And what part exactly is that "something" you don`t beleive it applies. Sookie beleived something was up when Jason went all rage mode, she didn`t read his mind like a twitter update just for shit and giggles. Jason? and adult? lol no, he`s only an adult legally, Sookie has all her right if she knows he`s in trouble, what`s the other scenario? she does nothing and Jason ends dead in a sewer or in jail or some shit and then BOTH of them will regret she didn`t read his mind back then.

As for having a problem or not, is not about that, i beleive her powers sometimes activate on their own because she doesn`t has full control, remember the scene at the beggining of the series? it could always be that, or in contrast, people "thinking" too hard she can`t help but listening to it. So if she knows Stupid ass Jason is in trouble, she might as well. I agree she shouldn`t be reading other peoples mind, Jason however, is a time bomb, and may i add, a complete prick this season.