Oh what the fuck, the season finale doesn't air until Sept 12!
Oh what the fuck, the season finale doesn't air until Sept 12!
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
So, i just finished watching the season finale and the first 40-ish minutes were pretty slow, but then at the end it got alot better with the Eric-Russel-Bill stuff, Sookie finding out about Bill's lies, Sam "shooting" his brother (we didn't get a confirmed hit).
All in all, good ep. Not as good as the epicness of Russel going apeshit, but good.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Season 4 just started, eps 1 and 2 are on the tubes.
I dig it so far, I'm excited to see where this season goes, especially after the way the second episode ended.
When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills
Aye, there is a 720p torrent of ep 2 out on ThePirateBay, unfortunately i gotta sleep so i'll have to wait until tomorrow to watch it >_>
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Just saw both episode, i`m loving it so far, this mini time skip is doing great for most of the characters.
Tara - She was perfect in each and every scene she appeared, this is exactly the Tara i want to see.
Jason - Became a responsible policeman and is taking care of the people at Hotshot while also managing to stay fully clothed for a grand 1.5 episodes, i`m proud.
Hoytsica - Surprised to see they`re having issues as if they`ve been married for 20 years, quite a nice twist not to give them a perfect relation that`s only threatened by outsiders, let`s see what this leads into, but wasn`t his mother going to murder one of them or something?
Sookie/Eric/Bill - Nice to see Bill still interested in Sookie but not falling to her feet, got to love the fact that Eric made that sleeping thing on Sookie`s house, that`s so Eric, wonder what`s the deal with the demon fairies, will they be the big bad of the season or this Necromacer people?
Lafayette - I`m 99% sure he`s the one with actual Necromancer powers while everyone else thinks it`s that old lady (The bird came to life when HE started chanting, same goes for the Eric scene.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
I'm inclined to agree that Lafayette is the one with the real, or especially potent powers but more for the sake of plot than the evidence we've seen so far. In both instances of 'real magic' going down the shit hit the fan once the circle was closed and in both instances it was Lafayette who closed the circle. Ritual magic tends to require a circle be formed so while he's probably going to end up being super special it could still just be that he's got magic of some degree and the act of him closing the circle is what triggered the crazy demonic chanting stuff.
I'm happy to see Hoytssica having problems myself; I think it fits well with the nature of their relationship. Other than mutual attraction and devotion they have some pretty clear dissimilarities and incompatibilities which could serve to create a tense living arrangement. Jessica is likely still trying to shake off her extremely repressed upbringing so dutifully keeping house for Hoyt is probably not at the top of her priority list, plus she sleeps all day while Hoyt is working. Hoyt, while seemingly pretty self-sufficient and capable, seems like he gives a lot more than he gets in the relationship so it's not surprising that he'd have moments of being fed up with Jessica's inability/unwillingness to throw him some sort of bone once in a while though I take him as the kind of guy who doens't mind pulling more 'weight' in the relationship in the long term.
I still hate Sookie. It was refreshingly annoying the way she ran around trying to get other people to get 'her' house back for her. I'd say it was legitimately sold after she vanished for a year without telling anyone and Jason had issues of his own to deal with. I get how for her things have completely changed overnight but as usual she doesn't try to cope with new situations but whines and bitches in an attempt to get someone to alter the situation to suit her desires.
I have to give major props to Eric though for being so consistent and persistent in his pursuit of Sookie though. He seems to have gotten in her head and knows how to push her buttons and wear on her resistance, forcing her to fight him on his terms where he holds all the advantage. It's a shame what happened at the end of ep 2 but we'll see how things go now ($5 on Sookie tricking/conning Eric out of the house and then patting herself on the back like she outwitted a thief when he bought it fair and square).
Bill: Mostly Meh but maybe something good will come of him.
Tara: Interracial lesbian relationship + cage fighting = YES. Coming back from a fresh start for Sookie = NO.
Yuki hit the nail on all accounts, i agree with everything said above ^^
Speaking of Eric.. having a 1000 year old vampire with amnesia roaming the streets can't possibly end well, lol
Another small thing worth noting...
Jason getting forcefully turned into a panther-shifter, w00t!!
