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Thread: One Piece Chapter 511

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    One Piece Chapter 511

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    sentoumaru fighting feels like he's packing impact in his palms.
    I don't think that regular six-form can stand against Luffy in this state, though I think somebody else used the 'Dokkoi!' shout when punching.

    also, if there are 10 Kuma's (kuma being PX1, and then up to PX10), and each Kuma costs as much as a battleship, then a Kuma invasion can be counted as a 2nd buster call...

    alot of crazy shit going around, next chapter should be awesome.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    So much for running around for 3 days. I can't imagine there being any more buildup to this arc than this point.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    So much for running around for 3 days. I can't imagine there being any more buildup to this arc than this point.
    Then please Assert why not enlighten us with what you think will happen? You seem to be decent at it.

    I challenge you. If there is this much shit going on in terms of build up, then unclog it and clear the air for us on the future.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I think I busted a nut when I seen Rayleigh.
    (although a part of me was still hoping for Dragon)

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Then please Assert why not enlighten us with what you think will happen? You seem to be decent at it.

    I challenge you. If there is this much shit going on in terms of build up, then unclog it and clear the air for us on the future.
    lol what? I think you're confused...

    First of all, I'm not complaining about it.

    Second of all, do you see a point in running around and laying low for 3 days if Raleigh and the admiral are going to fight? Do you see any possibility of the arc getting more dramatic than this point? No? Then give the hostility a rest.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #7
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    So like I said Dan supernovas or not, rookies are still just rookies, they don't mean anything. Anyway Dark King or not, Kizaru doesn't seem impressed and unless that old man is hiding some crazy abilities I don't see him being able to stand against Sentomaru, Kizaru and a pacifista.

    Oh yeah, One Piece is Badass
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    lol what? I think you're confused...

    First of all, I'm not complaining about it.

    Second of all, do you see a point in running around and laying low for 3 days if Raleigh and the admiral are going to fight? Do you see any possibility of the arc getting more dramatic than this point? No? Then give the hostility a rest.
    Oh it's on like Donkey Kong my friend.

    First of all. Yes I do see the arc getting much more dramatic and powerful. First let me say I think Oda is bringing Rayleigh in waaaaay to early. We just got rid ofthe guy (yes I said got rid of because seeing him here is still too early in the series and weird and I don't like the guys design or him in general.) The SH's are also way too lucky to have met him and gotten a free coating. From the expert no less. And making Zoro almost die at the hands of an HQ Admiral, is just plain over kill. Let us finish the first piece of OP cake and consume it then give us the rest in pieces. He's shoving the whole cake down our throats and going to far with powerful people without letting it cool down for a while for a day or two. Heck even let the SH's or SN's run around for a bit while Kizaru and the axe dude look around.

    Second, I've eaten the Pika Pika no mi? You gotta be fucking kidding me! Waiting this whole time to realize (for sure) that he's a logia user and the it's completely ruined by a fruit's name. All this time I thought it was going to be cool, and Oda busts out a reference that makes me go back to the mid 90's when I played pokemon when I was 12. It's terrible. Now I can't get Pikachu out of my head just because he decided be creative. Instead of just making it the light light fruit. I mean why Oda why?

    Third. Why the hell does he have to make Kizarus speech (and Admiral!) so annoying and stupid. I'm a 'lightman"? Come on now Oda can do better than that. And why did he have to have him tell the members of the SH's that he was a logia user let alone his fruit ability?? It was best introduced when someone of knowledge knew about it. Why couldn't Robin tell the rest of the crew that he was an ability user? And I don't want people copping out on me saying that she met Aokiji and saw him actually use his ability when she was little. Thats bullshit I won't accept it. There should been someone there who tell the SH's that he was who he was. Hell I'll even come up with something right now better than that:

    How about instead of Rayleigh coming in late and ruining the moment. He could've come in earlier (still ruining it but at least being useful) and stopped Ussop and Brook (why the hell does hehave a womans name, thats for another time) from attacking him. Then he could've said something like "your weapons will do no good against him kids, he's a logia type". There was that so hard Oda?

