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Thread: TV: True Blood

  1. #21
    Just watched the recent 2 episodes. Damn, was hoping to see Tara nekked, ah well.

    Am I the only one who doesn't like the vampires in this show really? Reason is, they just don't seem regal enough. Maybe I'm spoiled by all the movie vampires with British accents, or the Transylvania (shrug) accents. But Vampires with Southern drawls (Bill), and even more extreme an American(?) accent like Eric just screams wtf. I'd guess he's over atleast 400 years old I believe, since Bill is like 150-200, and he says Malcom is much older than he is, and Eric even older than Malcom. I just don't sense the grandiose or the mysticism in these Vampires.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    There we have one of the reasons why I just can't get into this show, the vampires don't seem like vampires at all. They are just like the other trashy characters in the show but they just happen to drink blood. Really I was looking forward to this show for a while, the first episode was a complete disappointment and it hasn't gotten any better since then. I thought Moonlight was a bad show but I would take Moonlight over this any day.

    Really I just expect a lot from a show about Vampires and this doesn't live up to my expectations, the bar was set pretty high.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think the most recent episode really brought the show into its own though, you should definitely give it another chance. While the show does go with the "vampires are more like normal people not Dracula" angle (one I actually have always liked), there isn't much question after this episode that vampires are as varied as the humans they used to be.

    There are plenty of trashy vampires, there are honorable/gentlemanly ones like Bill, more traditional "mysterious" vampires like Eric, and the other side of the more traditional ones...savage ambushers.

    The series has definitely picked up though. Huge shift this episode. Sad really. But we also got to see how Bill got turned, tragic in its own way.

    I've got one solid suspect for the murderer now. I don't really want to say it in this post, maybe to give a day or two for anyone else to catch up. It makes a lot of sense if you look back and think about it, especially considering some of the dialog.

    Jason has really hit a new point as the comedy relief though. He's just so fucking stupid. Lafayette on the other hand, has reached a new pinnacle of awesome.

  4. #24
    Sookie keeps getting pissed off at all of the vampire shit she sees, while at the same time being enraptured by it. Maybe she is scared but expresses it by being a prissy bitch? Someone needs to bitch slap this girl. "OMG DON'T SUCK HIS BLOOD, YOU EVIL VAMPIRE! Get away!!" "Oh mah God Bill is so hot. masterbatemasterbatemasterbate. Don't discriminate against vampires guys!"

    V sounds awesome. lol @ what taking a whole vial does, and what taking a single drop does. I want to read these novels now. Lafayette and Terra make this show awesome. I just feel sorry for Bill. As I watch Lafayette taking the V I could totally imagine him being a vampire hunter, hunting down and drinking the blood of vampires to get stronger (In a cool way, not a dumb sneaky way).

    rofl @ Terra staring at the confederate flag. I love how she gets all offended at Bill's family owning slaves and being surrounded by white people. I also like how the prejudices that the townspeople have for the supernatural and mostly unfounded and disproved, and how they make stupid decisions based on such things. The irony is great.

    Jason: For the first time, I can see clear!
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #25
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire
    "Oh mah God Bill is so hot. masterbatemasterbatemasterbate. Don't discriminate against vampires guys!"
    I would too if it was Bill...=P

    I tried my best...

  6. #26
    He was hot in like the first two episodes, but now I just feel sorry for him. If he is going to be so mysterious, I'd rather him be dark and brooding than a gentleman. It seems like most of his life he's been pushed around and is relatively week, and he uses what little strength he has to frighten cops and other lowly humans.. Actually I don't like the other vamps in the series either. Eric is quite a snob and is up on himself because he's older than everyone else. "You.. require my presence. It is granted". When all he really is is the manager of some run down strip club. The other vamps are just pathetic.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  7. #27
    And out of nowhere comes Buffy!

    Actually I wouldn't mind if they introduced other supernatural species, though I doubt it. At this point I have no idea where this series is going. Is it gonna be a pseudo-want-to-fuck type of show where Sookie stops herself from getting it put in her pooper by backwater blood drinkers? Or is there a grander purpose instead of a half-assed sex/romance thriller?