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Tyra is awesome and a lot prettier. I remember that she was pissing people off last season by being all traumatized. In the scene behind the MMA tourney, as soon as that other chick came in I KNEW they were lesbians.
My all time favorite parts of the episode are when Lafayette joins the circle. Then come crazy shit happens. I love that when Eric was attacking Tyra, Lafayette was like "OH SHIT" and joins the circle and starts chanting. So funny.
WTF is up with those ugly ass fairies? So Sookie is one of those? EW!!!
I HATE SOOKIE!!! All she does is goes around scolding people for living non-christian lives and then turns around and says "OH YOU WON'T CATCH ME AROUND VAMPIRES" then goes around and asks vampires to help her get a house back. Agreed with Yuki on Sookie conning Eric to get her house back.
Bill is pretty cool. I like how he goes around doing despicable shit but pretends to be a Louisiana gentleman. Him pretending to be cockney or whatever is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Jason: Stupid as usual. That's what happens when you hang out with a bunch of backwater cannibals.
Red Head: Can't wait until the baby kills her off.
Jessica: Needs to get laid and be BFF with Pam.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
Hey, if you want to hang out with backwater cannibals, its your party not mine.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Actually i wouldn't mind being able to shift into a panther at will, would be pretty damn cool tbh, tho i'd much prefer to be turned into a vampire instead if a had the option.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Yeah, but don't you get a creepy dirty vibe from the werepanthers? I want to see some majestic werepanthers.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Okay, I'm all caught up. The way the last season ended left me a bit reluctant to start this one, and now I regret doing so.
In regards to the werepanthers: They're swampfolk, and panthers are swamp critters. It makes perfect sense to me that redneck weres would be panthers.
Sorry, this is going to be long.
tl;dr version:
Jason = awesome as always. Tara = totally loathe (more than ever!). Lafayette = Cool, but worried about where he's going. Sam: Glad he's getting better, the Navajo shifter is super hot (though she's so obviously Indian). Tommy: Hesitant about him. Jessica & Hoyt: She's great (better than last season), but I like that they are having "normal" problems. Arlene & Terry: She's lovably crazy, he's the coolest dude ever. Sookie/Eric/Bill: Nice to see some actual development in Bill, Eric is still cool too, Sookie is dumb as ever, but I can't really hate her. She's just a busybody.
Long version:
Jason: He's been one of my favorite characters all along, and I was glad to see him gain some responsibility. I did kind of expect Jason to have done a little bit more for the Hotshot family. Like teach them a trade or something (he does have a lot of skills that he could pass on to them). The father and Krystal's half-brother-whateverheis kept them down so long, I would have liked to see Jason have given them a little independence. It was working for the teenage boy and eldest girl, but he could have gone a little farther. I'm interested in seeing where this is going now. Maybe after Jason changes, he'll get more involved with them. They're family now anyway...one way or another.
But overall, I'm not certain I'm liking this trend. It feels like the creators think they have to make everyone special.
Tara & Lafayette: My god I hate her so much. I just can't like her. They've made her a lesbian now...but it's because she's so traumatized from being attacked over and over again. That kind of ruins the whole lesbian angle. She's not making a new life for herself...she's still just running away. Then at the coven...her stupid ass getting caught yet again (and totally her fault, shouldn't she know better?) caused Lafayette to accept the wrongness of what the coven was doing, and solidified and legitimized their actions. Only a few of them were willing to go along with it, and now most of them are. This is going to have to be Lafayette's show. If the vampires can't stop them, it's Lafayette's job to play peacemaker and end this before it gets him and Jesus killed. Hopefully they'll kill the necromancers (or assist in the act). It's wrong for anyone to control anyone else. A nice turn of the tables for the vampires...but they already got a taste of that with Sookie. Billknowsknew better, and Eric was starting to learn.
