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Thread: TV: True Blood

  1. #41
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #42
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Nice video Sapphire...... For some reason I found Tyra to be scarier, especially when she did her impression of the vampire having sex from true blood. Anyways there is a swedish film that has a vampire theme that I have read is really good. It is called "Let the Right One In", thought I would mention it as some may want to go download and watch it.

    I guess Sam is not a warewolf but that there are warewolfs. being a changeling doesn't sound all that glamorous if you cant even make yourself to look like someone else, unless Sam was just lieing. Sookie is acting like a big boob pouting all over the place. She's like the whiney anime character that no one likes. And we almost got a looksy at who the killer is...would be nice to wrap that up before the season ends, this show is really terrible(good) at leaving you on a cliff hanger each episode. The season ender will suck(no pun intended, or was there?) in that manner I'm sure.

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  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sam could have attacked her in the kitchen and then run around to the front to meet Sookie. For now though, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Without any leads anymore, now my bet is on Terry, the Iraq war vet. He talked to Sookie for a while at the beginning of the party, and then completely disappeared for the rest of the episode. He wasn't in any background shots at the time like he usually is. Still, I can't remember if there was any of the previous murders where his whereabouts were accounted for.

    I really liked the process of punishment Bill got. The Magistrate is interesting, giving out punishments or reduced sentences based on how much of his boredom after all these years is relieved. There could not be a more perfect punishment for Bill in their eyes, Turning a poor abducted "good Christian" girl. Not to mention it refills their numbers from losing Longshadow.

    I agree, Sookie was really obnoxious this episode. Just because Bill got taken away, Sam lied to her, and everyone else is happy, she gets into a bad mood. You can't help but side with Sam on the issue either. Sookie of all people should understand about being strange and different, she's a freaking telepath! Who, in case she has forgotten, is having sex with a vampire. Everyone at Merlott's knows or at least has an inkling that she is one too.

    As always though, Layfette is one of the best characters in the episode. I thought he was angry enough to kill Jason, but it looks like he will take it further than that. Speaking of Jason, I wonder what will happen now with him and the psycho bitch. Jason was doing a pretty good job of getting reverse-Stockholm Syndrome these past two episodes.

  4. #44
    Yep, I think it's Terry... he was wearing a black shirt, and I'm pretty sure that the guy in that attacked Sookie was wearing one also.

  5. #45
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    Well he had semi fluffy/baggy jeans. Not as much as Lafayette but still. Seemed to have a grey, blue or black shirt with short arms. Either like Sam, or a regular t-shirt. And we know it's a white man.

    And even though Sam could run around to confort Sookie after her attack, i doubt he could make the sound of someone fleeing from the kitchen at the same time as he has Sookie in his arms.

    But then again if you compare the hair and cloths of all the people at the party Sam is the one matching the description best. So i would guess either it's Sam or it's someone that wasn't at the party.

    Lafayette is definitely my favorite character in the show. I wonder if Jason is gonna come clean to him about the kidnapping now that the vamp is dead. To make Lafayette know that there isn't coming others to kill him. But then again i don't think Jason has the stones to do it.

  6. #46
    I loved Sookie's initial reaction. "*drop* shut the fuck up" and the sophisticated magistrate going "get off my shit!"

    I am used to Sookie pouting with being a party pooper.. I agree with the anime character line. I am eager to learn about the other creatures in this series.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  7. #47
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    One thing was bothering me after I thought about it. How in the hell does Sam know about Werewolves? When Sookie asked about it, he had some very strong feelings about the issue, calling werewolves savages and disgusting.

    We saw from the flashbacks that Sam was pretty much abandoned by his foster parents. I suppose in that time he could have gotten into contact with the werewolf community, but it doesn't seem like even the vampires know about the werewolves. Sam seems to know a great deal about the secret supernatural communities of the world, both the shapeshifters and the lycanthropes.