    And yes I'm probably wrong, but I don't think Rayleigh is going to fight. Kizaru is old but he 's proven he's not too old to kick people into building and remodel entire cities with some pirates as his tools. Rayleigh, is too old. But, we'll see what will happen.

    @death boo z:
    I think it's past the impact stage. Meaning, I think everyone from here on out, can now handle a reject dial in any part of their body. Now in the series, we've come to the part that means everyone is getting really freaking strong. Strong enough to handle a reject. I actually don't think he has any at all. I just think he's strong enough physically and has powers to be considered the chief bodyguard of the HQ science and medical team, Doc Vpunk
    Last edited by docdan63; Fri, 08-22-2008 at 07:29 PM.

  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Ok, first of all, I think its safe to say at this point that running is futile, right? If Raleigh isn't going to stop Kizaru, then he'll have to incapacitate him in such a way that he can't light-teleport wherever they attempt to flee. Obviously Raleigh can't work on the boat while he's out with the strawhats, so the clock hasn't even started yet. If Raleigh takes down Kizaru, then, well, that defeats the purpose of fleeing in the first place. In any case, Raleigh's identity has been revealed, and now he is no longer safe in the archipelago if he allows the enemies to survive. All the cards have been laid on the table...the only uncertainty I see is what Garp is going to do. Where's the room for more buildup?

    Second of all, pika is a common word in Japan, and is not a phase exclusively coined by Nintendo.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #10
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Dan why don't you just save the manga world and start writing your own? Clearly you know more, and have better ideas than any manga authors and any of us.
    /sarcasm off

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    maybe he will, and his manga will have super powers, and blackjack, and hookers.
    actually, forget the super powers and manga.

    edit: sorry, I think that Impact is still usable in the series...
    a direct hit of Reject can kill just anybody in the story, and Impact seems to be just as good as a hit from any fighter pirate.

    sure, it might not be equal to 3rd gear punch, but it's as strong as normal luffy Bazooka strike.
    not to mention that the impact also absorbs attacks.

    more than that, sentoumaru (can some japan-ise explain the legend about the kid, the axe and the ox from myths?) said that it isn't a fruit ability. I think that since most pirates haven't been to Skyisland, saying that "this weapon came from the clouds" will make a serious impression, which is what sentoumaru seems to be looking for.

    anyways, maybe Vegapunk has implanted the dials inside his body, for max effectiveness?
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Fri, 08-22-2008 at 07:44 PM.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  12. #12
    Well SH still didn't go to Nobelmen's house, Garp didn't show up (probably lost). I wonder how Raleigh managed to kick Kizaru while Brook sword passed through?

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  13. #13
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a
    Well SH still didn't go to Nobelmen's house, Garp didn't show up (probably lost). I wonder how Raleigh managed to kick Kizaru while Brook sword passed through?
    I am assuming something to do with how he made everyone faint (atleast that's what's horribly obvious). Probably some "spirit blast" that sent the light flying. Hopefully we'll find out soon so that the strawhats have a way to defend against logia types - providing Rayleigh teaches it to them.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker-kun
    I am assuming something to do with how he made everyone faint (atl east that's what's horribly obvious). Probably some "spirit blast" that sent the light flying. Hopefully we'll find out soon so that the strawhats have a way to defend against logia types - providing Rayleigh teaches it to them.
    Um what? I find some problems with a veteran pirate, 2nd most powerful in the series and probably most powerful now (except when you consider the yonkou captains and Silvers age.

    1. He is way to strong to teach Luffy something that he might not even remember the basics of.

    2. He is the right hand man in the series Not like that matters much, but come on he has better things to do than teach a lucky supernova his legendary battle tricks.

