2008 at 11:08 AM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  15. #15
    Ikaku can't beat Kenpachi with Bankai, he barely defeated a normal arrancar with it. Kenpachi just one shotted Espada 5 Noitora when he he used both hands on his normal sword.

  16. #16
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    You're talking about the ikkaku from 50 chapters ago, this ikkaku can 1 shot aizen when he goes bankai.

    Haven't you been paying any attention to the delicate balance of power that has been created thus far?

    For example: Ichigo > Kenmpachi > Noitra > Ichigo ... , it's just like pokemon

  17. #17
    minus the slutty chick and the perv

  18. #18
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    minus the slutty chick and the perv
    Misty and Brock? Then who's Ash?

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