    Also, I'm starting to wonder if Sookie is going to be Turned at some point in the series.

  8. #48
    I'm at least hoping there's more to her psychic powers than simply reading minds... She really sucks in comparison to everything that's out there.

    Else, I really hope she gets turned into something just so that she gets a bit stronger. I don't want her depending over and over in other people to defend her, especially with all of them being so overpowered. She stands no chance on her own.

  9. #49
    Great episode last night. We finally learn who the serial killer is. And although he crossed our minds as a possibility, he wasn't really a main suspect. The main thing that always made me think of him as a possiblity was a review some months ago that said that the serial killer was "one of the good guys", and this guy always stuck out for me since he's always doing right by everyone.

    Anyways, Sookie sucks as always. And Tara is probably with a vampire.

  10. #50
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was thinking Maryann was a werewolf, don't know why, but it seemed to make sense at the time. Sure, she was dirty like she had been buried in the ground, but she was also naked. Perhaps the pig was food? I'm going to make a wild guess that all the scenes with her are at night to throw us off and make us think she's a vamp.

    It might make sense for two reasons.
    1) Sam knows about werewolves, and wouldn't have brought them up if they didn't play some role in the series somehow.
    2) Sam ran away from home and was left abandoned too, just like Tara. Maryann runs a quote unquote, "halfway house."

    Maybe she could smell Sam on Tara?

    The stuff with Jessica was a cheap laugh, Bill being unable to control her like a rebellious teenage daughter.

    I never could have guessed the true identity of the murderer, not for one second. Totally threw me.

  11. #51
    As I said, I had strong suspicions about him because of a certain review mentioning "You'll be very surprised. He's one of the good guys". Mainly remained quiet about it because there was nothing in the show to make suspect him, so I just couldn't throw his name in here, but surely he was in my radar. Not that I would've ever suspected it by watching the show without outside influence. Good job in making him the killer.

    Even so, Terry was my main suspect. And the last episode made me think I was 100% it was him. Well done really.

    Now, I hope they do him justice when the explanation of who he is and why he is who he is comes. That's almost always the toughest part when dealing with characters like this.

  12. #52
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Damn Sam and Sookie!!! Such slutty behaviors!!

    I was definitely surprised by the little revelation. I'm assuming next week is the season finale? I hate how short cable tv series are.

    I tried my best...

  13. #53
    God, Jessica is annoying.

  14. #54
    Holy crap! Why does the hot Cuban have to be the murderer? The show did a good ass job leading us on to think it could be the war vet. This show has just gotten so much better too.

    And I guess the naked chick with the pig is the social worker? I think she represents another supernatural aspect that we have not learned about yet. But I wonder if she is out to help or hurt Terra? If she is out to hurt Terra, I wonder how Terra would have the strength to defeat her... oh my spoiler finger is itching..

    I'm very surprised to see crazy vamp sucker die.. but of course the solution for all moot point bad relationships in Urban Fantasies is death.

    The interaction between Bill and his newly turned vamp is hilarious. I love his exasperation and his focus on gaining the upper hand in the situation while still being a gentleman, and the girl's utter disdain from anything representing the restrictions of her old life. If the vamp wasn't so whiny and spoiled (and so easily broken down by Eric) I'd say they would be the perfect couple. I don't think Sooke should be with anyone, and I will continue to agree with the 'she is the anime character no one likes' comparison. I mean Bill was gone for what.. a couple days? A week tops? She didn't bother waiting too long before jumping in the sack with some guy who she's been rejecting for so long... I hope Terra finds out and kicks their asses.. AND STAYS MAD at them for a very long time!

    Oh and I love the female vamp that stays by Eric. It was interesting to see Eric just simply over power Bill with just one look.

