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Thread: Naruto Chapter 416

  1. #21
    I personally believe that Sasuke is becoming another Itachi. He's saying what Madara wants to hear, and is actually going to attack Konoha, only to provoke Naruto into doing... something. I still don't know what Sasuke's true ambitions are at this point, but it's painstakingly clear it's not what he's saying.

    I hate Sasuke, but seriously. His character could not have sunken that low.

  2. #22
    This whole conversation is:

    Madara: I don't believe you're serious.
    Sasuke: But oh I AM serious! REALLY!
    Madara: Man you can't be serious...
    Sasuke: But I am!
    Madara: If you say so... (liar, liar, pants on fire!)
    Sasuke: Yeah, I do (har har nub pwned izi)

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    What else would it be if he were teleporting? It has to be some kind of physical attack associated with taijutsu. What else would he be doing once he gets there? Use a rasengan? Throw a kunai at them? Punch them? You're saying that he has to do something very quickly once he gets there, so if not a really fast kick or punch, then what?
    I wouldn't regard the punch, kick, ransengan or any other form of attack as part of the justsu. Once the user has moved from point A to point B the jutsu is complete. Of course I'm basing this all off of Kakashi Gaiden since that's the only time we've seen it used, for example the fourth used his "yellow flash" (is that what it's actually called?) technique get within point blank range and hold a kunai to the enemy ninjas throat without actually attacking.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by itadakimasu

    so... is sasuke going to attack while naruto is not in konoha?
    What? Sasuke returns to konoha being all evil and kills all the younglings in the jedi acad.. erm.. *cough* sorry.

    I don't care anymore, I'm just going to link as many things I can to star wars for the shits and/or giggles before going out in flames. (See what I did there? with flaming? Yeah, that's right)
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  5. #25
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Heck I don't even know everyone thinks it's so strong in the first place. He was just really fast and hard to see, there was nothing special about it. It was just taijutsu amplified.
    U seriously lack imagination dodchan.

    We're talking about a time space jutsu that is apparently incredibly easy to perform ( for the 4th hokage ) and has little restrictions ( the use of a special kunai ). Think about it, you throw a kunai at your opponent, if he dodges it you attack him from behind, if he catches it u get a clean shot at close range and if he destroys it u throw another one and counter the attack before he has the chance to.

    Just a mere example:

    - He throws the kunai
    - You dodge it
    - You Look back at his enemy
    - You just got a rasengan in the back
    - PWND!

    I can even give you a video for an example: Here

    That anime is called the law of ueki, the big dude's name is baron and he basically has the same skill as the 4th only he doesn't have jutsu, nearly his level of taijutsu and he only has one knife. Have i made my point?

  6. #26
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    The restriction isnt a "special" kunai or whatever, those where just regular kunai's, the restriction is a tag, a tag that allows him to teleport straight to it.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    U seriously lack imagination dodchan.

    We're talking about a time space jutsu that is apparently incredibly easy to perform ( for the 4th hokage ) and has little restrictions ( the use of a special kunai ). Think about it, you throw a kunai at your opponent, if he dodges it you attack him from behind, if he catches it u get a clean shot at close range and if he destroys it u throw another one and counter the attack before he has the chance to.
    Oh I have a huge imagination. I'm an artist by nature. But if you really don't understand, here I'll just say it. I don't respect taijutsu, no matter how fast, strong or incredible it may be. And if that is what made him one of the strongest hokages, that's really sad. It's nothing too big. If you ask me, a true strong ninja has limitless chakra and can maser all three, gen, tai, and ninjutsus. Granted all we knew from him so far was an incomplete rasengan (which I also think is really lame to begin with, but that's another story) and the yellow flash technique. So, I'll still hold my judgement out on the 4th for a while.

    For me, no one beat the 2nd, for over all ninja ability. Mother fucker could make tsunamis and lakes with no rain or a drop of water to start from. Now that is a ninja worthy of being kage imo. I honestly don't think we'll get any ninjas better, than any bloodline limit users. They're the best bar none. And I know where you're all going to go with this. All of you are going to say something like wel the 3rd in his prime (late 20's early 30's) was the best ninja ever to exist, and he just trained and trained hard with no bloodline limit. But, that's for a different time.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    I don't respect taijutsu, no matter how fast, strong or incredible it may be. And if that is what made him one of the strongest hokages, that's really sad.
    Have you been reading what other people have been saying? The yellow flash technique has nothing to do with taijutsu. It's ninjutsu if anything. What he does when he reaches the location isn't part of the technique.

  9. #29
    Wow Im feelin incredibly gullible for believing that nonsense sasuke was talkin. His rap sheet of doin the opposite of what I think is logical led me to believe this was just another hardass sasuke moment. He's always on the hunt for power, never for knowledge... him and naruto have a lot of /flexing to catch up on.

    I doubt itachi would've went for the kill if sasuke hesitated for a second and tried TALKING. You have an all around great big bro, and one day he mass murders everyone and says it was 'to test his power'... bitch wha da fuck? Sasuke making it his life goal to seek revenge for that and all, dont you think he would ever take the time to actually think through what he knew about itachi and how random that shit was...? I guess if someone killed my family it wouldn't matter all that much to me either. So goin by all that if I were to predict sasuke's next move after finally getting his revenge.... i really dont know. Cause finding out all that shit afterwards would be a straight braintoss... I sure as hell wouldn't immediately believe some akatsuki who hides his face behind that apparatus of a mask.

    Sasuke should watch some spiderman movies and chill for a while, instead of usin his power to do madara's bidding. Get your head on straight before you go around murkin jinchuruuki's. Would he really go through all the near death experiences, chronic migraines that are sure to follow using amaterasu AND mangekeyo in one sitting... all to trick this dbag? hmmm

  10. #30
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    The restriction isnt a "special" kunai or whatever, those where just regular kunai's, the restriction is a tag, a tag that allows him to teleport straight to it.
    That's what i meant when i said special lol

    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    I don't respect taijutsu, no matter how fast, strong or incredible it may be. And if that is what made him one of the strongest hokages, that's really sad.
    Lee can only use taijutsu and he's one of the best ninja's we've seen on this show dude...

  11. #31
    Fillers not included, how many fights has Lee actually won? He lost against both Gaara and Kimimaro. I suppose he beat his clone in the clone wars...
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  12. #32
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That's because he's always the underdog dude. Look at it this way, he fought a jinchuriki and a genius with a bloodline limit and a cursed seal and did one hell of a job.

  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uberbaka
    Fillers not included, how many fights has Lee actually won? He lost against both Gaara and Kimimaro. I suppose he beat his clone in the clone wars...
    Sasuke. and we'll forever love him for it.

    as for the others, Gaara is a fuckin' monster, and Lee got him mad (we really like him when he's mad).
    and Kimimaru, Lee did quite well against him, much better than Naruto, even without drunken asshole fist.

    Lee never lost a stupid fight. he only lost to main characters.
    besides, he hurt Sasuke. that's gazzilion times cooler than anything anyone has done.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Lee never lost a stupid fight. he only lost to main characters.
    besides, he PWND Sasuke. that's gazzilion times cooler than anything anyone has done.
    Corrected it for you DBZ

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