    3. Granted Luffy has the same ability to scare off creatures, and he's able to do it so young. I still think Silvers would have trouble teaching him because of the situation they're in currently.

    4. It would take too much time for him to Luffy to nurture and develop it. Something that requires a lot more time into the NW and that would involve Silvers to come along with them for along time with them.

    5. I just don't see him coming along to teach him.

    About the logia defense. I don't know what you're getting at. I think Kizarus leg was just solid at the time. Although I could be wrong, how would he see Silvers kick coming out of nowhere in time to turn himself into a piece of light. Logias can pretty much be guaranteed immortality in the series. I'm not going to cop out and use Croc as an example, but he was a weak logia user. I think any idiot could figure out that water could weaken him. As with Silvers being able to stop them, that could just be his powerhouse aura/dark king/right hand man of Roger badass ness going on. It takes a while to figure out their weaknesses. I still think that the only person who could beat him, is Blackbeard. Or crazy as it may sound, what if Kizaru were to fight at night? This is all happening during the day right? So what if he were to fight at night. Or someone put shade on his body and then aimed to hit that part. I think he'd be solid.

  15. #15
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    I actually believe Rayleigh deflecting Kizaru's kick indicates that he knows of some way of making physical contact with Logia users. Notice how theres bright light shining out from where Rayleigh kicks Kizaru's leg. I think that signifies that Kizaru wasn't able to just let Rayleigh's kick pass through.

    Personally, I think its about time. Logia users are offensively powerful enough as it is. I hope Oda takes them down a notch with something like this. With the admirals being what they are, they would have crushed all the Yonkou by now if they couldn't even land a hit.

    I think Rayleigh will bring it up next chapter, just so that Luffy knows that an ability like that exists, although I agree that he probably won't teach it to Luffy. I think Luffy will have to figure it out on his own in the New World.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    Um what? I find some problems with a veteran pirate, 2nd most powerful in the series and probably most powerful now (except when you consider the yonkou captains and Silvers age.

    1. He is way to strong to teach Luffy something that he might not even remember the basics of.

    2. He is the right hand man in the series Not like that matters much, but come on he has better things to do than teach a lucky supernova his legendary battle tricks.

    3. Granted Luffy has the same ability to scare off creatures, and he's able to do it so young. I still think Silvers would have trouble teaching him because of the situation they're in currently.

    4. It would take too much time for him to Luffy to nurture and develop it. Something that requires a lot more time into the NW and that would involve Silvers to come along with them for along time with them.

    5. I just don't see him coming along to teach him.

    About the logia defense. I don't know what you're getting at. I think Kizarus leg was just solid at the time. Although I could be wrong, how would he see Silvers kick coming out of nowhere in time to turn himself into a piece of light. Logias can pretty much be guaranteed immortality in the series. I'm not going to cop out and use Croc as an example, but he was a weak logia user. I think any idiot could figure out that water could weaken him. As with Silvers being able to stop them, that could just be his powerhouse aura/dark king/right hand man of Roger badass ness going on. It takes a while to figure out their weaknesses. I still think that the only person who could beat him, is Blackbeard. Or crazy as it may sound, what if Kizaru were to fight at night? This is all happening during the day right? So what if he were to fight at night. Or someone put shade on his body and then aimed to hit that part. I think he'd be solid.
    I really don't have time to read your entire list. I never do as it's a bunch of jibberish most of the time.

    No one had time to teach Luffy how to basically learn the whole Soru thinger either (which he calls Gear 2. Incase you're forgetting Mr. manga-artist-god Luffy's character is made to be able to adapt and learn things easier than other people, but I am sure you're right. You know cause he can't even come close to beating an admiral, but he'll surely become the pirate king without learning any abilities (specially one that Shanks, Whitebeard, and Rayleigh all know).