    This is definitely the best urban fantasy book adaptation I've ever seen and possibly one of the best book adaptations I've seen across the board. But then again I never read the novels.
    Last edited by Sapphire; Tue, 11-18-2008 at 08:02 PM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, as much as I'm interested in the novels (Charlainne Harris' books have been recommended to me for a long time, I just didn't bother to learn much about them) since the series started I'm doing my best to stay away from them. Can't even look at the ones that don't have a "A Sookie Stackhouse novel!" sticker on them because I would wonder how much she does crossovers.

    I'm going to stick with the theory that Maryann is a werewolf as I detailed in my post above. It just kind of makes a twisted sense to me somehow. Sure, the house doesn't fit the image of werewolves that Sam alluded to, but she was covered in dirt next to a pig, naked in the middle of the road...

    Jessica is annoying as hell, and I really didn't expect any other outcome. I just didn't expect it so fast.

  16. #56
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Cuban? I'm pretty sure Rene is a Creole, in fact, I know he's Creole...anyway, I kind of figured it might be him, since there were only 2 other people at that party with short-sleeved shirts on, and besides Sam, only one guy with a dark shirt on. As for the "why", I'm not sure.

    And Sookie is kind of a little whiny bitch at times; like how she acted in the last episode, for example. It's not like Bill left on his on accord; he was escorted away by a bunch of vampires in order to face his punishment for protecting her. Then, she gets mad at him because she's trying to get off with Sam when he pops up, and he's a little pissed. I don't know, but that seems pretty dumb to me. If anyone is in the wrong, its her because 1.) Bill was gone because of her, and if she saw him doing the same, no doubt she would flip out, and 2.) isn't Tara supposed to be her best friend? Anyway, finale tonight; hope I can catch it.

  17. #57
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Aw Fux, Lafayette best not be a goner, he is by far one the more interesting chars in the show. Lot's of good stuff, at least they wrapped up a lot of things and gave us enough to wait for next season, whenever that will be. Someone who has read the book's pm me on the possible demise of Lafayette, I'm not much interested in waiting.

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  18. #58
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I would hope they didn't kill him; that wouldn't make a lick of sense. And lol at Eric and that chick getting rid of Jessica because she's "too annoying" Looking forward to the next season, and Hoping we get to see a lot more of Eric, Lafayette, and Jessica...who is oddly hot.

    Sookie kinda sucks, though; she's such a little brat sometimes. And if Sam can turn into other animals, why the freakin' collie? He lives in the bayou! Turn into a gator or some shit(I know he needs imprints or whatever, so...meh)! anyway, not too many complaints...wish I coulda posted earlier in the season, but I just discovered this show over the weekend.

  19. #59
    This finale was so good. WHY do we have to wait until next summer for more, seriously!? NoooO~
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #60
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj
    IAnd if Sam can turn into other animals, why the freakin' collie? He lives in the bayou! Turn into a gator or some shit(I know he needs imprints or whatever, so...meh)! anyway, not too many complaints...wish I coulda posted earlier in the season, but I just discovered this show over the weekend.
    When Sam explained it to Sookie, he told her he needs to be near an animal to attune to it so that he can turn into it. The collie lives with/near him, so it is real easy for him to turn into it. He didn't really have the benefit of a lot of time to find a gator, turn into said gator, and get to Sookie in time with his tiny gator legs. The collie was faster, and time was of the essence.

    As much as I'd like to think Lafayette isn't dead, he was gone for two weeks after I assume Bill fed on him. Then again, he is Lafayette, so he could have been on one hell of a bender afterwards. But who knows. He was tossed into Detective Bellefleur's car. Though it saddens me, I can't help but think he is dead.

    I too enjoyed where Pam and Eric dumped Jessica off because she's so annoying. She really whored herself out in short order. Strangley hot, but we'll see how truly annoying she can be. We already know she won't drink Tru Blood. I noticed it before, but I also really like how Pam dresses like a vampy slut at the bar (good for business) but in private she wears J. Crew style sweaters and 60s Jackie Kennedy dresses. It is a nice touch to this series.

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