Sam, the shifters, and Tommy: Still liking the darker, angrier side to Sam. Glad he's found a few people he can trust in. The Navajo shifter (who is obviously Indian, they're not fooling me), Luna, is really hot. The angle they introduced with her is very interesting, and I'm not going to be at all surprised if at least one more shifter (either Sam or Tommy or both) ends up going for the same thing. Tommy is as always...hard to trust. The way they've done that plot thread has been really great. It's so hard to tell when Tommy is sincere because he lies all the time. When he first walked in all properly dressed and hair all combed I knew he was full of shit some way or another. I loved that it only made Sam angrier and angrier. I really like the other two shifters as well. We've only seen shifters as outcasts or runaways, but the other two are clearly very well off and accepting of their situation. It's a pleasant change, and the knowledge of it seems to have given Sam a huge sense of relief. He could finally see his condition as something less than a curse. That said, I'm betting Tommy kills his mother and gains the power, and then Sam will have to kill him (gaining it himself).
Jessica & Hoyt: Like others have said, I kind of like that they are having "normal" people problems, and not being interfered with a third party (yet). Hoyt is finding it harder than he thought to deal with her being a vampire, and she's finding it hard to deny herself of being...herself. He's self-sufficient, but he easily fell back into his old ways of wanting to be taken care of. She's started to grow more independent and can't really deny what she is. That speaks a great deal to Bill and Eric's discipline. The other vampires are right, Jessica is still "young," and hasn't really had the chance to develop her skills, control, and true sense of self. I would like to see Jessica view Pam as a mentor (because Pam could always use a bigger part) and figure herself out. Maybe she belongs with Hoyt, maybe she doesn't.
Arlene & Terry: I don't know what to make of the Rosemary's Baby situation yet, but it's a bit of a pointless side plot. Arlene is lovably crazy as always, and Terry is the fucking man. He's certainly got the right idea. I know she's not entirely wrong (something is clearly wrong with that baby), but unless it really is possessed, it seems like more of a case of lack of control (again...why must everyone have powers). So Terry's got the correct idea.
Sookie/Eric/Bill: I don't really know why I can't hate her, but I can't. She's just so dumb most of the time. Maybe it's pity that I feel. The fairies thing was a definite "wtf" moment. I'd honestly prefer a great deal less of that (a big part of the reason I didn't start this season right away). Bill's past and him being King is kind of cool. I liked the way he coldly took out Sophie Ann. No need for honor when she was so selfish and weak at the same time. Eric is still way better. He's just a cool guy. His persistence is endearing. I do hope Sookie can sort out what happened to him quickly...because screw this amnesia bullshit. I hate that plot device so much.
Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 07-09-2011 at 08:56 AM.
Epic post!
Good read, and i agree with pretty much everything except i don't seem to hate Tara as much... in fact, i like her more than i like Sookie.
On another note, i've been really wondering who the oldest vampire on earth is, because surely there must be one who is older than all the others, and whoever that is must be freakishly powerful... man i really want to know these things! (and i ain't gonna read the books to find shit out!) :P
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Nice to see that Sookie's already taking every opportunity to brainwash Eric.
Also Bill is badass.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Hehe... Snookie.
Did Jessica just hypnotized Hoytt? bad bad girl. I bet 5 dollars either Tommy or the fatty one putting those dirty dolls on their house.
I predict we`ll finally get a real Eric/Sookie relation this season, queen Bill is going to rage.
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
If Snookie/Eric hook up, it's totally rape.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
I wanted Pam to rip Tara's head off. She's such a obnoxious fucking bitch. All. the. time. It pisses me off that she thinks she's all big and badass now that she's got that dinky little pistol. Does she even remember that Jason did all the work at the end of last season? She's all bluff and gruff, and it is ten times more annoying than it was in previous seasons.
Are we supposed to recognize the spirit that the witches are summoning? She looked vaguely familiar, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions.
I sort of feel bad for Jessica, but she kind of had to do it. Hoyt doesn't really listen to her. She should have just gotten his attention, told him something completely innocent, and then eased back out of it so they could actually talk it over. In addition, she's so hot.
I was surprised that brainwashed Eric is so nice. I figured he be all super-predatory. It makes for a lot of funny scenes (like the last one). He's more like a lost puppy. And yes, Sookie is still dumber than a sack of hammers. At the beginning, she drives away from Eric, but doesn't roll up her window, allowing him to do a cliché horror-movie grab.