    Oh, and yeah. I forgot Rayleigh doesn't have time for Luffy, that's why he's come to their rescue already, defended their era, and knew him by name, AND has stated he's been waiting to meet Luffy, oh and he's offered to coat their ship, BUT you're right he has no reason to teach him a technique that will separate the strawhats from the other rookies and give them a slim chance against the admirals because you know he's quite possibly the strongest pirate around and has no time for such things (but has time to save them... weird).

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash!
    I actually believe Rayleigh deflecting Kizaru's kick indicates that he knows of some way of making physical contact with Logia users. Notice how theres bright light shining out from where Rayleigh kicks Kizaru's leg. I think that signifies that Kizaru wasn't able to just let Rayleigh's kick pass through.
    That would mean that he in his youth of being the right hand man and sailing the entire world along side Roger, that he would've had to encounter enough logias to learn how to stop them some how. And maybe he knows Kizaru from a long time ago or something. Maybe he does know enough about logias to stop them. Maybe it's a power he just developed from being older and it got more powerful and concentrated over time with experience. Who knows.

    I'm just saying that it's a little hard to believe he's strong enough to take down one of the marines most powerful men with a kick. Hell it could even be an emotional thing he has for the "sprouts" of the new generation of pirates.

  18. #18
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63

    I'm just saying that it's a little hard to believe he's strong enough to take down one of the marines most powerful men with a kick. Hell it could even be an emotional thing he has for the "sprouts" of the new generation of pirates.
    we all agree that for the sake of the story to continue, there must be a way to fight logia users without using the corespondent element, right?

    Rayleigh seems to know it, so gol.d.roger probably knew it, and so did Shanks and whitebeard.
    so it's safe to say that every pirate worth his level in NW knows at least bits of it.

    meanning, we just leveled up every logia user in the story.

    if beating them was as simple as finding their weak-point ("bullets, my only weakness!"), then they wouldn't have stayed admirals (who mostly hung around NW), so above the logia element abilities of defense, they know a whole bunch of tricks as well.

    what's so bad with that?

    note: Rayleigh, during his prime, was the 3rd strongest pirate in the world (blackbeard, whitebeard, Rayleigh?) Kizaru comes around number 4 in the marine list (sengoku, Garp, aoikoji, Kizaru. redmonkey viceadmiral). what's the big surprise about him being able to strike at Kizaru, especially when Kizaru isn't aware of him being there?

    edit: oh, let's all party like it's 1999!
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Sat, 08-23-2008 at 08:03 PM.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #19
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docdan63
    I'm just saying that it's a little hard to believe he's strong enough to take down one of the marines most powerful men with a kick. Hell it could even be an emotional thing he has for the "sprouts" of the new generation of pirates.

    Just because Rayleigh can make physical contact with Kizaru doesn't mean he can beat him. I agree that Rayleigh is past his prime and probably wouldn't be able to defeat Kizaru. But he is at least capable of a proper fight, which is alot more than what I can say for the other characters so far.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    we all agree that for the sake of the story to continue, there must be a way to fight logia users without using the corespondent element, right?

    Rayleigh seems to know it, so gol.d.roger probably knew it, and so did Shanks and whitebeard.
    so it's safe to say that every pirate worth his level in NW knows at least bits of it.

    meanning, we just leveled up every logia user in the story.

    if beating them was as simple as finding their weak-point ("bullets, my only weakness!"), then they wouldn't have stayed admirals (who mostly hung around NW), so above the logia element abilities of defense, they know a whole bunch of tricks as well.

    what's so bad with that?
    Nothings bad about it. However, what makes you think that Roger, Whitebeard and Shanks knew it? Because they had to go to the NW and pass by Kizaru, Akainu or Aokiji? If that is your argument then I don't think you have much a base for you backing. They had huge crews much much much bigger than Luffy's crew. Even when they were young building their crews up. Granted, if you say that they knew how to beat a logia user, and there were people in their crews strong enough to learn as well, then ok I'll accept that.

    What do you mean you just leveled up every logia user in the series? I don't understand quite what you meant by that.

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