  8. #28
    I enjoyed the most recent episode more so than the previous. The story of Bill's life is actually interesting.

  9. #29
    I was kinda hoping they would kill the old hag, but I didn't think they would go for it. The series is now ten times better.

  10. #30
    Well, Sunday's episode was great again... though I hated that they spent a whole episode dealing with the death, funeral, etc. But I think the final scenes of the episode more than made up for it.

  11. #31
    I didn't think Sookie would actually go and do that... I think she's lost half her mind. Not that I blame her.

    Jason's general suckiness makes me want to read the books even more. No way the author wrote him to be this crappy on purpose? Surely it is the show that makes him seem so terrible.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  12. #32
    I don't know, but I like Jason's character... it brings a bit of needed humor to the series.

  13. #33
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Saph, have you read some of the titles of Charlaine Harris' other novels?

    [potential spoilers, doesn't seem like they reveal anything necessarily, but playing it safe. Highlight to reveal]Club Dead, Dead to the World, Dead as a Doornail, Definitely Dead, From Dead to Worse.[end spoilers]

    The humor is definitely supposed to be there. She's southern, and the are plenty of people down there (and here in the snobbish Northeast too) that are really that much of white trash. Hell, up here at least, there's worse.

  14. #34
    Really Ryl? The Hollows novels have similar plays on words for their titles, but does that necessarily mean it's humorous? I remember the first few pages of Dead Witch Walking were hilarious, but pretty much the rest is just angst and urban fantasyness. (loveeeee)

    lol @ the sex scene with Sookie wtf? For some reason I never wanted to see one. Now all of her pureness is just gone, and that was the only thing she had going for her.

    I can't help but like the tones and theme of beauty among urban decay, and evil, and the superstitions and ignorance of the weak. Watching the theme song reminds me of that every time.

    A cafeteria dood at my dining hall is just like Lafayette, possibly minus the drug dealing and ability to kick anyone's ass. It makes me smile. I love how he cusses at someone after they leave.

    That would be cool if it really WAS a demon possessing her. Ohshiiii Terra would feel sooo bad. (I would too) I with Terra was the main character. Her mother is a good actor.

    I bet those hicks just opened up a shitstorm.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 10-21-2008 at 01:44 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #35
    Do any of you guys have any theories for the serial killer? I'm kinda thinking it's the guy that came from Iraq or the son of the lady that likes to snoop... you know the guy that wanted Tru Blood.

    I'm waiting for Sookie to find out about her uncle and see wether she'll give Bill hell for it.

  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As soon as I saw the woman who was supposed to exorcise Tara's mother's demon, I knew it would be voodoo. I loved every minute of that. Speaking of the mother, I was also impressed with how convincingly she can act as a horrible drunk. There was the part where she was still sober, loading up her coffee with as much liquor as possible, and she was a completely different person. Very convincing to anyone who has known a serious alcoholic.

    I've always thought the serial killer was Sam, and nothing so far has led me to believe otherwise. His behavior has always been really odd around the women who have been murdered. As for the grandmother, perhaps in his sick and twisted mind, he'd hoped that this would make Sookie afraid of Bill enough to hok up with him. He certainly asked Sookie if she wanted to stay with him, and he popped out the bushes after Bill rushed over.

  17. #37
    Yep, Sam has always been my first choice.. but I don't know, I want him to stick around a bit longer since I want to learn if he's a werewolf or some shit, and if so how does it fit into this vampire/human nation. If he was the serial killer, he'll probably be disposed off soon. Maybe he's simply a normal human with a dog fetish.

  18. #38
    Anyone else crack up at the Heroes allusion?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  19. #39
    What?! I could have sworn I'd seen Sam and Dean in the same scene before.

    I think the vampire is getting that symptom where he sympathizes with his captors.. lol!
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #40
    Stockholm syndrome? And yeah, I've seen them together... maybe there's simply a similar dog around, or someone like him. I thought it was a funny scene... I wasn't expecting it since I didn't think Sam would've gotten there that fast.

    For some reason I thought it would be some evil serial killer dog. I'm not so sure Sam is the bad guy as I previously though of him as. But I find it quite curious that the killer killed the cat, and we all know how much dogs like cats.

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