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Thread: New graphics card on old monitor

  1. #1

    New graphics card on old monitor

    Hey guys,

    I was thinking of buying a new graphics card, prolly some geforce 9000 or 200 series to play DX10 games on my com. However I won't have enough money left to purchase a new monitor so I'm gonna be stuck with a normal samsung 17' LCD thats probably 4 or 5 years old. Will this be sufficient to use with the new card? Do I have to have an HD monitor to use the new graphics card?

    Thanks for all your help.

  2. #2
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    A Cave
    Your old monitor should be fine since i was using my 9800 GT on a 4 year old 17".

    The only thing is that having a really good graphic card when your monitor is incapable of displaying it is rather pointless.

    If you are planning to get a better monitor later then i have a recommendation.

    The monitor i am using is Westinghouse L2410NM 24" which in my opinion is one of the best 24" monitor available unless you are crazy about gloss. The price isn't bad either, i got my for 300$ during a Sam's Club sale but you can probably find it at about 50$ more from most online retailer.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm not too sure about this but your 17' monitor might get problems in displaying higher resolutions... at least you won't be able to see stuff if you use a high desktop resolution..

    17' monitors are usally made for using 1024x768 pixels. (1280x1024 but it gets texts and so on get really small then when you are browsing etc)

    I don't know how it affects playing games though

    I hope someone who has more experience in stuff like that than me will answer this... because it interests me too ^^

  4. #4
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Paris & Versailles, France
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I'm not too sure about this but your 17' monitor might get problems in displaying higher resolutions... at least you won't be able to see stuff if you use a high desktop resolution..

    17' monitors are usally made for using 1024x768 pixels. (1280x1024 but it gets texts and so on get really small then when you are browsing etc)

    I don't know how it affects playing games though

    I hope someone who has more experience in stuff like that than me will answer this... because it interests me too ^^

    Usually graphic cards and monitors communicate. So the graphic cards knows the resolutions the monitor can display. When you ask for a higher resolution, the monitor can't keep up and 15 seconds later the last working resolution comes back. Or you get an 'extended desktop' where you see a part of the desktop and it moves around.

    Also, 1280*1024 on a 17" monitor doesn't give that tiny characters or density. That's what I use right now

    Regarding monitors, well it's too hard nowadays to find a good monitor for every uses and not too expensive... and even when expensive, there are troubles, defaults and so on...
    I'd go to a 24" wide because they can do 1920*1200, so with one that does 1:1 you can display full HD media with no up/downscaling.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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