Originally Posted by
Death BOO Z
it's believable. bigger people tend to be stronger.
anyways, it's better than similar personalities (shuura no toki, where all the strong guys had the same personality... "Worry about, IDENTITY!")
and far better than most animes, where every strong dude is a complete bisho-sissy-fuck with a clean face and pretty hair (Naruto with no spoilers: haku-neji-itachi, Kimimaru, Deidara, Sasori... and it goes on).
it's also a law in drawing manga, main\important characters are taller than regular ones, the books even say so.
as for logia powers... open up the pokemon chart and Final fantasy magic list: Poison, psychic (what was chrno the fox? logia or paramon?) stone\mud, wind\air, magma, plant (tricky one, but still, Oda can pull it) fog? mirrorman?
you can pull out at least 10 more logia, without going to the absurd. and we still didn't consider legendary zoan like dragon fruit, or chiemara fruit, or minotaour man.