Agreed, this episode was a vast improvement over the last few. Even Sookie got to sound like she was finally in some semblance of control when she was threating to dig out the werewolf's secrets.

Yeah, I think Eric will work with a few of the others to pin it all on the King. If they're lucky, the Queen might even get out of it scot-free. I just don't think she is nearly as evil as he is, she's just bored and selfish. He's got the motive to overthrow the King of Alabama now.

To be honest, after this episode, I think the side plots are the most interesting right now. I didn't think the Tara and Sam sideplots would be any good at all, but somehow even the family strife has a lot of mystery around it. It had better not disappoint they way they were hyping up what Sam's drunken step-father was using his half-brother for.

Even though it isn't important at all, I really like the little battle starting between Arlene and Jessica. It's a nice relief from the heavier stuff this season is finally starting to get into. Kind of like Jason always being a dumbass.